North Carolina Hotel
Embassy Suites Raleigh Crabtree
4700 Creedmoor Road
Raleigh, NC 27612
reservation number is 800-362-2779 or 918-881-0000
Rooms at $ 149 with cut off date is 8/31/2017
NC 24 hr. Parenting Coordination Training DAY 1
Susan Boyan, LMFT
Cooperative Parenting Institute, Atlanta, Ga.
8:00-8:30 Networking and Coffee
8:30-10:00 (1.5 hrs)
I. The Impact of High Conflict on Families
The Adult Perspective
The Five Transitions of Divorce
The Extended Family Perspective
The Tribal Perspective
II. The Child’s Perspective on Divorce
5 Psychological Tasks of Children of Divorce (Wallerstein)
Typical Reactions PG
Seven Influential Factors (Garrity and Barris)
Impact of High-Conflict on Children
Coping Styles of Children
Personality Styles that Emerge in Children
III. The History and Growth of Parenting Coordination
The Problem and the Solution: Power Chart (Ward)
Role and Responsibilities
Common Practices
10:00-10:15 Morning Break
10:15-12:15 (2 hrs)
Order vs stipulation
Statutes vs Local Rule
NC Statutes
Degree of authority
Parenting Coordination vs Other Roles
The CPI Model of Parenting Coordination
Theoretical Principals
Educational Foundation
IV. Setting Up a Parenting Coordination Practice
Referral Sources and Opportunities
Financial Concerns and Other Matters
Parent Coordination Assessment Forms
Record Keeping and Documentation
North Caroline Protocol
V. The Legal System
Systems Perspective
Legal and Custody Terminology
The document appointing a Parenting Coordinator
Understanding Joint Legal Responsibilities
Confidentiality vs Privilege
Working with Attorneys and the GAL
VII. Incorporating Step Parents and S.O.s into the Process
Knowing when to Include the Step-Parent or S.O.
Asset or Liability?
The Over-involved Step-parent
The Under-involved Step-parent
The Complimentary Step-parent
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:15-3:15 (2 hours)
VI. Protocol for Different Types of Sessions (with Demonstrations)
Initial Intake
Child Intake
First Joint Session
Joint Sessions
Family Sessions
Reunification Sessions
Relapse Prevention Sessions
3:15-3:30 Afternoon Break
3:30-5:00 (1.5 hrs)
Step-Parent Intake
Step-Parent and Parent Session
Coaching Sessions
Session Checklist and Overview
VIII. Parental Alienation and Visitation Refusal
Normal Visitation Refusal vs Alienation
Parental Alienation Versus Parental Alienation
Alienation Continuum
Alienating Parents
Targeted Parents
Alienated Children
Child Behaviors
Reunification Treatment
Long Term Outcome Research (Baker)
NC homework: handout of parenting coordination dilemmas with questions to be completed. North Carolina statues and Court Expectation to review.
DAY ONE: 8:30-5 = 8.5 or 7 hours
NC Homework = 1.5 hrs for a total of 8.5 hours
NC Parenting Coordination Training DAY 2
Susan Boyan, LMFT, Cooperative Parenting Institute
8:00-8:30 Networking and Coffee
8:30-10:00 (1.5 hrs)
I. Custody and Cooperation
Characteristics that Influence Joint Custody
Domestic Violence versus High Conflict Cases
Parallel Parenting
II. Developmental Factors and Attachment
Parental Factors and Availability
Degree of Conflict
Child Factors
Environmental Factors
Transfer or Exchange Issues
Developmental Stages
Other Family Factors
Young Children and the Overnight Debate
III. Time Sharing Options
Plans Based on Age and Degree of Conflict
Time Sharing Options
10:00-10:15 Morning Break
10:15-12:15 (2 hrs)
Long Distance Plans
Transitions Between Homes
Supervised and Therapeutic Visitation
IV. Writing Age Appropriate Parenting Plans
The Scope and Nature of Parenting Plans
Pre-Divorce Parenting Plans
Parenting Plan Checklist
Post Decree Parenting Plans
Find the Loop Holes Activity Handout
Recognizing professional biases and its influence
V. Educational Techniques for High Conflict Parents
Facilitating An Effective Communication System
Communication Skills for Conflicted Parents
Encouraging Parent-Child Communication
VI. Containing and Assisting Angry Parents
Anger vs Aggression
Anger and Emotional Abuse
Eight Provocations That Result in Anger
Anger Management Techniques
Cognitive Restructuring PG
Rating Scales
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:15-3:15 (2 hrs)
Impulse Control Techniques
Feedback Forms
Fire Cards
Video Taping
Containment Techniques
Limit Setting
Relaxation Techniques
VII. Other Strategies and Techniques
Expectations and Agreement Contract
Fostering Commitment
Mutual Goal Setting
Maintaining a Child Focus
Hopes and Dreams
Three Rings
Position vs Interest
Facilitating Parental Responsibility
Divorce Rules
Action Plan
Acoustic Activity
Guiding Problem Solving Process
Increasing Parental Respect
Positive Qualities
Encouraging Exceptions and Amplifying Change
Frame Activity
Expect the Unexpected
Letting Go and Realignment Activities
Grief Rituals
Forgiveness PG
Detachment Activities PG
Positive Memories PG
Externalizing the Problem
View From Above Technique
Motivational Assignments
Effective Storytelling
3:15-3:30 Afternoon Break
3:30-5:00 (1.5)
VIII. Managing Noncompliance and Resistance
Feedback Sheets
Fees and other Sanctions
IX. Dealing with Axis II and Vulnerable Parents
Systems vs Pathology
Narcissistically Vulnerable Parents
Personality Disordered Parents and Tips for Managing
High vs Low Functioning
Acting in vs Acting Out
Defense Mechanisms
Narcissistic Demands
Lack of Object Constancy
Feelings Determine Facts
Manipulation vs Desperation
BPD Parenting
Other Problematic Parents
Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies
Attentional and Organizational Problems
Bi-Polar Disorder
DAY TWO Total: 7 hours plus
NC Homework: 1.5 hrs homework for total of 8.5 hours
NC Parent Coordination Training Outline DAY 3
Susan Boyan, LMFT, Cooperative Parenting Institute
8:00-8:30 Networking and Coffee
8:30-9:30 (1 hr)
I. Ethical Dilemmas Breakout Handout
9:30-10:30 (1hr)
II. Variations on Success
III. Court Testimony as a Form of Success
Flowchart Handout
Testimony Tips
10:30-10:45 Morning Break
10:45-12:15 (1 ½ hrs)
III. Domestic Violence and Other Allegations
Types of DV
DV and Custody Disputes
Impact of DV on Children
Impact of DV on the Co-Parenting Relationship
Safety Measures
Sexual Abuse
12:15-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:30 (1 ¼ hrs)
IV. Protecting the Parent Coordinator
Video Taping
Extra Forms
Audio Tape Voice Messages
V. Questions and Answers and Case Examples
2:30-2:45 Afternoon Break
2:45-5:00 (2 ¼ hrs)
Role Play Practice and Demonstrations
VI. Standards of Care
DAY THREE Total: 7 hrs
Evaluations and 24 hr. certificates