May 29th, 2016

2016 (41st) Summer Spiel Meeting – Kerry Park Lounge – 7pm

In attendance: Lorraine Gagnon, John Gorrie, George Baird, Erdmann Knaack, Pat Langleo, Myrna Proulx, Keith Ainsley, Terry Sawyer

Summer Spiel dates: Sept 15th – 18th, 2016:

PRIZES: Rhonda Stoner has agreed to purchase the prizes (looking for a budget of $2,000.) to be confirmed at a later date.

FORMAT: to follow same as 2015

REGISTRATION: Erdmann has sent out the posters, has received a couple of deposits,

Registration cut-off date: August 30, 2016

THEME: Casino

REVERSE DRAW, CALCUTTA: Pat Langelo is going to contact the Jim Bowidge team to see if they would consider taking on these tasks as non-curlers

50/50: Erdmann, Keith and John will organize this activity

Draw sheet, name boards:: Keith & assistances


Draw Master: TBA

SPONSORS: A event – Cowichan Golf -- Erdmann

B event – Duncan Iron Works -- Terry

C event – Island Bakery -- Terry

D event – Malahat Lions – Terry

Myrna will have the sponsor letters ready with the new logo sent out shortly

CANDY: Pat Langleo

Posters, teams recruiting, deposits: Erdmann

Decorations: Myrna

Dinner: Lorraine

DJ: Lorraine

Event trophies: Lawn Chairs ($144. cost)

Erdmann will look into the cost of the silk screening

Myrna will have the sponsor letters sent out shortly with the new LOGO

Team registration and deposit: John Gorrie

Banquet Tickets: cut off date: August 30th – Erdmann

Cost to be advised (approx: $25.)

Myrna will print the tickets

Camping: Lorraine will discuss with Tony Liddle

Cost to be confirmed (approx: $10. a night)

Myrna will print the tickets

COST: $260. per team

Ice cost: Lorraine

Myrna suggested looking into a shuttle for Friday & Saturday nights

George Baird said he would contact Rob Webb (Kerry Park Islanders)

& Mark Osmond at the Black Swan

SIDE NOTE: Senior Men’s Spiel: Oct 21, Nov 1, 2, 4th 2016

NEXT MEETING: JULY 10TH -- please consider bringing a friend