Computer Technology
Instructor: Ms. Duke
Room 26 E
THE COURSE This course is designed to be an introduction to computer application software that covers document processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. The course will discuss the ethics and use of operating systems, information resources, and electronic mail. Students will also complete an integrated project for a different content area using the skills that they have gained in the Computer Technology course.
THE SUPPLIES Paper and a pencil are required every day. Flash Drives are also helpful if students would like to take computer work home to work on (but not necessary).
MY EXPECTATIONS 1. Be in the classroom when the bell rings.
2. Respect others’ right to learn. Be courteous, respectful and thoughtful.
3. No food, candy, or drink in the classroom.
4. Follow directions and keep a positive attitude.
5. Respect all equipment in the classroom.
THE HOMEWORK Students will be assigned homework when needed, but most work will be completed during class.
Grading will be based on assignments, tests, participation, speed and technique.
A = 93-100 B- = 80-82 D+ = 67-69
A- = 90-92 C+ = 77-79 D = 63-66
B+ = 87-89 C = 73-76 D- = 60-62
B = 83-86 C- = 70-72 F = Below 60
Grades are based on positive classroom behavior, being prepared for class, following school rules, tardiness, participation, and respect for others. Guidelines are in the school handbook.
EXTRA CREDIT Extra credit is generally NOT given in this class.
LATE WORK POLICY All work is expected to be turned in on the due date with a one day grace period. Thereafter there will be 5 school days in which work may be turned in with a penalty. Work will not be accepted after that time. There will be a final cut off date for each term.
STUDENT GRADING To reinforce concepts and give immediate feedback, some tests, quizzes, or assignments will be
corrected in class by switching papers with another student.
COMPUTER POLICY Refer to the computer acceptable use policy (
ANY DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, OR BOOKS WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT! If students damage computer equipment, they will have to report the damage & pay for the damage done.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS AND STUDENTS (cut off bottom and return, keep top section for your records) I am looking forward to an exciting semester with your student. I welcome your interest and comments. If there are any questions, please call me before or after school at 801-452- 4600 or email me at .
After reading and discussing this disclosure, please sign and return the bottom portion. Thank you! Ms. Duke,
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
Student Signature ______Date ______Period_____
Parent phone number or email______