Management Team Minutes (Electronic Vote)
Tuesday May 6, 2014
Email sent to: Amberg, Stacy; Alkesh Shah; Sutaria, Anju; Anne Dailey; Bhagdev, Raxha; Brown, Maren; Burgess, Sarah; Campbell, Jackie; Headman, Jennifer; Hooks, Cory L; Lianne Sedgwick; Ryan, Rochelle; Sarah Best; Scott & Sandra Ashbaugh; Sillanpaa, Dee
Motion: To amend the approved tax credit general fund expenditures to include student transportation to extracurricular events.
Yes Votes: 5
No Vote: 0
Rest Abstained/didn’t respond
Motion Carried
Verbiage on original email:
Subject: RE: we need to approve some expenses
Body: We did have our meeting yesterday, but it has come to my attention that we have one last expense that we need to vote on.
Here is the explanation I received from Tom, and I think he explains it well:
“We need to include transportation costs to extracurricular activities as one of the areas that Dr Deprez is authorized to spend tax credit general fund resources. This is similar to the way we approved for him to use those funds for hiring coaches or paying registration fees. The specific details behind the request are the transportation costs (less than $2000) for vehicles to take cadets to the Summer Leadership School activity at Ft Huachuca, 2-6 Jun 14.
So, the “statement” the team would be approving would be something like “amend the approved tax credit general fund expenditures to include student transportation to extracurricular events.” Justification is that transportation expenses are an area of authorized use of tax credit funds. The current need is to support the AFJROTC program in sending nine cadets to a summer leadership school, 2-6 June 2014, for an amount not to exceed $2000.”
If you have questions, please do a “reply all” so that any questions can be answered for the whole group to see. Tom, would you mind fielding the questions for us since you know what we are talking about?
When you are ready to vote, please send your “yes, I approve the expenditures” vote or “no, I do not approve the expenditures” vote to me so that I can tally the votes and pass along the yes or no to Dr. DePrez.
If we could have the votes in by next Tuesday, May 6th that would be great. (Tom, is that an okay timeline? We don’t need it sooner, do we?)
Thanks to you all, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Stacy Amberg
Chemistry Teacher
Science Olympiad Club Sponsor
Management Team
Hamilton High School
“And though you wanna quit
Don't think you can get through it
You've come too far to walk away
It's not gonna be today
And no matter how you feel
It's what you do that matters
This is your moment to be strong
Today's your day
It’s on!”
--Superchick “It’s On”
From: Amberg, Stacy
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 3:25 PM
To: Bhagdev, Raxha
Subject: RE: we need to approve some expenses
I also approve the expenditures
From: Bhagdev, Raxha
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 8:51 AM
To: Mckinley, Tom; Amberg, Stacy; Alkesh Shah; Sutaria, Anju; Anne Dailey; Brown, Maren; Burgess, Sarah; Campbell, Jackie; Headman, Jennifer; Hooks, Cory L; Lianne Sedgwick; Ryan, Rochelle; Sarah Best; Scott & Sandra Ashbaugh; Sillanpaa, Dee
Subject: RE: we need to approve some expenses
I approve these expenditures also
From: Anne Dailey
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 3:58 PM
To: Amberg, Stacy
Subject: Re: we need to approve some expenses
Yes I approve the expenditure.
Anne Dailey
From: Mckinley, Tom
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2014 1:50 PM
To: Amberg, Stacy; Alkesh Shah; Sutaria, Anju; Anne Dailey; Bhagdev, Raxha; Brown, Maren; Burgess, Sarah; Campbell, Jackie; Headman, Jennifer; Hooks, Cory L; Lianne Sedgwick; Ryan, Rochelle; Sarah Best; Scott & Sandra Ashbaugh; Sillanpaa, Dee
Subject: RE: we need to approve some expenses
yes, I approve the expenditures.
And, yes, I’ll be glad to field questions. J
From: LouAnn Sedgwick
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 3:48 PM
To: Amberg, Stacy
Cc: Alkesh Shah; Sutaria, Anju; Anne Dailey; Bhagdev, Raxha; Brown, Maren; Burgess, Sarah; Campbell, Jackie; Headman, Jennifer; Hooks, Cory L; Mckinley, Tom; Ryan, Rochelle; Sarah Best; Scott & Sandra Ashbaugh; Sillanpaa, Dee
Subject: Re: we need to approve some expenses
Yes, I approve the expenditures vote.
LouAnn Sedgwick