Press releasePM 2110-engl
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“manus” plastic plain bearing competition goes global
The plastic development and bearing specialist igus GmbH, Cologne, has launched the fifth“manus” competition for plastic plain bearing. The success of the competition has led to it being opened to participants from all over the world for the first time this year. The “manus” competition is a joint initiative with academic partners such as the Institute for Composite Materials (Kaiserslautern) and the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. More than 80 entries were received for the last competition two years ago, some of them quite spectacular.
Once again, innovative and unusual applications using lubricant and maintenance-free polymer bearings that stand out through technical and economical efficiency, creativity and/or surprising results are being sought. It is easy to take part: For assessment, the jury requires a brief description of the application or problem that had to be solved, including photos or sketches with a description of the solution and specification of the type of bearing involved. Entries that use solid plastic plain bearings and plastic compounds may be submitted for application but not applications that only use coated bearings.
Closing date for entries is 28th February
The winner will receive 5,000 euros prize money (2nd and 3rd place 2,500 and 1,000 euros respectively). Entry documents available online at Further information: manus Coordination Office, André Kluth, Tel. +49-2203/9649-611,E-mail . Closing date is 28th February 2011. The awards ceremony will be held at the Hanover Fair 2011 (4th-8th April 2011).
Lubricant-free world
Lubricant and maintenance-free “iglidur” plastic plain bearings have already replaced millions of metallic bushings that needed oiling or greasing, according to Gerhard Baus, senior plastic bearings manager at igus. “Our bearings have a long and predictable service life. And with more than 10,000 items ex stock, design engineers can use this technology immediately.” In addition, dry-running polymer bearings save money and increase machine safety. A survey conducted by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Cambridge, USA, revealed that the costs for downtime caused by lack of lubrication add up to 240 billion dollars a year in the USA alone.
According to “manus” organiser igus, the company offers the world’s largest range of eco-friendly and calculable plastic plain bearings thanks to practice-oriented research work, a uniquely comprehensive database and special manufacturing methods. Since 2001 design engineers have been able to select the most appropriate bearing online at using the information provided on the empirically verified calculable service lives. This service is unrivalled by other manufacturers.
Photo PM2110-01:igus GmbH, Cologne
igus launches the fifth “manus” competition for plastic plain bearing applications. The success of the competition has led to it being open to participants from all over the world for the first time this year. Closing date for entries is 28th February 2011, with prizes of up to 5,000 euros to be won.
Picture PM2110-02:igus GmbH, Cologne
igus senior executive Gerhard Baus: “Lubricant-free “iglidur” plastic plain bearings have already replaced millions of bushings that needed oiling or lubricating. They have a long and calculable service life. With more than 10,000 items available ex stock, design engineers can use this technology immediately.”
CONTACT:igus® GmbH
Spicher Str. 1a
D-51147 Köln
Phone+49-22 03 / 96 49-0
Fax+49-22 03 / 96 49-222
/ The terms “igus, Chainflex, ReadyCable, Easy Chain, E-Chain, E-Chain System, Energy Chain, Energy Chain System, Flizz, ReadyChain, Triflex, TwisterChain, invis, DryLin, iglidur, igubal, xiros, plastics for longer life and manus“ are legally protected trademarks in the Federal Republic of Germany and, where applicable, in some foreign countries.
André Kluth
Head of Corporate Communications
igus GmbH
Spicher Str. 1a
D-51147 Köln
Tel. +49 (0) 22 03 / 96 49 - 611
Fax+49 (0) 22 03 / 96 49 - 631
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