Katılım Öncesi Süreçte Sivil Toplumun Güçlendirilmesi:
STK Hibe Programı /
Name of the Project Coordinator: / GSM no :
e-mail: / Tel:
Period of the report (Beginning / Ending date):
Date report sent: / Date of Receipt of Report:(It will be filled by EUSG)
Major activities undertaken during the period of the report againts the indicators
Please fill the following table for each activity which was realised during the reporting period.
Activity 1:(Please write the title of the activity as it was mentioned in your project proposal)
Implementation date and the place of the activity :
(Please give detalied information about the activity : method, number of the participants, etc.
Performance Indıcators:
Please give information about realization of the indicators which was mentioned in your project proposal .
Related indicator in the project proposal(for example: 50 women have participated to the training) / Status of realised indicators (for example: 40 women participated to the trainings. Rate of realisation is %)
In case of the problems, give information about the problems and measures that you have taken or planned againts these problems. Please indicate here the small or big contract changes that you have made.
Problem / Measures / Needs( Indicate the problems as different items with the reasons and related institutions ) / (Explain the measures taken or planned for the mentioned problems) / ( Please mention here expected support and solution from the EUSG Monitoring team. )
FOLLOW UP (Planned major activities and schedule for the next period)
Please explain the planned activities and schedule for the coming month using the below table. If there is a preparatory work done for these activities, indicate in the right column.
Planned activity / Schedule / Preparatory workSUMMARY OF MONTHLY COSTs
Budget item no / Budget Item / Total cost (€) / Explanation1 / Human Resources
2 / Travel
3 / Equipment
4 / Project Office
5 / Other, services
6 / Other
10 / Administrative Cost
Total monthly cost
In this section you can mention if there are subjects which are not covered under the headings above and/or have a comment or suggestion on Grant management of EUSG Monitoring team (It is not obligatory to full fill this section)
Not: You can add rows if you need in the tables. Do not use more than 4 pages.