Manual for the submission of documents to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and the Committee for Environmental Protection

Updated October 2009


Table of contents

1. Introduction

Revised Guidelines for the Submission, Translation and Distribution of Documents for the ATCM and the CEP

Types of documents

2. Special considerations

3. Deadlines

4. How to submit documents

5. Basic information

6. Document length

7. Styles

8. Revisions

9. Illustrations

10. Annexes and attachments

11. Special material - Site guidelines

Annex A. Text formats and styles

A.1 Styles

A.2 Numbered sections and hanging paragraphs

A.3 References to ATCM documents

A.4 Acronyms

A.5 Quotations

A.6 Internet citations


A.8ATS Style samples

Annex B. Tables, figures, images and maps


B.2 Tables

B.3Figures and images


Annex C. Guide to the presentation of Working Papers containing proposals for Antarctic Specially Protected Areas, Antarctic Specially Managed Areas or Historic Sites and Monuments (Annex to Resolution 1 (2008)).

Annex D. Template for Measure

Annex E. Template for Decision

Annex F. Template for Resolution

Annex G. Template for Measure dealing with ASPAs

Annex H: Revised guidelines

1. Introduction

One of the main tasks assigned to the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat consists of the gathering and collating of Working and Information Papers for the Atlantic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) and the Committee on Environmental Protection (CEP). This manual is intended to explain the submission procedures and to assist writers and editors of papers to be submitted to the ATCMand the CEP to put their papers in the most suitable format.

The main body of the document contains a basic set of considerations to be taken into account for all kinds of documents. Annex A (text formatting) and Annex B (illustrations) include more detailed formatting rules; they will be of interest mostly for authors of papers containing texts to be incorporated to the Final Report, and papers presenting illustrations, graphs, or maps. Annex C refers to the Guide to the presentation of Working Papers containing proposals for ASPAs, ASMAs or HSMs adopted by Resolution 1 (2008). Finally, Annexes D to G contain templates for the formal presentation of various kinds of Measures, Decisions and Resolutions.

These procedures are based on Decision 1 (2008): Revised Rules of Procedureand Decision 3 (2009): Revised Guidelines for the Submission, Translation and Distribution of Documents for the ATCM and the CEP,cited below.

Revised Guidelines for the Submission, Translation and Distribution of Documents for the ATCM and the CEP

1) These guidelines apply to the distribution and translation of official papers for the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) and for the Committee on Environmental Protection (CEP). These papers consist of Working Papers, Secretariat Papers and Information Papers. / Scope of application and type of documents affected (see below)
2) Documents to be translated, i.e. Working Papers, Secretariat Papers (with the exception of the Secretariat’s Report and Programme), reports submitted to the ATCM by ATCM Observers and invited Experts according to the provisions of Recommendation XIII-2 or in relation to Article III-2 of the Antarctic Treaty, and Information Papers which a Consultative Party has requested be translated should not exceed 1500 words. When calculating the length of a paper, proposed Measures, Decisions and Resolutions and their attachments are not included. / Word limit
3) A Working Paper prepared by Consultative Parties or Observers and an Information Paper which a Consultative Party has requested be translated should be received by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat (“the Secretariat”) no later than 45 days before the Consultative Meeting. / Deadlines for submission of documents requiring translation
4) The Secretariat should receive Information Papers for which no translation has been requested no later than 30 days before the Meeting. / Deadlines for submission of documents not requiring translation
5) When a revised version of a Paper made after its initial submission is resubmitted to the Secretariat for translation, the revised text should indicate clearly the amendments that have been incorporated. / Submission of revised versions
6) The Papers should be transmitted to the Secretariat by electronic means. / Form of submission
7) Papers will be uploaded to the ATCM Home Page established by the Secretariat for the ATCM in question. Working Papers which were received before the 45-day limit should be uploaded as soon as possible and in any case not later than 30 days before the Meeting. / Publication of documents
8) Parties may agree to Working Papers and Information Papers for which a translation has not been requested according to Paragraph 2 above to be presented to the Secretariat during the Meeting for translation. / Translation
9) No Working Paper, Information Paper or Secretariat Paper submitted to the ATCM will be used as the basis for discussion at the ATCM unless it has been translated into the four official languages. / Translation
10) Within six months of the end of the Consultative Meeting, the Secretariat should circulate through diplomatic channels and also post on the ATCM Home Page the Final Report of that Meeting in the four official languages. / Deadline for publication and circulation of Final Report

Types of documents

Working Papers

Working Papers (WP) can be submitted by Consultative Parties and Observers (CCALMR, SCAR and COMNAP); these papers will be translated into the four official languages (Decision 1 (2008) Revised Rules of Procedure, Rule 35).

Information Papers

Information Papers (IP) can be submitted by Parties (Consultative and Non-Consultative), Observers, CEP Observers and Experts (Rules 30 a)and 45 a)of the Rules of Procedure referred to above).

Unless a Representative of a Consultative Party requests translation, these Papers will only be available in the language(s) in which they were submitted (Rule 30 b)of the Rules of Procedure referred to above).

Secretariat Papers

Secretariat Papers (SP) refer solely to administrative matters affecting the Secretariat or matters for which the ATCM has requested documentation from the Secretariat. Secretariat Papers should always be made available in the four official languages (Paragraph 40 of the Final Report of the 28th ATCM).

2. Special considerations

The rules provided in this document are especially relevant when the document to be presented or a part of it will be further published or distributed, either as a part of the Final Report or any other media. This is the case of reports by Observers, Experts and Depositaries, proposals for management plans and guidelines, among others.

If you are submitting a working paper which includes proposals for new or revised management plans, please pay especial attention to Annex C: Guide to the presentation of Working Papers containing proposals for ASPAs, ASMAs or HSM,s adopted by Resolution 1 (2008).

If you are submitting a proposal for the designation of visitor site guidelines please read Section 11 below.

Basic Tips / See section:
1 / Submit your paper on time! / 3
2 / Submit documents to the email account specifically established for the reception of documents: . / 4
3 / Don't forget the basic information: type of document, title, agenda items, parties, version (if any). / 5
4 / Use the ATS Word styles included in this manual. / A.1, A.7
5 / In revised versions, use "track changes" to indicate changes in the original text. / 8
6 / Avoid ALL CAPS TITLES. / 5
7 / Consult with the Secretariat whensubmitting tables, figures, images and maps. / B
8 / Keep in mind special requirements for Management Plans, Site Guidelines and formats for proposed Measures, Decisions and Resolutions. / 11, C, D, E, F, G.


The Guidelines set out in Decision 3 (2009) clearly indicate the deadlines for submitting documents. With respect to the next Consultative Meeting (33rd ATCM – Punta del Este), the following deadlines will apply:

“D”-45: / March 19th, 2010 / All Working Papers prepared by Consultative Parties or Observers and Information Papers which a Consultative Party has requested be translated should be received by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat (“the Secretariat”) no later than 45 days before the Consultative Meeting.
“D”-30: / April 5th, 2010 / The Secretariat should receive Information Papers for which no translation has been requested no later than 30 days before the Meeting.
“D” Day: / May 3rd, 2010 / Meeting starts.
During the Meeting / May 3rd – 14th, 2010 / Parties may agree to Working Papers and Information Papers for which a translation has not been requested according to Paragraph 2 above to be presented to the Secretariat during the Meeting for translation.
No Working Paper, Information Paper or Secretariat Paper submitted to the ATCM will be used as the basis for discussion at the ATCM unless it has been translated into the four official languages.

The CEP follows the same rules. Please note that, under Rule 4 of the Rules of Procedure for the CEP,Observers falling under the categories listed in Paragraphs a) and c) can only submit Information Papers.

Please follow the deadlines! Papers submitted too late may not be able to be translated or printed in time to be available to the meeting.

4. How to submit documents

Papers submitted for consideration by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and the Committee for Environmental Protection should be sent as email attachments to the specific email account established by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat (ATS) prior to every Meeting. For the 33rdATCM this will be . The papers should be formatted as much as possible according to the accompanying formatting guidelines. They will be incorporated into the meeting database, numbered in the order in which they are received and will then be available through the documents section of the meeting Website. For the 33rdATCM this will be

5. Basic information

All papers should include on their first page the following items:

Document type

Working Paper (WP) or Information Paper (IP).


The title should reflect the scope of the document in as few words as possible. In case of revisions, changes to the title should be avoided where possible. Please don’t use titles in ALL CAPS style; they are less readable.

Party or Parties, Observer(s) or Expert(s) submitting the paper

In case of more than one submitting Parties, they are lined up in alphabetical order. If the line-up should be headed by a specific Party (out of the alphabetical order) this should be indicated explicitly.

ATCM and/or CEP Agenda item

Multiple agenda items complicate the arrangement of the meetings. Please indicate only one ATCM Agenda Item and/or one CEP Agenda Item.

(In case of revised versions) Version number

Please see section 7 below.

6. Document length

Decision 3 (2009) limits the length of documents being submitted for translation to 1500 words (equivalent to roughly three pages of continuous text).

When calculating the length of a paper, the texts of proposed Measures, Decisions and Resolutions attached to the main document are not included, nor are the Secretariat’s Report and Programme.

1500 word limit / No word limit
Working Papers
Secretariat Papers
Information Papers containing Observers' reports (Recommendation XIII-2)
Information Papers containing Experts' reports (Article III-2 of the Antarctic Treaty)
Information Papers which a Consultative Party has requested be translated / Proposed Measures, Decisions and Resolutions and their attachments
Secretariat’s Report and Programme
All other Information Papers

7. Styles

In formatting the text, the ATS styles used in this manual should be used as much as possible. A list of these styles with their descriptions is included in A.1 and samples are in A.7. General rules are:

  • Bold, Italic and Underline are accepted.
  • Black text only
  • 2 cm page margins
  • 1 line spacing is preferred
  • 12 pt. spacing between paragraphs
  • Page number in the bottom right hand corner
  • Single bullets are preferred.

Please do not number paragraphs and avoid wherever possible the use of automatic numbering for section or sub-section headings.

8. Revisions

When a revised version of a paper is resubmitted to the Secretariat for translation, the revised text should indicate clearly the amendments that have been made by using the “track changes” option provided by Microsoft Word or a similar method (MS Word 2003: go to Tools – Track changes . MS Word 2007: go to Review – Track Changes). This is absolutely necessary to avoid needless delays in the translating process, so revised versions without tracked changes will not be accepted for translation!

9. Illustrations

Illustrations (picture, graphs, maps etc.) present a special challenge because of the great variety of differing formats and styles. Annex B discusses these in detail. When preparing graphical material, please consult with the Secretariat at the earliest stage to make sure that the formats you use will be compatible.

10. Annexes and attachments

As a general principle, annexes should be included in the same file as the main body of the document. When the text has significance that justifies its further consideration as an independent file, or when it is in a different format, it should be submitted as an attachment. This is the case with management plans and related maps, for instance. Attachments are stored in different files.

Model for a covering email:

Dear Secretariat,
Please find attached a Working Paper submitted by <Party>. The Working Paper comprises the cover sheet and main text of the management plan in a Word document of 17 pages plus 3 pdf attachments as follows:
WP1.doc: Cover sheet + Revised Management Plan for ASPA No. 1
Att1.pdf: ASPA No. 1 – Map A.
Att2.pdf: ASPA No. 1 – Map B.
Att3.pdf: ASPA No. 1 – Map C.

11. Special material- Site guidelines

Visitor site guidelines merit a series of particular considerations that are indicated next:

  • The process of publication includes up to three colour photos with their corresponding epigraphs. The submission of pictures with a resolution higher than 300 pixels/inch is suggested.
  • At least two maps must be included in addition: one for aregional geographic reference at a small scale and another one for locationof facilities and particular features of the site, at a greater scale. Both maps can be included in the publication as they are received or modified in order to appear consistent with the design applied to previously publishedguidelines.
  • We request maps in editable format, and all texts referred in the map in accompanying tables, in order to facilitate the process of translation and publication in the four official Treaty languages.
  • And finally, please don’t waste your time in graphic designand composing. This is our task.

AnnexA. Text formats and styles

A.1 Styles

We urge you to apply the ATS styles used in the ATCM papers and the Final Report. They are also used in this manual, so if you open this manual in MS Word, the ATS styles will be available to you directly. In MS Word 2003 go to Tools - Templates and Add-Ins - Organizerand follow the instructions about copying styles from this document to; then open the paper you are working on and, if the ATS Styles are not available already, open the Organizer to copy the styles from Normal. dot into your paper.

Alternatively, you can use the template that will be available on the website together with this manual. This template is a blank document. Download it and save it in the folder where you usually put your templates. Then open your paper, go to Tools - Templates and Add-Ins and press the button Attach. Locate, attach it to your paper, and you will have all the ATS styles available to you. If you don’t use MS Word, look at the features of the ATS styles listed below and try to use compatible formats.

Table A.1 - ATS Styles - description

Style / Font / Type / Space before / Space after / Align-ment / Inden-tation / Special
ATS Heading 1 / Arial 16 / Bold / 18 / 18 / Centered / 0 / none
ATS Heading 2 / Arial 12 / Bold italic / 24 / 6 / left / 0 / keep with next
ATS Heading 3 / Times New Roman 11 / Bold / 12 / 3 / left / 0 / keep with next
ATS Heading 4 / Times New Roman 11 / Italic / 12 / 3 / left / 0 / keep with next
ATS Normal / Times New Roman 11 / Normal / 6 / 6 / left / 0 / none
ATS Compact / Times New Roman 11 / Normal / 0 / 0 / left / 0 / none
ATS Bullet 1 / Times New Roman 11 / Normal / 3 / 0 / left / 0.63 / hanging 0.63 cm
ATS Bullet 2 / Times New Roman 11 / Normal / 3 / 0 / left / 1.27 / hanging 0.63
ATS Number 1 / Times New Roman 11 / Normal / 3 / 0 / left / 0.63 / hanging 0.63
ATS Number 2 / Times New Roman 11 / Normal / 3 / 0 / left / 1.27 / hanging 0.63
ATS Quote / Times New Roman 11 / Italic / 6 / 6 / left / 0.63 / none

A.2 Numbered sections and hanging paragraphs

Sections and sub-sections should be numbered sequentially whenthere is a need of facilitating reference. Headings should consist of a number, followed by a tab and a concise title. The text follows immediately after the sub clause title on a new line. Hanging paragraphs (i.e., unnumbered paragraphs immediately following a main clause, followed by numbered sub-clauses) should be avoided.

Not like this:

1. Hanging paragraphs

Hanging paragraph should be avoided at all times.

1.1 Systematic referencing

An important reason for this is that a later reference – e.g. “see Chapter 1” might be somewhat ambiguous.

But like this:

1. Hanging paragraphs

1.1 General

Hanging paragraph should be avoided at all times.

1.1 Systematic referencing

An important reason for this is that a later reference – e.g. “see Chapter 1” might be somewhat ambiguous.

Papers should be presented without line numbers. Please do not use automatic numbering for section headings, as this often causes problems in the editing and compilation process.

A.3 References to ATCM documents

References to ATCM documents consist of the number of the ATCM (except if it is the current ATCM of course), the number of the paper and its title (in italics) separated only by spaces, no commas or quotation marks please.

…as stated in ATCM XXVIII WP7Revision of Management plan for ASPA No. 133 (Harmony Point)

A.4 Acronyms

Technical abbreviations and acronyms can be used to save time and space, but the first use should be spelled out, followed by the abbreviation or acronym itself in parentheses. A list of abbreviations and acronyms may be included if there are a lot of them not included in the general list at the beginning of the ATCM Final Report.


We recommend that literal quotes are put in italic and surrounded by quotation marks. For quotes of one or more paragraphs the ATS Quote style should be used: in this case, quotation marks are not necessary.