Historical Directory of USTWA Members
Updated January 2009
Compiled and maintained by member and author Paul Fein;
email updates to
This listing, sorted in alphabetical order by last name, has been compiled to show the breadth and depth of the USTWA, based on membership since 1979.
View the current membership directory at USTWA.org/directory/USTWA.pdf(password-protected document restricted to current members).
-The names of current members appear in red.
-A name will appear in each section for which that member has belonged over time. For instance, Bud Collins is a Regular Member, and he is also an Honorary Members so his name appears within both sections.
-The order of this document is Regular Members, Associate Members, then Honorary Members.
-A person’s listed affiliations reflect those that appeared in the USTWA Membership Directory while his/her membership was current.
We are collecting member lists from the founding of the organization in 1938 through 1978 and that information will be updated. If you have information from that period, please email Paul at the address above. Thank you.
“The farther back you look, the further ahead you can see.” −Winston Churchill
Regular Members
Those who work in an editorial capacity.
Marcia Abramson, Herald Newspaper Group
Martin Abramson, Airline & Travel Magazine, Freelance, Herald Newspaper Group
Louise Ackerman, Tennis Magazine
Jim Acton, Tennis Championships Magazine
Russell H. Adams, World Tennis, WCT, Russ Adams Productions, Inc. − Elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2008. Received the ATP World Tour’s Ron Bookman Media Excellence Award in 1984 and 1991.
Susan B. Adams, World Tennis, Baker, Inc., Freelance
Jakob Akindele, The Guardian (Nigeria), Tennis Week, Freelance
Rachel (nichols) Alexander, The Washington Post
Peter Alfano, The New York Times, ATP − 2nd Vice President (1988-1989)
Maury Allen, New York Post, Gannett News Service, Gannett Newspapers, Gannett Journal News
Peter Alpers, Tennis Championships Magazine
Marcela Alvarez, Tiempos Del Mundo, Univision Online, Hoy Newspaper
Neil Amdur, The New York Times, World Tennis − 1st Vice President (1981-1982), President (1983); received the Florida Press Association award for outstanding writing
Dave Anderson, The New York Times − In 1981, he became the second sportswriter to win the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary. He has also received the Red Smith Award (considered the highest accolade in sportswriting) from the Associated Press Sports Editors.
Ginny Apple,The Hartford Courant, Freelance, Woman’s World Magazine
Norman Arey, The Atlanta Journal
Linda B. Arters, Arters Public Relations, Cox Publishing of Arizona, Freelance
Morris Arvoy, Tennis Championships Magazine/H.O. Zimman, Inc.
Paul Attner, Sporting News
Jay Axelbank, Freelance, The New York Times Syndicate
Steve Azzara, Detour Magazine/News Communications, Inc., Sygma, Corbis Sygma
Jeffrey N. Bairstow, Tennis Magazine − Secretary (1979-1981)
Linton H. Baldwin, Freelance
Luis Baraldi, Radio Mexico
Christy Barbee, Associated Press− 1st Vice President (1980)
Aloma J. Barnes, National Blacknews Service, Black Tennis
John Barrett, Financial Times (UK), BBC-TV, wwwft.com, Received the ATP World Tour’s Ron Bookman Media Excellence Award in 2006.
Sanford (Sandy) Baruch, Brooks Community Papers, Freelance
Renee Basick, MySportsGuru.com
Robin Bateman, Freelance, Racquet Sports Industry,
R.V. Baugus, Jr.,Pro Tennis
Skip Bayless, Dallas Times Herald
Jay Beck, Association of Tennis Professionals
Leslie Beckhoff, The Dallas Morning News
John Beddington, International Management Group, Canadian Open Tennis Championships, Canadian Tennis Association, Champions Tour
Stanley Belchick, ABC-TV
REX BELLAMY, The Times (UK)− Received ATP’s Tennis Writer of the Year Award for the years 1975-79. Received WTA Tour’s Ted Tinling Media Representative of the Year Award in 1977-78.
Harold Belmar, Tennis News of Florida, Freelance
Eliot Berry, Freelance
Furman BisheR, The Atlanta Journal, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Marcia W. Blake, The Court Report
Marty Blake, The Court Report
Ryan Blake, The Court Report
Dewey Blanton, ATP, Volvo Tennis/Pro Serve
Mark Blaudschun, The Dallas Morning News
Arthur Bobko, Freelance
Hal Bodley, The News-Journal Co.
Peter Bodo,Tennis Magazine. Received WTA Tour’s Ted Tinling Media Representative of the Year Award in 1979.
Filip Bondy, New York Daily News
Thomas Bonk, Los Angeles Times − Vice President (1991-1992), President (1993-1994). Received WTA Tour’s Ted Tinling Media Representative of the Year Award in 1991.
Ron Bookman, World Tennis, International Tennis Weekly, ATP
Leslie Johnson Borasi, Carl Byoir & Assoc., Inc., Hill & Knowlton, Borasi Consultants
James Borg, Freelance
Meri-Jo Borzilleri, The Miami Herald
Chris Bowers (UK), FreelanceWriter/Broadcaster
Ray Bowers, Tennis Server
Beverly Lynn Boyarsky, Tennis Week
Richard W. Bracker, Tennis Everyone, Crosscourt News
Herb Branham, The Tampa Tribune − Vice President (1997-2001)
John Brennan, The Record
Lou Brodersen, The Hour
Ina Broeman, Virginia Slims
Jane G. Brown, International Tennis Hall of Fame, Women’s International Professional Tennis Council. Received WTA Tour’s David Gray Special Service Award in 1982.
Terry Brown, Topspin Tennis News
James Buddell, Eurosport Tennis
AlvinW. Bunis, Cincinnati Inquirer, The Nashville Banner, Sports Marketing Properties, Inc.
Liza N. Burby, Tennis USA
Si Burick, Dayton Daily News
Gayle Burns, Sportswoman Magazine
Peter Burwash, Tennis Magazine, TSN-TV, Smash Magazine (Japan),
PenelopeW. Butler, The ArizonaRepublic
Isabel Butten, El Diario/La Prensa
Nancy Byrne, Virginia Slims, Philip Morris
PatrickCalabria, Newsday − Treasurer (1991-1992)
Shepherd Campbell, Tennis Magazine
Cynthia Cantrell, USTA Magazine, Freelance/H.O. Zimman, Inc., Racquet Sports Industry,
Charles Carder, Houston Chronicle
Mary Carillo, ESPN/CBS Sports, HBO − For HBO’s groundbreaking 1999 documentary, Dare To Compete: The Struggle of Women In Sports, she served as co-writer with Frank Deford. The efforts of Carillo and the rest of the documentary’s contributors were rewarded with a 2000 George Foster Peabody Award. She earned a Sports Emmy Award for her Outstanding Long Feature for the inspiring story of the Hoyt Family on HBO in 2006. Received WTA Tour’s Ted Tinling Media Representative of the Year Award in 1996.
Janis Carr, Orange CountyRegister
Lloyd Carroll, Queens Chronicle,
Julie Cart, Los Angeles Times
Kelly Carter, The Dallas Morning News
Chris Casavant, Connecticut Post
David Casstevens, The Dallas Morning News
Mike Celizic, The Record, Bergen Record, Freelance
Edwin R.K. Chang, Tennis Review/Matchball
Mary Channon (also Mary Channon-Kaufman), American Broadcasting System
Douglas Chapman, Providence Journal-Bulletin
Jean-Claude Chauviere, Agence France-Presse
Stacy Y. China, Freelance, Associated Press
Stuart Chirls, Tennis Magazine
Mitch Chortkoff, L.A. Copley Newspapers
Laurie Anne Christensen, Tennis Buyer’s Guide
Andre Christopher, The Miami Herald,USTA, Tennis Week, H.O. Zimman, Inc., − Treasurer (2006-2008)
Christopher Clarey, The San Diego Union, International Herald Tribune
SheltonClark, Freelance
Elizabeth Clarke, The Palm Beach Post
Brian Cleary, Tennis Magazine
Peter Coan, Freelance, Sports Marketing International
Tom Cobourn, The News-Journal Co.
Nancy B. Cohen, Freelance
Steven Cohen, Inside Tennis
Bud Collins, The Boston Globe, −President (1997- 1998), Vice President (1999-2001), Chairman of the Board (2002-2005) − Elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1994; won the Red Smith Award presented by the Associated Press Sports Editors in 1999; won the U.S. Indoor mixed doubles title (with U.S. top-tenner Janet Hopps) in 1961 and was a finalist in the French Open senior doubles title (with Jack Crawford) in 1975.
Elizabeth Comte, Sports Inc., The Sporting News
Casey Constable, International Tennis Hall of Fame
Scott D. Cooper, Indianapolis Tennis Magazine,
Jill Cousins, The Orlando Sentinel
Solomon Crenshaw Jr., The Birmingham News, al.com/birminhamnews
Matthew Cronin, Inside Tennis
Kim Cunningham, World Tennis
Michael H. Curet, ATP
Kristen Daley, USTA Magazine, Racquet Sports Industry
ALLISON DANZIG, The New York Times − Elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame as its first journalist in 1968; became the first recipient of The Danzig Award, which was established in 1963 by Longwood Cricket Club in Boston to honor leading tennis writers.
Sarah Palfrey Danzig (Sarah Hammond Palfrey Fayban Cooke Danzig), World Tennis. Elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1963; was twice U.S. champion, thrice a runner-up for the title to Helen Jacobs, nine-time U.S. Doubles champion, and twice doubles champion at Wimbledon.
George Davidson, Las Vegas Times, Tennis/USTA
Mike Davis, San Bernadino Sun, Gannett News Service
Karen Day, Tennis Magazine
Jolyn deBoer, The TennisPro
Frank Deford, Sports Illustrated − Elected to the Hall of Fame of the National Association of Sportscasters and Sportswriters; honored six times as the NSSA National Sportswriter of the Year.
Richard G. Deitsch, New York Sportscene/Sports Illustrated for Kids, Sports Illustrated, SI for Women,
Salvatore R. De Leva, Tennis Life
Robin Jonathan Deutsch, Tennis Buyer’s Guide
Barbara F. Diamond, Inside Women’s Tennis
Melchior DiGiacomo, Freelance − 2nd Vice President (1979)
Lisa Dillman, Los Angeles Times. Received the ATP World Tour’s Ron Bookman Media Excellence Award in 2000.
Joe Dinoffer, Oncourt Offcourt Inc./Coach Tennis America Audio Magazine, Tennis Industry Magazine
Donna Doherty, Tennis Magazine, Tennis U.S.A., Freelance, Tim & Tom Gullikson Foundation− Treasurer (1993-2000)
Sandra Dolbow, Tennis Buyer’s Guide
John Donahue, Tennis Championships Magazine
Jim Doyle, The San Francisco Chronicle,
Joel Drucker, City Sports, Freelance,HBO/Tennis Magazine, Turner Sports/USTA Magazine − Vice President (1997-2000)
David Dusek, Tennis Magazine, MySportsGuru.com
Desiree DuToit, USPTA
Bill Dwyre, Los Angeles Times, − Won the Red Smith Award from the Associated Press Sports Editors in 1996 for service to sports journalism; selected NationalEditor of the Year in 1985 by the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.; received theJohn Wooden Pyramid Award in 2008 as the person who exemplifies and lives out the qualities of Coach Wooden’s famous “Pyramid of Success.”
Ruth Eddington, New England Racquet Sport, The Desert Sun, Freelance
Mark Edwards, The Birmingham News, The Decatur Daily
DD Eisenberg, The Philadelphia Bulletin, Freelance
John Eisenberg, The Baltimore Sun
Murray Eisenstadt, Tennis Week
Robert Elkin, Village Voice, New YorkVoice/Freelance, Culvert Chronicles, culvertchronicles.dostweb.com
Jim Ellison, Challenger Sports Ltd.
Wayne A. Emerick, Sports Software, Inc., ACOM Sports Services, W.A. Emerick, Inc.
Erik Engquist, Freelance, Courier-Life Publications
Mert Ertunga, Sports Central, Sports-Central.org
Javier Escamilla, El Nacional (Mexico)
Noma Faingold, Inside Tennis
Brad Falkner, Tennis Channel
Joe Falls, The Detroit News
Mike S. Farrell, Sports Press Service
Paul Fein, Freelance, TennisConfidential.com/TennisQuotes.com
John Feinstein, The Washington Post, Sports Illustrated, The National, Tennis Magazine, Washington Post Magazine− 2nd Vice President (1986-1987), President (1988-1990)
Nancy Fellman (also Nancy Fellman Lally), Brooks Community Newspapers
Edward Fernberger, World Tennis, PIITC, GEM, Inc., Global Event Marketing
Ellen Fernberger, Philadelphia Inquirer
Marilyn F. Fernberger, Tennis South Africa, PIITC, GEM, Inc., Global Event Marketing
Susan Festa FISKE, World Tennis, Tennis Magazine− Secretary (1995-1997)
Debbie Fetterman, The Dallas Morning News
Larry Fine, Reuters
Richard Finn, Freelance,Gannett Westchester-Rockland Newspapers
Robin L. Finn, The New York Times − Vice President (1993-1994), President (1995-1996). Received the ATP World Tour’s Ron Bookman Media Excellence Award in 1992.
H.S. Fitzgibbon, ABC Radio
Bill Fleischman, Philadelphia Daily News
Mike Fleming, The Commercial Appeal
Steve Flink, World Tennis, Freelance, Tennis Week
WarrenFlorence, Tennis Industry/Tennis Magazine
Don Fontana, Freelance, Toronto Sun/Calgary Sun (Canada), CTV-TV, Fan590 Sports Radio
Carl Foster, Tennis Magazine Show
Tom Foster, Daily Press, Times Herald
Bob Fowler, Orlando Sentinel
Ed Fowler, Houston Chronicle
Bucky Fox, TheColumnists.com
Peter Francesconi, Tennis Magazine, Miller Sports Group/USTA Magazine, Ace Publishing, Racquet Sports Industry, − Vice President (2002-2008)
Ed Freeman, Black Tennis Magazine
John B.B. Freeman, San Diego Tribune
Marcia Frost, CollegeAndJuniorTennis.com, "American Doubles: the Trials …the Triumphs …the Domination"
Lisa Furlong, Tennis Magazine
Craig Gabriel, Cross Court Publications, Cross Court Promotions
Jean Gaudichau, Agence French Presse
Angela Gaudioso, Freelance
Barbara Gelfand, Lincoln-Mercury Tennis Classic
David Georgette, Tennis Week
Sandra M. Genelius, Ohlmeyer Communications
Marcout Gerard, Agence France Presse
Joe Gergen, Newsday Sports
Andrea Gerlin, Wall Street Journal,Freelance
Joanne C. Gerstner, LansingState Journal, The Detroit News,
Jonathan Gibbs, TenniSTAT, Telepress International
Robert T. Gillen − 1st Vice President (1979)
Andrew D. Gilman, Freelance
Leighton Ginn, The Desert Sun,
Bill Glauber, The Baltimore Sun
Shavenau Glick, Los Angeles Times
Donna Glickman, Women’s Tennis News
Sally Glogoff, New Jersey Tennis
Ed Goldman, Telepress International, Freelance/Tennis Week,
Todd Goldman, Tennis Life Magazine
Jody Goldstein, Houston Chronicle
Steve L. Goldstein, Philadelphia Inquirer − Vice President (1983), President (1984-1985)
Greg A. Gordon, The Tampa Tribune
Charlene H. Grafton, Freelance
Janet Graham, The Palm Beach Post, Cincinnati Post, Freelance, Detroit Free Press, − Vice President (1997)
Bill Gray, Tennis Magazine
Sonja Gray, L.A. Herald Dispatch, Freelance
Mark D. Green, Washington Times
Ted Green, Los Angeles Times
Sylvia R. Green, Domino’s Pizza TeamTennis
Robert Greene, Associated Press, Freelance − Vice President (1984-1985, 1997-1998), President (1986-1987, 1999-2001), Acting Treasurer (2001), Treasurer (2002-2004)
Jim Greenridge, The Boston Globe
Tim Gregg, Public Relations Director, Virginia Slims, Freelance
Will Grimsley, Associated Press− Recipient of the 1984 “Sportswriter of the Year” award from the National Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association; won the Red Smith Award presented by The Associated Press Sports Editors in 1987
George Gross, The Toronto Sun
Jane Gross, The New York Times
Larry Guest, Orlando Sentinel
Kelly Gunterman, StrattonTennisSchool, GuntermanTennisSchools, Tennis Life Magazine
Karen Guregian, TheBoston Herald
Brett Haber, ESPN, Fox Sports, Fox-DC, WCBS-TV, CBS/Outdoor Life Network/Tennis Channel. Received the ATP World Tour’s Ron Bookman Media Excellence Award in 1996.
Cindy Hahn, Tennis Magazine
Seena Hamilton, WOR Radio, Creative Tennis Marketing, Freelance, Seena Hamilton Creative Tennis Marketing,
Geri Hamlin, Black Tennis Magazine, BT Magazine
Maureen Hanlon, Women’s International Tennis Association
Dave Hanson, New York Post
Cathy Harasta, The Dallas Morning News
Eugene R. Hardman, Freelance, Western Results
Sandra L. Harwitt, Freelance − Secretary (1991-1994), Vice President (1995-1996)
Gunter Harz, International Open Tennis Fed.
Kat Hastings, The New Tennis Magazine Show
Arthur S. Hayes, Tennis Magazine
Toni Headley, CBS
Sally Reed Hedrick, Tennis Life
GLADYS MEDALIE HELDMAN, World Tennis − Elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1979; served as founder-owner-publisher-editor-chief writer of World Tennis magazine, which was launched in 1953.
Merv Heller, Sunday Reading Eagle
Lex Hemphill, Salt LakeTribune
Dyke Hendrickson, Portland Press Herald, Maine Sunday Telegram
Leonard Herring Jr., Cincinnati Herald, Celebrity Tennis Tournament, Ltd.
Philip F. Hersh, Chicago Tribune
Steve Hershey, USA Today
Bob Hertzel, Pittsburgh Press
Farhad Heydare, AMEX Sports-News, N.A., SuperSport USA/Fox News, Freelance Writer/Editor
David Higdon, Tennis Magazine, ATP
Heather Holland, Tennis Week
Liza Horan, TENNIS USTA Magazine,Tennis.com/Tennis Magazine, TennisWire.org, Racquet Sports Industry, − Secretary (1998-2000), Vice President (2001), President (2002-2008)
Olga Houlgate, Associated Press
Johnette Howard, The Washington Post
Hank Hughes, The Phoenix Gazette
Rod Humphries, World Championship Tennis, The Australian Newspaper, Freelance
Else Hvistendahl, Norwegian Tennis Magazine, TennisNorway, Norway Times
Michael Iannone, BurlingtonCountyTimes
Elson E. Irwin, San Diego Tribune
Melissa Isaacson, Orlando Sentinel, Chicago Tribune
Phil Jackman, Evening Sun
Teague Jackson, Tennis Magazine
Matt Jacob, The Dallas Morning News
William R. Jacobson, Sports Software, Inc., CompuTennis
Miles Jaffe, City Sports Magazine, Metro Sports Magazine
Murray Janoff, MCJ Services, Freelance
Joe Jares, Sports Illustrated, Daily News of Los Angeles
John Jeansonne, Newsday, Inc.
Bruce Jenkins, The San Francisco Chronicle,
Sally Jenkins, Sports Illustrated − Won the Associated Press’s Sports Columnist of the Year Award in 2002; received Best Columnist award from Society of Professional Journalists; inducted into the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association Hall of Fame in 2005.
Jay Jennings, Tennis Magazine
Lynne J. Jewell, Daily News
Buck Johnson, The Chattanooga Times
Joey Johnston, The Tampa Tribune
Cheryl Jones, Winters Associates
Glenn Jordan, The Hartford Courant
Tim Joyce, Freelance, Tennis Week,
Donna Judd, Tennis Magazine, Tennis (Japan), Freelance
Wayne Kalyn, Tennis Magazine
Ken Kamlet, Freelance
Jaime Kaplan, The Telegraph,
Rick Kaplan, The Desert Sun
Fred A. Kaufman, United News Service/American Broadcasting System
Mary Kaufman, American Broadcasting System
Michelle Kaufman, The Miami Herald,
Eiichi Kawatei, Royal Tennis Inc.
Michael Kay, Inside Women’s Tennis
Kazumi, Tennis Classic (Japan)
Larry Keech, Greensboro News & Record