Disability Policy

Date of Last Review / October 2013
Date of This Review / June 2014
Date for Next Review / June 2017

Disability Policy/Ed


Disability Policy


Every child who may benefit from being a pupil with Inaura should have the opportunity to do so: this is the principle which informs our approach to widening participation in a range of areas, including disability. With this principle in mind, we plan to improve our disability provision. We believe that supportive inclusive attitudes are crucial to ensuring that people with a disability flourish in our care.

Admissions Policy and Disability

We encourage parents and guardians of children with disabilities to make preliminary visits to our school. We will welcome these parents and give them the detailed information they require, helping them decide if we can make suitable provision for their child. Inaura complies with the Equality Act 2010 in relation to admissions.

Children in School

We are continually working to develop a successful system to raise the profile of individual children with physical or medical disabilities by:

•regular monitoring by student keyworkers

•all adults working as a team in monitoring and supporting children throughout the school day

•information and training available to staff about different medical conditions that children may have, including best practice in their treatment and management

•oral updating by SENCO of any changes or new children / conditions

•training of staff in the use of general medical interventions such as Epi-pen equipment (for anaphylaxis) for children with specific (eg potential allergic) needs

•Provision of Specific individual care and management plans for all children who have disabilities (eg epilepsy) including emergency management

•all teaching and admin staff hold Basic First Aid certificates which are renewed every 3 years

•working with parents to facilitate the needs of children e.g. asthma inhalers always available to sufferers

•Working with occupational health and other agencies to ensure we provide for each student’s needs in relation to their specific disabilities

Disability Policy/Ed

Ground Floor Building

All teaching activities can be carried out at ground floor level to facilitate access for children with severely restricted mobility.

Blind/Partially sighted & Deaf/Hard of Hearing

We will work to make provision for individual children in these areas - for example it is possible to have a child and the Learning Support Worker fitted with a radio-mike to provide for the needs of a deaf child. This type of provision depends on the severity of the impairment and availability of suitable resources. Several staff are trained is STC (Somerset Total Communication)

Future developments:

•We will promote a positive attitude to disability to include all children in all our activities

•We will formally request parents to declare if their child has a disability

•We will maintain a register of children with disabilities and any remedial treatments as appropriate

•We will monitor the progress of these children and the provision that we make for them

•We will constantly look for further ways to improve provision and access for people with disabilities. We will attempt to overcome problems by being creative and flexible about use of our present provision as well as looking to further development within the constraints of available resources.

This policy should be read in conjunction with our Accessibility Plan and Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy.

For further advice on disability issues relating to our school please see the Chief Executive or CEO pro.

This policy will be reviewed three yearly or at any change in legislation

Adam Abdelnoor

June 2014

Review June 2017