Marek Fuller Community Garden Application 2017

**Applications due by April 28, 2017**



Phone Number(s):______

Email Address:______

I would like to keep the plot I had last season. ______yes______no Plot #_____

If additional plots become available, I would like one.______yes______no

Garden Guidelines 2017

1.  Organic practices are followed. Absolutely no chemicals allowed.

2.  Your plot must be fully planted and maintained.

3.  You are responsible for watering your plot. Do not water other plots unless asked to do so.

4.  Dog and other animals are not allowed inside the garden fence; nor is smoking.

5.  Be mindful and considerate of other plots and participants. Place structures such as trellises, etc. so that they do not shade a neighboring plot.

6.  Harvest only from your plot. Timely harvests are strongly suggested to avoid waste.

7.  Participants are asked to donate a portion of their harvest to the on-site Food Shelf.

8.  Take care of tools and equipment provided for you. Replace items where you found them in good, clean condition. Keep gates closed at all times.

9.  Participants are required to clean and prep plots at the end of the growing season in anticipation of the next growing season.

10.  If you need help, have questions or concerns, contact the Garden Coordinator, Colette

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the above Instructions and Guidelines.


THAFS Mission: Reduce hunger and improve the health of people in need by providing food and other resources at no cost.