National PTA Positions on Selected Amendments to
Every Child Achieves Act of 2015
For additional information, please contact Jacki Ball, Director of Government Affairs at or at 703.405.5206.
Senator / Title / Number / Summary / PTA Position / Vote/StatusMurray / IV / 1 / To amend title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to authorize Project SERV. / SUPPORT
Murray / V / 1 / To amend title V of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to authorize early learning alignment and improvement grants. / SUPPORT
Mikulski / II / 1 / To amend title II to include the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 2015. / SUPPORT
Casey / II / 2 / To ensure teachers, principals and other school leaders, and other educators are profession-ready. / SUPPORT
Casey / IV / 1 / To amend part A of title IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to address harassment and bullying. / SUPPORT
Casey / IV / 3 / To reduce school discipline issues. / SUPPORT
Franken / All Titles / 1 / To end discrimination based on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity in public schools. / SUPPORT
Franken / IV / 1 / To amend title IV regarding elementary school and secondary school counseling programs. / SUPPORT
Bennet / I / 2 / To amend section 1111(b) regarding measuring student academic growth. / SUPPORT
Bennet / I / 3 / To amend section 1111(c) to ensure information transparency for all required assessments. / SUPPORT
Bennet / IV / 1 / To amend title IV regarding family engagement in educational programs. / SUPPORT – PRIORITY for National PTA
Baldwin / I / 1 / To amend part B of title I regarding assessments to include grants for enhanced assessment instruments and audits of assessment systems. / SUPPORT / PASSED; Roll Call vote 22-0
Baldwin / I / 5 / To amend title I relating to State resource equity. / SUPPORT
Baldwin / IV / 1 / To amend title IV to provide grants and contracts to local educational agencies and community based organizations to initiate, expand, and improve physical educational programs. / SUPPORT
Baldwin / V / 1 / To award grants to encourage State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools to utilize technology to improve student achievement and college and career readiness, the skills of teachers and school leaders, and the efficiency and productivity of education systems at all levels. / SUPPORT
Murkowski / IV / 1 / To amend title IV regarding 21st century community learning centers. / SUPPORT
Murphy / I / 3 / To require the State plan to include how the State educational agency will protect each student from physical or mental abuse in school. / SUPPORT
Murphy / IV / 1 / To enhance continuum of services. / SUPPORT
Warren / I / 3 / To amend the State report card requirements under section 1111(d) to allow for cross-tabulation. / SUPPORT / Withdrawn
Alexander / IV / 1 / To amend title IV regarding anti-bullying policies. / OPPOSE
Alexander / I / 1 / To provide an option for States to ensure that funding follows low-income children to the public school they attend. / OPPOSE
Isakson / I / 2 / To strike the 1 percent maximum on the number of students assessed using alternate assessments. / OPPOSE / Withdrawn
Paul / I / 1 / To amend title I to allow for a State option for title I funds to follow a low-income child for public or private school. / OPPOSE
Paul / I / 2 / To amend title I to allow for a State option for title I funds to follow a low-income child. / OPPOSE
Paul / VI / 1 / To amend title VI to allow a State to submit a declaration of intent to the Secretary of Education to combine certain funds to improve the academic achievement of students. / OPPOSE
Scott / I / 1 / To expand opportunity by allowing Title I funds to follow low-income children. / OPPOSE / Withdrawn; but will bring up on Senate floor
Scott / New Title / 1 / To expand opportunity though greater choice in education, and for other purposes. / OPPOSE
Scott / New Title / 2 / To expand opportunity though greater choice in education, and for other purposes. / OPPOSE
Cassidy / II / 1 / To allow States and local educational agencies to use funding under part A of title II to train teachers, principals, and other school leaders on understanding and identifying the early indicators of students with dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities and to conduct early evaluation and interventions for students with dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities. / OPPOSE
Cassidy / II / 2 / To amend part D of title II to ensure that children with dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities have the resources and supports they need to academically succeed. / OPPOSE
Cassidy / V / 1 / To amend title V to provide for an exemption from use of a weighted lottery for schools that specialize in a learning disability and that uses an evidence-based curriculum specific to such learning disability. / OPPOSE
Cassidy / V / 2 / To amend title V to provide for an exemption from use of a weighted lottery for schools that specialize in a learning disability and that uses an evidence-based curriculum specific to such learning disability. / OPPOSE