School Governance Team

Minutes/End-of-Year Report Template

School:West Side / Year:2016-2017
Member Name / Affiliation
Dan McGuire / Principal
Wendy Oliveri / Teacher (elected)
Denise Herman / Teacher (elected)
Jodie Price / Certified Staff (appointed)
Anna Gray Hart / Parent/Guardian (elected)
Emily Holle / Parent/Guardian (elected)
Dan Bird / Community Member (appointed)


Date:August 9, 2016 / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present: Dan McGuire Wendy Oliveri Denise Herman Jodie Price Anna Gray Hart Emily Holle Dan Bird

Agenda Items: •Vote Community Member, Dan Bird


•Assign Roles (Co-Chair, Secretary)

•SGT Dates

•Compliance Training

•Field Trips

•Enhanced Roles

•Review End of Year 2015-16

•Establish 2016-17 SGT Goals


Comments: •All members present. (Daniel McGuire, Wendy Oliveri, Jodie Price, Denise Herman, Anna Gray Hart, Emily Holle, Dan Bird)

•Voted Dan Bird in as the community member representative.

•Assigned roles:

oCo-Chair Wendy Oliveri

oSecretary- Denise Herman

•Reviewed SGT dates (Aug.9, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec.6 (optional), Jan. 10, Feb. 7, March 7, April 11, May 2, June 2

•Compliance Training for Dan Bird, Emily Holle, and Denise Herman before the next meeting.

•Reviewed field trips that grade levels have planned for the year. Team approved the principal to have the authority to approve field trips as they come up throughout the year. • Enhanced Roles

o$4,000 for each role ($40 an hour/100 hours), 2 year commitment

oSchool Climate Coordinator-PBIS, Social Committee, and Diversity Committee

oSchool Improvement Specialist-Quarterly Data Review, Coming up with resources for teachers, Data Teams

oSTEM Coordinator-Year long process, STEM related activities, start documenting for STEM certification

oDraft documents attached

oOnce approved by SGT and MCS, teachers will submit applications and administration will conduct interviews

oPosition will be a 2 year long commitment

oSGT will vote on Enhanced Roles during our next meeting.

•Reviewed the goals of last year’s SGT.

oDiscussed possible goals for SGT this school year.

oPossible Goals: Goal 1 Streamlining communication and Goal 2- Branding

•Playground- No district assistance/ Could PTA assist with the playground erosion?

•Parent concerns on how students can sign up for things throughout the year. (Safety Patrol, Reading Bowl, Singing Stingers)

•Dr. McGuire will get the letter for safety patrol from Mrs. Hornsby for SGT to review

•September Agenda:

oFinalize goals

oVote on enhanced roles

Fieldtrips 16/17

Grade LevelWhereWhen

KindPumpkin Patchoctober


2ndChattahoochee Nature CenterFriday, October 21, 2016


3rdTellus MuseumMarch

3rdFernbankThursday, October 20, 2016

3rdCinderella and FellaThursday, March 16, 2017

3rd & 5thChristmas CarolThursday, December 08, 2016

4th Sparkles Physics ProgramMonday, November 07, 2016

4thCobb Safety VillageWednesday, February 08, 2017

4thCobb Youth MuseumTuesday, May 03, 2016

5th Blue Ridge Overnight FieldtripMarch 28th thru 30th, 2017

Recommendation to BOE:

Date: September 13, 2016 / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present: Dan McGuire Wendy Oliveri Denise Herman Jodie Price Anna Gray Hart Emily Holle Dan Bird

Agenda Items: oFinalize Goals

oVote on Enhanced Roles

oVote on Charter Innovation Funds

Actions: •SGT Goals 2016-2017

oGoal 1 Communication: Streamline internal communication to all stakeholder; Discussion- Mass Email- once a week. Format Blocks with headings- PTA, SGT, STEM, PBIS, Calendar of events – Emily Holle will work with Dan McGuire on template. We will have a possible link from West Side Home page and Principal’s page for each newsletter (PDF). Post on Facebook page

oGoal 2 Branding: SGT voted to table this goal until Dan McGuire has spoken to S. Vega

•Innovation funds-$20,380

oTeam voted to purchase 58 Chrome books, mobile cart and accessories. This will hopefully be matched by the district pending board approval.

•Enhanced Roles- team voted to approve roles and Dan McGuire will email the team with the staff members.(Carey Callahan School Improvement; Toni Greene STEM, and Michelle Fahey School Climate.

Comments: •All members present- Dan McGuire, Wendy Oliveri, Jodie Price, Denise Herman, Anna Gray Hart, Emily Holle, Dan Bird

•Good News- Compost Bin built by Ben Bird and first grade planters are both up and running.

•Reviewed and approved meeting minutes form 8/9/16 meeting.

•Enhanced Roles- team voted to approve roles and Dan McGuire will email the team with the staff members.

•Innovation funds-$20,380

oTeam voted to purchase 58 Chrome books, mobile cart and accessories. This will hopefully be matched by the district pending board approval.

•SGT Goals 2016-2017

oGoal 1 Communication: Streamline internal communication to all stakeholder; Discussion- Mass Email- once a week. Format Blocks with headings- PTA, SGT, STEM, PBIS, Calendar of events – Emily Holle will work with Dan McGuire on template. We will have a possible link from West Side Home page and Principal’s page for each newsletter (PDF). Post on Facebook page

oGoal 2 Branding: SGT voted to table this goal until Dan McGuire has spoken to S. Vega

•Reviewed Balanced Score Card-

oWe reviewed EIP schedule, Math data teams, and the new 3-5 Math Facts in a Flash incentive program for students in grades 3-5.

oMAP data- norms have changed from 2015-2016 year.

oF&P levels- WS is looking at tutoring in K-2 for students below grade level. This would be during the 8:00-8:30 morning time.

oStudent attendance concerns discussed

•Parent Concerns- Front Office doors are not locked- Could we have a buzzer system. Dan McGuire shared that a work order has been made for a buzzer for the door from the office to the front lobby.

•Playground- Southwest corner was discussed. Need for proposals to address the grading of this corner. Possible short fix- put down mulch

•October Agenda:

oFinalizing communication template

oReview demographic data analysis

oUpdate branding goal

Recommendation to BOE: Team voted to purchase 58 Chrome books, mobile cart and accessories. This will hopefully be matched by the district pending board approval.

Date: October / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present:

Agenda Items:


Comments: none

Recommendation to BOE:

Date:November 30 / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present:

Agenda Items:



Recommendation to BOE:

Date: December / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present:

Agenda Items:



Recommendation to BOE:

Date: January / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present:

Agenda Items:



Recommendation to BOE:

Date: February / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present:

Agenda Items:



Recommendation to BOE:

Date: March / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present:

Agenda Items:



Recommendation to BOE:

Date: April / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present:

Agenda Items:



Recommendation to BOE:

Date: May / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present:

Agenda Items:



Recommendation to BOE:

Date: June / Quorum: Yes No
Members Present:

Agenda Items:




Recommendation to BOE:

End-of-Year Narrative Summary