Chris Dewey
Chief of Police
Posting of your property or property under your control, to protect that property from unwanted vehicles, may be accomplished by posting a sign similar to the example shown.
The owner or person in control of such property, after having posted the property with a sign similar to the example shown, may cause the removal of a vehicle parked on the posted property by:
(1)Calling the tow company of his choice
(2)Calling the Police Department and advising them that the tow is being done and supplying a description of the vehicle being towed;
(3)Have the vehicle stored at the most reasonably available garage, and;
(4)Complying with Section 22852 and 22853 of the California Vehicle Code.
Section 22852 of the California Vehicle Code states:
(1)Before towing, check vehicle for registered and/or legal owner information
(2)Write to the registered and/or legal owner, advising of removal, authority for removal (posted private property and parked in violation of section 22658 CVC), a description of the vehicle and include vehicle mileage, name and address of garage where vehicle was stored.
Section 22853 of the California Vehicle Code states:
(1)If the vehicle is not returned to the registered or legal owner within 120 hours, the person causing the removal shall send a written Notice of Removal with a complete description of the vehicle and include vehicle mileage, date and time of removal, address and name of garage where vehicle was towed and the grounds for removal to:
Department of Justice
P.O. BOX 13417
Sacramento, CA 95803
(2)Send or give a copy of Notice to Department of Justice and to the proprietor of the garage where vehicle was stored. The report form may be acquired from the Department of Justice.
All unauthorized vehicle will be towed
Away at owners expense pursuant to
Section 22658 of the California Vehicle Code
The signs need to be displayed, in plain view, at all entrances to the property and should not be less than 17” X 22” with lettering not less than one inch in height.
300 Seminary Avenue | Ukiah, California95482
Telephone: 463-6262 | Fax: (707) 462-6068 |