Some ideas for dealing with manual handling solutions on farms.

This leafletis to be complete by looking at the HSE bookletunder the title ‘Manual Handling Solutions for Farms’

1.In agriculture, which are the most common kinds of illnesses or injuries?

Your back, and ………………………………………

2.Complete the following paragraph:

About …………% of the people working in the industry suffer the effects of these injuries / ailments and some of …………………………will be permanent. Many of the injuries are caused, or made worse, by bad practices of handling by …………………………… They can be the result of strain over a period of ……………………………rather than one specific incident.

3.The following answers have been mixed. Try and discover the words. The first one has already been done for you.

Manual handlingincludes:

tilf = lift

upt onwd (2 words) = ………………………………………

suph = ……………………………………..

ulpl = ……………………………………….

racyr = …………………………………………

eomv = …………………………………………

doal ppusotr (2 words) ……………………………………………………………………

4. Injuries:

Besides heavy weight, list 3 other factors which could causeinjury to you:




5. According to the ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’ what is necessary for an employer and a self employed person to do?


6. If you have discovered a risk, your options can include the following:

i) avoid……………………………… if that is ……………………………………………………

ii)assessing the tasks which could not be …………………………………………………………

iii)taking necessarysteps to ……………………………………… the risk of ……………………

iv) issueinformationto the employeeabout ……………………………………….. and the nature of the load which needs to be moved.

4.In addition to the one given, give 5 other examples of when the risk of having an injury is higher when moving an object/load.

i) moving a load with your outstretched arms






7. How can you better prepare yourself for moving loads manually?




8. Good Handling Technique

Make a poster/leaflet to show good suggestions and techniquesfor Good Handling Technique. You can include pictures to add to your presentation.

9. Training.

Who has the responsibility to issue the necessary information and training for you in order to move loads safely?


10. Levers

How can we use levers to move heavy loads. Give 3 examples where you could use levers on a farm.




11. Loading platform / table

Once again, give 3 examples where this method could be useful on a farm.

i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

12. For every one of the following situations, give an example of how you could make the work easier in order to avoid injuries. Diagrams could be helpful.

a)Attach an implement to a tractor





b)Change a wheel on a tractor





c)handling products in bags e.g. animal feed,cement, fertilizer





d) liftingchemicalcontents and oil barrels





e)handling sheep





f) shearingsheep





g)handling bales – small bales and / big bales



