Vikas Bharati Public School

Summative Assessment I (Session 2017-18)

Class: VI

Subject: Mathematics(Sample Paper)

Time :3 hours M.M -80


Note: 1.This question paper contains_5_ printed pages.


1.  / Correct the incorrect statement: -15 is to the right of -12 on a number line. / (1)
2.  / Express 36 as the sum of two odd prime numbers. / (1)
3.  / Write four negative integers greater than -30. / (1)
4.  / The HCF of two co-prime numbers is ____. / (1)
5.  / Write all the factors of 27. / (1)
6.  / Fill in the box, 4560 = 15 / (1)


7.  / Using divisibility test check whether 2,45,684 is divisible by 8 (Give reason) / (2)
8.  / Represent (-2) + 4 on the number line. / (2)
9.  / Find the sum using rearrangement : 1962 + 456 + 348 + 244 / (2)
10.  / Answer the following: / (2)
a) / A polygon with 10 sides.
b) / A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
11. / Name the type of triangles: / (2)
a) / ∆ PQR with Q = 90° and PQ = QR
b) / ∆ LMN with L = 40° , M = 60°and N=80°
12. / Find the prime factorization of the greatest 4-digit numbers / (2)


13. / If B is the mid point of AC and C is the mid point of BD, where A,B,C,D lie on a straight line. Is AB = CD ? / (3)
14. / Represent 13, 43and 23 on the number line. / (3)
15. / a) / Solve : 814 - 256 / (3)
b) / Write the absolute value of -22
Write an equivalent fraction for:
a) / 5/9 with 65 as numerator.
b) / 30/50 with 5 as denominator.
16. / a) / Find the value of : ( 50) + ( -24 ) + ( - 53) + (58) / (3)
b) / Which is to the right of the other on the number line : -1 and -100.
17. / Match the following: / (3)
a) / Trapezium 6 faces
b) / Cube only one pair of parallel sides
c) / Rectangle each angle measures 90°
Name a solid
a) / That has no vertex and no edge.
b) / That has a curved surface and two circular faces .
c) / That has a square base and four triangular faces.
18. / Babita walked 3 13 km and Sweety walked 3 56km . Who walked more and by how many km? / (3)
Radha walked 436 km in the morning and 913 km in the afternoon. What was the total distance
she walked?
19. / a) / Find the common factors of 16 and 18. / (3)
b) / Is 28 is a perfect number ? Give reason.
20. / Answer the following: / (3)
a) / What fraction of clockwise revolution does the minute hand of the clock turn through when it goes from 3 to 9?
b) / Where will the hands of the clock stop if it starts at 6 and makes one-fourth of clockwise revolution?
c) / Find the number of right angles turned through by the hour hand of a clock if it goes from 5 to 11.
21. / Check using divisibility rule, 146838 is divisible by 6 or not. A / (3)
Look at the figure and answer the following questions:
a) / Is it a polygon? P Q
b) / Name a pair of parallel lines.
c) / Name the vertical angle opposite to the base BC of ∆ABC. B C
22. / Families went on a fishing trip. The number of fishes each family caught is given below: / (3)
Family / Mr. Basu / Mr. Singh / Mr. Arora / Mr. Sharma / Mr. Khan
Number of fishes / 30 / 15 / 25 / 20 / 35
Represent above information in the form of pictograph. Take one picture symbol as 5 fishes.
23. / The following table shows the number of vehicles sold by a dealer during a particular week. / (4)
Draw a bar graph to represent the above information. Choose the scale of your choice.
24. / Make a frequency table for the following data. Shoe sizes of the 30 children of a class.
4 4 5 6 7 5 4 8 10 9
10 9 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 7
8 10 10 4 8 7 7 7 4 / (4)
25. / a) / State what kind of angle is formed in clockwise direction / (4)
i) / North and South East
ii) / North and West
b) / 22 / 18
13 / 25
Complete the magic square
a) / Give reason for the following:
i) / A square can be thought of as a special rectangle.
ii) / A rectangle can be thought of as a special paralellogram.
b) / Subtract 234 from (-699).
26. / Write the name of the property used in each of the following statements. / (4)
a) / 29 x 142 = 142 x 29
b) / 18 x 98 + 18 x 2
c) / (8 x 125) x 25 = 8 x (125 x 25)
d) / (40 + 50)is a whole number
27. / Three children of a family start for their school together. Their steps measures 20 cm , 24 cm and 30 cm respectively. After covering how much minimum distance from their starting point will they stop off together? / (4)
A teacher purchases 42 Mathematics books and 28 Hindi books for the children who live in an orphanage. If the cost of a Mathematic book is 60 rupees and the cost of Hindi book is 22 rupees. Find the amount paid by the teacher to the shopkeeper. Which value is shown by the teacher?
28. / a) / Is 19 and 36 are co-prime numbers? ( Give reason) / (4)
b) / Compare 57 and 1315
29. / Arrange the following in ascending order: 23 , 34 ,45 , 22 / (4)
a) / Write the natural numbers from 2 to 15. What fraction of them are prime numbers.
b) / Determine the smallest 3-digit number exactly divisible by 6,8 and 12.
30. / a) / Find the least number which when divided by 6, 15 and 18 leaves a remainder 5 in each case. / (4)
b) / Find the HCF of 105 and 175.
Write the smallest digit in the blank space so that 61_09 is divisible by a) 11 , b) 3

1 P.T.O