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DISSERTATION RECEIPT(which must be retained as evidence that dissertation has been submitted)
NOTE: Please keep your own copy of coursework until it has been marked.
Name of Student
I presented my dissertation proposal to my dissertation committee on______.
The Proposed Title of my Dissertation is ______
We, the Dissertation Committee, authorize the Student above to proceed with the proposed study.
Committee Chair Date
Committee Member Date
Committee Member Date
Committee Member Date
NOTES (Optional: Changes or additions suggested by the committee)
Please keep a copy of this form for your records and turn in the original to the Student Affairs
Master’s Thesis Supervisor Approval
Candidate’s Program: / Candidate’s Student #:Candidate’s Name: (Last Name, First)
Candidate’s E-mail:
Thesis Examination requires a confidentiality agreement be obtained? ?Yes ?N/A
If yes I have enclosed copies of the confidentiality agreement signed by the Examiners? ?Yes
Candidate’s Signature:
Supervisor(s) Approval:
In my judgment the thesis and the candidate meet recognized scholarly standards for the degree and is therefore ready to proceed to Examination. If not please provide written reasons below (use the back of the form if necessary).
Signature of Supervisor(s) Date
Open Defense Request:
The thesis defense will be closed to the Thesis Examination Board only unless the student and graduateprogram, by mutual agreement, request that the defense be open to the university community (Faculty,academic colleagues, and students).
Is an open defense requested?
Graduate Chair’s Instructions:
If the Supervisor(s) has judged the thesis not ready for examination, I have provided the candidate with acopy of the written reasons for withholding approval.
Signature of the Graduate ChairDate
Master thesis Acknowledgement Template
The acknowledgements or dedication page is optional. If you decide to include Acknowledgements in your paper, than you should place the word acknowledgements should at the top center of the page in capital letters. If it is included, the acknowledgements page will immediately follow the abstract. Here we have prepared general template for Acknowledgement page for Master thesis. This template is suitable for any subject, area of research, so you are welcomed to use it. Good luck.
I would first like to thank my thesis advisor [title] [Name Surname] of the [School / Faculty name] at [University name]. The door to Prof. [Last name] office was always open whenever I ran into a trouble spot or had a question about my research or writing. He/She consistently allowed this paper to be my own work, but steered me in the right the direction whenever he thought I needed it.
I would also like to thank the experts who were involved in the validation survey for this research project: [List professional Titles, Name and Surnames of the experts who participated/contributed]. Without their passionate participation and input, the validation survey could not have been successfully conducted.
I would also like to acknowledge [title] [Name Surname] of the [School / Faculty name] at [University name] as the second reader of this thesis, and I am gratefully indebted to his/her for his/her very valuable comments on this thesis.
Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents and to my [partner, spouse, girl/boyfriend] for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them.
Thank you.
[Name Surname]
1” Top Margin
(Use this format for the title page; please replace the highlighted information with your information; delete instructions in parentheses.)
(1” margin on the left and right.)
Your Name
(Degrees Earned)
B.S., Southern IllinoisUniversity, 1980
M.S., Institution, Year
A Dissertation
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
(insert the appropriate degree).
Department of (insert appropriate department)
in the GraduateSchool
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Month and Year*
*(insert the appropriate graduation month and year as May/August/December 20XX)
1” Bottom Margin
Guidelines forWriting the Dissertation
Word count: 15,000 to 20,000 words (not including abstract, appendices and references)
The dissertation should contain an abstract of up to 350 words. A good abstract is difficult to write and can only be completed after the full dissertation has been written. It represents a brief summary of the results of the dissertation research. By summarising the results of the research, it allows other people to get an idea of what was accomplished without having to read through the whole dissertation
Acknowledges all help received in writing the dissertation. Try to keep more personal comments about family and friends to a minimum and concentrate on those who have given direct assistance.
Contents Page
Listing should be given for lists of figures, tables and abbreviations.
The Introduction to the dissertation should set out the background to the research study and address the following areas:
•What is the background, the context, in which the research took place?
•Why is this subject or issue important
•Who are the key participants in the area under investigation?
•Are there important trends or pivotal variables of which the reader needs to be made aware?
•A clear and succinct statement of the aims and objectives that the dissertation is going to address.
•Have you presented a clear and unambiguous exposition of your research aim, the objectives you will address to meet this aim and your research questions?
Literature Review
Literature review should lead and justify the research objectives and questions of your dissertation. Your literature review should not just be a catalogue of authors, frameworks and ideas but should attempt to introduce a critical evaluation of those authors work.
The literature review will be around 3,000 to 4,000 words.
Research Methodology
This chapter is that part of the dissertation where you have the opportunity to justify to the reader the process by which the research questions, which were derived by an analysis of the relevant literature, were answered. This chapter will be usually be between 1,000 and 2,000 words.
Findings / Results / Data Analysis
This chapter presents the evidence and/or results of primary research which you have undertaken. Depending upon your subject area this can be in the form of detailed quantitative models, hypothesis testing to some basic analysis using basic descriptive statistics or qualitative techniques dealing with structured content analysis, textual analysis, to case study descriptions. This data must be organised in a logical and coherently ordered whole so that your thought processes and interpretation are clear to the reader. Graphs, diagrams, pie-charts etc. are all useful ways of presenting research results.
You are not required to include all the transcripts of interviews, surveys or data sheets. Only include the summarised data in the main body of the dissertation. Appendixes should be restricted to no more than 25 pages. You can keep additional information in a folder for use by the markers if requested.
In the introduction to the dissertation you described the context of the research. In the literature survey you analysed the work of previously published authors and derived a set of questions that needed to be answered to fulfil the objectives of this study. In the research methodology section you showed the reader what techniques were available, what their advantages and disadvantages were, and what guided you to make the choice you did. In the results section, you present to the reader the outcome of the research exercise.
Here you will bring together the work of the dissertation by showing how the initial research plan has been addressed in such a way that conclusions may be formed from the evidence of the dissertation. No new material or references should be placed here. The conclusions should make a statement on the extent to which each of the aims and objectives has been met. You should bring back your research questions and state clearly your understanding of those questions. Be careful not to make claims that are not substantiated from the evidence you have presented in earlier chapters.
All references used in writing the dissertation (whether direct quotations or paraphrasing) should be included in a reference list/bibliography, compiled in alphabetical order by author. The Vancouver system for listing references should be used.
Standard journal articles
Leurs R, Church MK, Taglialatela M. H1-antihistamines: inverse agonism, anti- inflammatory actions and cardiac effects. Clin Exp Allergy. 2002 Apr;32(4):489-498.
Layout, Style and Writing Suggestions
Dissertation Formatting
Word count
15,000 to 20,000 words maximum.
Margin Settings
Top 2.54cm Bottom 2.54cm
Left 3.17cm Right 3.17cm
Line spacing
One and a half spacing, not single or double
Page Numbering Acknowledgements
page number format is i) ii) iii
Main Text page format is 1,2, 3 and so on With position on page centred aligned
Times New Roman
12 point font
Typical dissertation layout Acknowledgements
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Main text
Chapter & Section
List of references
Within text citation.
Every citation must be supported by a reference which supplies the details which will enable the reader to follow up that citation.
Attribution and Plagiarism
Plagiarism occurs when students attempt to pass off someone else’s work as their own. Typically, sections of text are taken verbatim from another person’s work without proper attribution being given. This is a form of cheating and the University takes a very serious view regarding any student involved in cheating. The dissertation should be passed through TURNITIN.