Information & Registration Form
The 2017 PSAT/NMSQT will be offered on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at Central Dauphin High School at 8:00 a.m.
The PSAT/NMSQT is co-sponsored by the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The test is administered annually to more than 3 million students. The PSAT assesses the academic skills that students develop over the years, primarily through their academic coursework, measuring reading, math reasoning, and writing skills that are critical for success in college.
The PSAT/NMSQT provides the best preparation for the SAT Reasoning Test and is the entry point for junior students to compete for National Merit Scholarships including the National Achievement Program. Additionally, the test provides recognition via the National Hispanic Recognition Program. By taking the PSAT, students will have the option to receive information from colleges and scholarship services through the secure, strictly monitored Student Search Service.
Once registered, students will receive the PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide which contains a complete sample test with answer key and scoring instructions. In December, students will receive their test booklets and online access to their score reports with personalized feedback on reading, mathematics, and writing skills, including specific suggestions for improvement. Additionally, they will receive a supplemental, online tool, My College QuickStart, with access until they graduate from high school.
For more information, please refer to the College Board website, www.collegeboard.org. If you should have any additional questions, please contact your student’s school counselor.
The PSAT Registration will begin on September 25th and continue through September 29th during school lunches and October 2nd and 3rd from 7:20 a.m. - 2:50 p.m. in the Guidance Office. Registration will also take place at Back-To-School Night on September 28th @ 6 p.m. The cost for the PSAT is $16.00. You MUST pay by personal check or money order made payable to: Central Dauphin School District. The payment is NON-REFUNDABLE. The fee and registration form (below) must be returned to Central Dauphin High School Guidance Office no later than 2:50 p.m. on October 3rd, 2017.
On testing day, no students will be admitted to the test after 8:00 AM. The total testing and administration time will be approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes. Testing will conclude at approximately 11:45 AM. Students should bring a form of ID, two number 2 pencils, and a calculator (see Student Guide).
Central Dauphin High School
Indicate Grade 9 10 11 Other (please specify) ___
Student Name: ______Cost: $16.00
Cash will not be accepted for payment.
Payment Received: CHECK # ______MONEY ORDER # ______Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Address: ______Phone #: ______
Students from schools outside CDHS, please write your school or district here: ______
Cyber/home school students, please check: ______