Details of Setting

Help with electronic submissions is available via Alfresco:

contact your mentor for further details

Submission date:
Contact Name:
Setting Name:
Setting Address:
Contact tel / email
Type of Setting / School / Early Years / Childminder
Local Authority / Ofsted Outcome: / Inspection Date
URL/Link to your
Ofsted page
Number of places: / Age Range of children: / Number on Roll:
Details of Practitioners
Number of practitioners (full-time equivalent)
Qualifications of practitioners:
Brief description of setting:
Describe how you completed your self-evaluation, ie: who took overall responsibility and their position in the group? Who else was involved?

This is a guide for all of the priority targets not a template. Please add or merge boxes as required or add additional areas of progress

Priority Target 1 -
Progress report on priorities identified in First Interim
Priority: / Linked to Dimension:
Describe the progress you have made towards this priority target:
Benefits for children:
(Insert evidence, eg: photo) / (Insert evidence, eg: photo)
(annotation) / (annotation)
Continue to describe the progress you have made towards this priority target:
(Insert evidence, eg: photo) / (Insert evidence, eg: photo)
(annotation) / (annotation)
Priority Target 2 -
Progress report on priorities identified in First Interim
Priority: / Linked to Dimension:
Describe the progress you have made towards this priority target:
Benefits for children:
(Insert evidence, eg: photo) / (Insert evidence, eg: photo)
(annotation) / (annotation)
Continue to describe the progress you have made towards this priority target:
(Insert evidence, eg: photo) / (Insert evidence, eg: photo)
(annotation) / (annotation)
Priority Target 3 -
Progress report on priorities identified in First Interim
Priority: / Linked to Dimension:
Describe the progress you have made towards this priority target:
Benefits for children:
(Insert evidence, eg: photo) / (Insert evidence, eg: photo)
(annotation) / (annotation)
Continue to describe the progress you have made towards this priority target:
(Insert evidence, eg: photo) / (Insert evidence, eg: photo)
(annotation) / (annotation)
Priority Target 4 -
Progress report on priorities identified in First Interim
Priority: / Linked to Dimension:
Describe the progress you have made towards this priority target:
Benefits for children:
(Insert evidence, eg: photo) / (Insert evidence, eg: photo)
(annotation) / (annotation)
Continue to describe the progress you have made towards this priority target:
(Insert evidence, eg: photo) / (Insert evidence, eg: photo)
(annotation) / (annotation)

Dimensions Update

Identifying progress / successful developments

1. Values & Aims
2.Relationships and Interactions
3.The Reflective Practitioner (new Birth to Five 6th edition title – previously - Supporting Play, Learning and Development) /Approaches to Play and Development
4.The Physical Environment
5.Play and Learning Experiences

Dimensions Update (cont...)

6.Observation, Assessment and Planning/Record Keeping
7.Staffing, Leadership and Management
8.Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
9.Partnerships with Parents and the Local/Wider Community
10.Accountability, Monitoring and Impact (new Birth to Five 6th edition title – previously -Monitoring and Evaluation) /Monitoring and Evaluation

I/We understand that visits may be arranged to confirm the information supplied in this submission. I/We agree that this document can be used in validating this setting.

Signed: ______Date: ______


In order to help us with future editions and training development, we welcome any thoughts and suggestions you have on how we could improve The Bristol Standard –

Using the Bristol Standard folder:
Completing the paperwork:
How helpful was the training and support?
How has completing the Bristol Standard helped you to develop your practice?
What has been the biggest benefit for the children?

Type of setting: ______


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Interim 2 Joint Bto5 and Play E-submission V0218