Numeracy Stage 4, Teaching and Learning
Mapping Numeracy skills across each KLA
Year 7 – Early stage 4
Use the Numeracy skills framework to map the particular skills taught for each key learning area. Indicate the topic in which the skill is applied and the time teachers planned for students to engage in the skill. The mapping grid will provide teachers with an overview of a student’s numeracy journey through the syllabuses, when the skills will be taught and the application. This holistic map provides a collective picture of teachers’ plans to address numeracy within each subject area for a certain year group.
Each faculty indicates the numeracy skills, the topic and the time they are taught to students in each KLA teaching program.
Focus area 1: Mental computation and numerical reasoning
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Understanding mathematical information in texts and tasks
· Interprets and comprehends a range of everyday mathematical information in texts, tables and diagrams in familiar and unfamiliar contexts
· Understands index notation e.g. 24and uses square root and cube root symbols / e.g. Topic
W1 – T1
W3 – T1
Applying whole number concepts
· Understands positive and negative numbers of any size
· Compares and orders positive and negative integers
· Sequences both positive and negative events, measurements and temperatures
Estimating and problem solving
· Solves complex problems, estimates the solution, checks the solution for accuracy and provides reasons for the solution
Applying addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
· Interprets and comprehends complex problems involving addition and subtraction in unfamiliar contexts involving numbers of any size
· Understands whole numbers as the products of primes
· Calculates square roots and cube roots
· Uses integers to solve problems and checks reasonableness of solutions
Understanding fractions, decimals, percentages, rates, ratios
· Solves problems involving a range of fractions, mixed numbers and unrelated denominators
· Finds percentages of a quantity
· Operates with simple ratios
· Rounds decimals
Understanding money and finance
· Performs calculations involving GST and discounts and calculates the unit cost of products
Focus area 2: Pattern and algebraic reasoning
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Patterning generalisations algebraic reasoning
· Uses letters to represent variables and writes algebraic expressions representing real life situations
· Creates and evaluates algebraic expressions by substituting a variable and applies arithmetic laws to algebraic expressions
· Describes, extends, creates and predicts number patterns
Focus area 3: Spatial visualisation, geometric reasoning, mapping
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Applying concepts of 3D objects
· Draws and identifies cross sections
· Determines if a solid has a uniform or non-uniform cross section
Applying concepts of 2D shapes
· Translates, rotates and reflects points and shapes on a number plane
Applying concepts of angles and geometry
· Solves problems involving triangles and properties of quadrilaterals
· Solves problems involving the angle sum of a triangle or quadrilateral
· Identifies line and rotational symmetry
Understand position, maps and grid references
· Graphs, interprets and analyses graphs of linear relationships including interpolation and extrapolation
· Uses contour maps
· Uses synoptic charts
Focus area 4: Measurements and time calculations
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Understanding and applying length concepts
· Calculates perimeters and area of circles
· Finds arc lengths and perimeters of quadrants, semi-circles and sectors
· Solves problems involving perimeter and circumference
Understanding and applying area concepts
· Converts between metric units of area
· Establishes and uses formulas to find the areas of triangles, special quadrilaterals and circles
· Solves problems involving area and area grid reference
Understanding mass, volume and capacity
· Converts between metric units of volume and capacity
Understanding time and time zones
· Solves problems involving international time zones
Focus area 5: Graphical representation and data analysis
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Interpreting and analysing data
· Identifies variables as categorical or numerical
· Identifies and distinguishes between a ‘population’ and a ‘sample’
· Investigates techniques for collecting data and considers their implications and limitations
· Calculates mean, median, mode and range for sets of data
· Investigates the effect of outliers on the mean and median
· Describes and interprets a variety of data displays using mean, median and range
· Collects, selects and records data and information using ethical protocols from primary and secondary sources
Representing data in graphs and timelines
· Represents data in appropriate forms, e.g. Climate graphs, population pyramids, field sketches and annotated diagrams
· Uses a range of representations to organise data including graphs, keys, models, diagrams and spreadsheets
· Extracts information from flowcharts, histograms, column graphs, sector graphs and line graphs
· Constructs timelines for self and identity, record and graph data, find trends, calculate statistics
Interpreting chance events and probability
· Constructs sample spaces for single-step experiments with equally likely outcomes
· Finds probabilities of events in single-step experiments
· Identifies complementary events and uses the sum of probabilities to solve problems
Year 8 – Late stage 4
Use the Numeracy skills framework to map the particular skills taught for each key learning area. Indicate the topic in which the skill is applied and the time teachers planned for students to engage in the skill. The mapping grid will provide teachers with an overview of a student’s numeracy journey through the syllabuses, when the skills will be taught and the application. This holistic map provides a collective picture of teachers’ plans to address numeracy within each subject area for a certain year group.
Each faculty indicates the numeracy skills, the topic and the time they are taught to students in each KLA teaching program.
Focus area 1: Mental computational and numerical reasoning
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Understanding mathematical information in texts and tasks
· Extracts, interprets and comprehends a range of mathematical information in texts, tables, diagrams and graphs in familiar and unfamiliar contexts
· Uses π in calculations / e.g.
W1 – T1
W3 – T1
Applying whole number concepts
· Interprets and comprehends a range of mathematical information involving positive and negative numbers of any size in familiar contexts
Estimating and problem solving
· Solves complex problems, estimates the solutions, checks the solutions for accuracy, provides reasons for the solutions and communicates the mathematical thinking
Applying addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
· Uses concepts of addition and subtraction in relation to variables
· Uses zero and positive indices understands irrational numbers
· Combines strategies to solve problems involving rational numbers and integers
· Calculates with very small and large numbers, including those in scientific notation
· Solves complex problems by estimating and calculating using efficient strategies
Understanding fractions, decimals, percentages, rates, ratios
· Solves problems involving percentage increase and decrease
· Understands terminating and recurring decimals
· Understands, calculates and interprets ratios and rates problems
Understanding money and finance
· Identifies and justifies best buys
· Solves problems involving profit and loss
Focus area 2: Patterns and algebraic reasoning
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Patterning generalisations algebraic reasoning
· Solves problems involving algebraic expressions and verifies a solution
· Solves linear equations using algebraic or graphical techniques
Focus area 3: Spatial visualization, geometric reasoning, mapping
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Applying concepts of 3D objects
· Visualises and draws different views of 3D objects
Applying concepts of 2D shapes
· Establishes and applies Pythagoras’ theorem to find sides in right-angled triangles
· Solves problems involving Pythagoras’ theorem
Applying concepts of angles and geometry
· Identifies congruent figures
· Identifies congruent triangles using the four tests
· Understands and applies angle relationships and parallel line theorems to solve problems
Understand position, maps and grid references
· Plots coordinates of linear equations and sketches the graphs
Focus area 4: Measurements and time calculations
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Understanding and applying length concepts
· Interprets and comprehends complex problems involving composite perimeters
Understanding and applying area concepts
· Interprets and comprehends complex problems involving composite areas
Understanding mass, volume and capacity
· Establishes and uses formulas to find volumes of right prisms and cylinders
· Solves problems involving volume and capacity
Focus area 5: Graphical representation and data analysis
Skills / Math / Science / HSIE / TAS / LOTE / PDHPE / English / CAPA /Interpreting and analysing data
· Collects and interprets data from primary and secondary sources, including surveys
· Calculates and compares summary statistics of different samples drawn from the same population
· Proposes the type of information and data that needs to be collected in a range of investigation types, including first hand and secondary sources
· Analyses patterns and trends in data
· Analyses data using qualitative and quantitative methods, to identify and propose explanations for spatial distributions, patterns and trends and infer relationships
· Analyses and evaluates data presented in digital media and elsewhere
Representing data in graphs and timelines
· Constructs and interprets frequency tables, histograms and polygons
· Constructs and interprets dot plots, stem and leaf plots, divided bar graphs, sector graphs and line graphs, spatial distributions and scatter plots
· Identifies and plans and prioritises stages of tasks, making use of organisational strategies, e.g. Drawing up a schedule, monitoring progress and meeting deadlines
Interpreting chance events and probability
· Describes events using language of ‘at least’, exclusive ‘or’ (A or B but not both), inclusive ‘or’ (A or B or both) and ‘and’
· Represents events in two-way tables and venn diagrams and solves related problems
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