Making Paths Straight – Removing Barriers
Disability Ministries Committee of the United Methodist Church
The Disability Ministries Committee is here to help you reach out to an often untapped population – those of us in the 20% of the population who live with a disability. We and our families are often unable to participate in worship, Christian education, fellowship, service, and other ministries of the church due to barriers of architecture, programs, and attitudes. Find resources on our website to help you carry out the following activities.
Ways to identify barriers:
- Ask members with disabilities and their families what is needed in order for all members to fully participate and share their gifts.
- Complete an annual accessibility audit, involving people with disabilities in the process, and prioritize three simple things you can do immediately.
- Learn more about disability and the church by participating in the Mission u disability study, subscribing to the Committee newsletter, and following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest at UMDisability.
Possible ways to remove barriers
- Establish a section of disability resources and information in your church library.Autism and Your Church by Barbara Newman is a good place to start.
- Train ushers, greeters, and teachers in hospitality and disability etiquette.
- Make sure your church’s website includes information about accessible parking and facilities as well as accommodations available such as large print bulletins and assistive listening devices. Identify who to contact to arrange accommodations.
- Place signage at doors of accessible facilities, and signs directing people to the nearest accessible parking, entrance, and restrooms.
- Begin small bypartnering with community agencies or providing individual respite, transportation, and companions based on identified needs and requests.
- Contribute to the Disability Ministry Advance #3021054 to help fund new ministries.
DisAbility Ministries Committee of the United Methodist Church
c/o GBGM/ UMCOR Health; 475 Riverside Drive, Room 1520, New York, NY 10155