Marine Export Policy 1

Overview of Marine Export Policy 1

Basic Flow Marine Export Policy 1

Policy Details Screen 5

Overseas Medical Policy 9

Overview of Overseas Medical Policy 9

Basic Flow Overseas Medical Policy 9

Policy Search Screen 10

Policy Detail Screen 12

Certificate Search Screen 15

Certificate Search Screen 17

Marine Export Policy

Overview of Marine Export Policy

This policy is used for the goods, which are exported overseas. The cause of action for claims under the Export Policies will take place at foreign customers end; hence all actions in respect of claims will have to be taken by the foreign customer himself

Basic Flow Marine Export Policy

A user logging in the system through “EXPORT” role initiates the Policy request. Then the policy request goes to the “INSURANCE” department. Then “INSURANCE” department verifies the details and submits the policy to the Insurance Company. After the approval of the policy by the insurance company they provide the Policy No and the Policy is finalized.

Menu Structure for Marine Export Policy:

Policy Search Screen

Functionality of the screen:

The user enters or selects the search criteria and clicks on the “Search Button” to get the corresponding records. After clicking on the Search Button the records based on those criteria are displayed.

Clink on the Reference Number Link to see the details of the particular record

Policy Details Screen

Definition of the different Fields:

Policy Details:

·  Reference No: Unique Reference Number for the record, auto-generated by the system.

·  Order No.: Order number entered by export Department.

·  Insurance Company: Name of the Insurance Company.

·  Request Date: Date when the Policy was initiated.

·  Invoice No.: Invoice Number of the export.

·  Open Cover No.: Open Cover number of the export.

·  Cover Date: Date of cover.

·  Insured Name: Selects the name of the insured.

·  Currency: Selects which currency is to be used.

·  FPO Value (In INR): Purchase Order Value.

·  Basis of Insurance: Selects basis of insurance.

·  War & SRCC Covered: Selects whether war & SRCC is covered through this policy or not.

·  Exchange Rate: The exchange rate that has been used.

·  Value in INR: Total value in INR.

·  Address: Address of the initiator.

·  Policy No: Policy Number.

·  Policy Start Date: Date on which the policy starts.

·  Department Code: Department Code of the initiator.

·  For project: Selects whether this policy is for project or not.

·  Project Name: If the policy is for any project then the name of the project.

·  Co-Insurance: The sharing Ratio for this Policy among the Insurance Companies

Initiator Details:

·  PS No.: Pay Sheet Number of the initiator.

·  Name: Name of the initiator.

·  Department: Department of the initiator.

·  Location: Location of the department of the initiator.

Shipment Details:

·  Shipment Mode: Selects the shipment mode.

·  Date of shipment: Date when the shipment is expected to leave.

·  Container No.: The Container Number.

·  No of Packages: Total Number of packages.

·  Package Type: Selects the Type of the packages.

·  Dimension: The dimension of the Packages

·  Weight: Total weight of the packages.

·  Name of Consignee: The name of the Consignee.

·  Material category: Selects the category of the material.

·  Dispatch from: Location from where the shipment is dispatched.

·  Dispatched to: Location where the shipment is dispatched.

·  AWB/Bill of Landing: AWB/Bill of Landing.

·  AWB/Bill Date: AWB/Bill Date.

·  Flight No/Vessel No: Flight Number or Vessel Number.

·  Marks: Marks on the packages.

·  Quantity: Quantity of packages.

·  Value: Value of the package.

·  Material Description: The material description of the package.

Sum Insured:

·  Cargo value: Total amount of cargo value.

·  Custom duty: Total amount of custom duty.

·  Total: Total amount insured.

·  Overage: Selects whether Overage is needed or not.

·  Basic Rate: Basic Rate to be applied.

·  War & SRCC Rate: War & SRCC Rate to be applied.

·  Overage Premium Amount: Overage premium amount.

·  Premium: The amount of total premium.

Account Details:

This section will be visible only to Account and Corporate Insurance department during “ADD” and “EDIT”, however it will be visible to “SELF” Role in view mode.

·  CD or BG Account: Selects whether Cash Deposit (CD) or Bank Guarantee (BG) Account is to be used.

·  Account No: Account number corresponding to the type of account chosen.

·  Authentication By: Name of the person who authenticated the Policy request from Accounts Department.

·  Authentication Date: Date when the request was authenticated by Accounts Department.

·  Remarks: “ACCOUNT” department’s remarks

Corporate Insurance Department:

This section will be visible only to Corporate Insurance department during “ADD” and “EDIT”, however it will be visible to “SELF” and ‘ACCOUNT” role in view mode.

·  Authentication By: Name of the person who authenticated the Policy request from Insurance Department.

·  Authentication Date: Date when the Policy was authenticated by Insurance Department

·  Remarks: Insurance Department remarks.

Estimated Premium:

·  Premium rate: The premium rate for the policy.

·  Premium Amount: Estimated Premium Amount.

·  Spl. Discount: Special discount (if any).

·  Net Premium: Estimated Value of the Net Premium.

·  Stamp fee: Stamp Fee (If any).

·  Service Tax: Service Tax (If Any).

·  Total Premium: Total Estimated Premium.

Actual Premium:

·  Total Premium: Estimated Value of Total Premium.

·  Premium Amount: Actual Premium Amount.

·  Spl. Discount: Actual Special discount (if any).

·  Net Premium: Actual Value of the Net Premium.

·  Stamp fee: Stamp Fee (If any).

·  Service Tax: Service Tax (If Any).

·  Total Premium: Actual Value of Total Premium.

·  Authentication By: Name of the person who authenticated the Policy request from Insurance Department.

·  Authentication Date: Date when the Policy was authenticated by Insurance Department

·  Remarks: Insurance Department remarks.

Overseas Medical Policy

Overview of Overseas Medical Policy

This policy is used for giving medical insurance to the Employees who goes out of the country. The person going out will have to get a certificate and thus the company will take all his medical responsibilities.

Basic Flow Overseas Medical Policy

The “INSURANCE” department at first initiates a policy and approves it from the insurance company. After the policy is finalized the employee who is going out will log on to the system through “SELF” role and apply for a certificate. Then the request goes to the “TRAVEL” department. After the “TRAVEL” department approves the request the request goes to the “INSURANCE “ department and they send the request to the insurance company then after approval from them they provide a certificate Number and the certificate is finalized.

Menu Structure for Overseas Medical Policy:

Policy Search Screen

Functionality of the screen:

The user enters or selects the search criteria and clicks on the “Search Button” to get the corresponding records. After clicking on the Search Button the records based on those criteria are displayed.

Clink on the Reference Number Link to see the details of the particular record

Policy Detail Screen

Definition of the different Fields:

Policy Details:

·  Reference No: Unique Reference Number for the record, auto-generated by the system.

·  Insurance Company: Name of the Insurance Company.

·  Request Date: Date when the Policy was initiated.

·  Customer Code: The Customer code of the initiator.

·  Policy No: Policy Number.

·  Policy Start Date: Date on which the policy starts.

·  Policy End Date: Date on which the policy ends.

Initiator Details:

·  PS No.: Pay Sheet Number of the initiator.

·  Name: Name of the initiator.

·  Department: Department of the initiator.

·  Proposer Organization: The name of the organization for which this policy is taken.

·  Business / Profession: The business or profession of the insured organization.

·  Address: Address of the insured organization.

·  Telephone No: Telephone Number of the insured organization.

·  Fax: Fax Number of the insured organization

Deposit Details:

·  Deposits receipt No: The deposit receipt Number of the Policy.

·  Deposits receipt Date: Date on which the deposit was receipt.

·  Deposit amount: The amount of the deposit.

·  Coverage: The type of Coverage taken.

·  Geographical area: The geographical area for which the policy is taken.

·  Premium Per Day: The value of premium to be paid per day.

Account Details:

This section will be visible only to Account and Corporate Insurance department during “ADD” and “EDIT”, however it will be visible to “SELF” Role in view mode.

·  CD or BG Account: Selects whether Cash Deposit (CD) or Bank Guarantee (BG) Account is to be used.

·  Account No: Account number corresponding to the type of account chosen.

·  Authentication By: Name of the person who authenticated the Policy request from Accounts Department.

·  Authentication Date: Date when the request was authenticated by Accounts Department.

·  Remarks: “ACCOUNT” department’s remarks

Corporate Insurance Department:

This section will be visible only to Corporate Insurance department during “ADD” and “EDIT”, however it will be visible to “SELF” and ‘ACCOUNT” role in view mode.

·  Authentication By: Name of the person who authenticated the Policy request from Insurance Department.

·  Authentication Date: Date when the Policy was authenticated by Insurance Department

·  Remarks: Insurance Department remarks.

Estimated Premium:

·  Premium rate: The premium rate for the policy.

·  Premium Amount: Estimated Premium Amount.

·  Spl. Discount: Special discount (if any).

·  Net Premium: Estimated Value of the Net Premium.

·  Stamp fee: Stamp Fee (If any).

·  Service Tax: Service Tax (If Any).

·  Total Premium: Total Estimated Premium.

Actual Premium:

·  Total Premium: Estimated Value of Total Premium.

·  Premium Amount: Actual Premium Amount.

·  Spl. Discount: Actual Special discount (if any).

·  Net Premium: Actual Value of the Net Premium.

·  Stamp fee: Stamp Fee (If any).

·  Service Tax: Service Tax (If Any).

·  Total Premium: Actual Value of Total Premium.

·  Authentication By: Name of the person who authenticated the Policy request from Insurance Department.

·  Authentication Date: Date when the Policy was authenticated by Insurance Department

·  Remarks: Insurance Department remarks.

Menu Structure for Overseas Medical Policy Certificate workflow:

Certificate Search Screen

Functionality of the screen:

The user enters or selects the search criteria and clicks on the “Search Button” to get the corresponding records. After clicking on the Search Button the records based on those criteria are displayed.

Clink on the Reference Number Link to see the details of the particular record

Certificate Search Screen

Definition of the different Fields:

Policy Details:

·  Reference No: Unique Reference Number for the record, auto-generated by the system.

·  Employee PS No: Policy initiators PS Number.

·  Name: Initiator’s Name.

·  User dept: Department of the initiator.

·  Request Date: Date when the Policy was initiated.

·  Customer Code: The Customer code of the initiator.

·  Policy No: Policy Number.

·  Policy Start Date: Date on which the policy starts.

·  Policy End Date: Date on which the policy ends.

Travelers Details:

·  Certificate No: Previous Certificate Number (if any)

·  Ps No. Pay sheet Number of the initiator.

·  Insured Name: The name of the person who is insured.

·  Address1: Address of the initiator.

·  Addrress2: Any other address of the initiator (if any).

·  State: State of the insured person.

·  Country: Country of the insured person.

·  Pincode: Pincode of the insured person.

·  Phone (Res): Residential Phone number of the insured person.

·  Phone (Off): Official phone number of the insured person.

·  Mobile: Mobile phone number of the insured person.

·  Department: Department of the insured person.

·  Department code: Department code of the insure person.

·  Sex: Selects the sex of the insured person.

·  Date of Birth: Date of Birth of the insure person.

·  Nationality: Nationality of the insured person.

·  Age: age of the insured person.(System calculated).

·  Passport No: Passport Number of the insured person.

·  Issuing Office: The name of the Issuing Office.

·  Address1: Address of the issuing office.

·  Address2: Any other address of the issuing office.

·  Sate: State of the issuing office.

·  Country: Country of the issuing office.

·  Pincode: Pincode of the issuing office.

·  Start Date of the journey: The date when the journey starts.

·  Duration: Duration of the journey in days, months or years.

·  End Day of journey: The date when the journey ends ( System Calculated).

·  Purpose of visit: The purpose of the visit.

·  Destination: Destination of the journey.

·  Email ID: Email Address of the insured person.

·  Pre-Existing Diseases: Selects whether the person who is traveling has any pre-existing diseases.

·  Name of Assignee: Name of the person who has assigned the journey.

·  Assignee’s relationship: Relationship of the insured person with the assignee.

·  Total overseas visit: The total Number, the person has gone overseas.

Travel Department:

This section will be visible only to Travel department during “ADD” and “EDIT”, however it will be visible to “SELF” and role in view mode.

·  Authentication By: Name of the person who authenticated the Policy request from “TRAVEL” Department.

·  Authentication Date: Date when “TRAVEL” Department authenticated the request.

·  Remarks: “TRAVEL” department’s remarks

Corporate Insurance Department:

This section will be visible only to Corporate Insurance department during “ADD” and “EDIT”, however it will be visible to “SELF” and ‘ACCOUNT” role in view mode.

·  Authentication By: Name of the person who authenticated the Policy request from Insurance Department.

·  Authentication Date: Date when the Policy was authenticated by Insurance Department

·  Remarks: Insurance Department remarks.