Tender No. VMHS/A1/04/01/11
ERNAKULAM- 682019.
1. / Tender no. / VMHS/A1/04/01/112. / Name and address of Owner / Managing Director, Vyttila Mobility Hub Society,2nd Floor, ”Sreevalsam” , RSAC Road, Vyttila P.O., Kochi- 682019
3. / Name of the work / Tender for “Maintenance / Updation of The Website of Vyttila Mobility Hub Society”
4. / Place of Service / Vyttila, Kochi
5. / Scope of Service / Maintenance / Updation of The Website of
Vyttila Mobility Hub Society
6. / Period of service / One year
7. / Cost of Tender document / Rs. 500 + (tax @ 5%)
8. / Date of Issue of tender document / Downloadable from
9. / Pre bid meeting / N. A.
10. / Tender document issuing authority / Managing Director, Vyttila Mobility Hub Society, Vyttila P.O., Kochi- 682019
11. / Last date of receipt of tender / 02.03.2016 on or before 3.00 pm and opening will be on the same day at 3.30 pm.
12. / Place of Submission of tender / Vyttila Mobility Hub Society, 2nd floor, Sreevalsam, RSAC Road, Off Kaniyampuzha Road Vyttila P.O., Kochi- 682019
13. / Tender receiving authority / Managing Director, Vyttila Mobility Hub Society, Vyttila P.O., Kochi- 682019
14. / Earnest Money Deposit / Rs. 5,000/- in form of Crossed Demand draft from a Nationalised/Scheduled Bank in favour of the “Managing Director, Vyttila Mobility Hub Society” payable at Ernakulam
15. / Validity period of tender / 120 days from the date of opening of the bid
16. / Security Deposit / Rs.10,000/- inclusive of EMD by way of Crossed Demand Draft from a Nationalised/Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of "Managing Director, VMHS" payable at Ernakulam
17. / Method of submission / By Speed post or Registered Post of Postal Department, Govt. of India at the address given above. Tenders will not be accepted directly or through courier service.
18. / Mobilisation period / 14 days from the date of letter of award of work
Maintenance / updation of the website of Vyttila Mobility Hub
Sealed quotations are invited from interested and competent firms for the maintenance / updation of the website of Vyttila Mobility Hub ie.
Interested and competent firms, having valid experience of atleast 3 years in design, development and maintenance of website, and which has successfully completed at least 1 work of Central/ State Govt. Departments/ Public Sector Undertakings, with a minimum annual turnover of Rs. 6,00,000/- for the last three years, and which are not black listed by Central / State Govt. Departments shall submit lowest quotations in sealed covers superscripting“ Quotation for the maintenance / updation of the website of Vyttila Mobility Hub” to the Managing Director, Vyttila Mobility Hub Society, 2nd floor, Sreevalsam, RSAC Road, Vyttila, Ernakulam- 682019 on or before3.00 pm on02.03.2016 through Govt. of India Speed Postor Registered Post. The quotations will be opened at 3.30 pm on the said day at the office in the address afore-mentioned.
The quotations shall be submitted in the prescribed format, which is downloadable from the website of Vyttila Mobility Hub Society cost of which is Rs. 500/- + VAT @ 5%, which shall be remitted along with the Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 5,000/- in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of the ”Managing Director, Vyttila Mobility Hub Society”.
Scope of work
Maintenance and updation with Content Management System, of the website module for uploading web content, maintenance of all associated activities linked with the work related to the website such as
1) maintenance and updation of existing website,
2) design, development and content updation based on latest technology as
per specific requirement of the Society from time to time,
3) updation of news, data, images, videos, reports, tender/ recruitment announcements and other relevant information etc. as per specific requirement of the Society from time to time, within 2 hours of request/intimation,
4) promotion of website in search engine and associated activities,
5) activation of links to related websites,
6)ensuring that domain names related to the Society such as vyttilamobilityhubsociety.org, vyttilamobilityhub.org, vyttilamobilityhub.in and vyttilamobilityhub.com do not get expired,
7) keeping pace with changing platforms,
8)creation and arrangement of databases/ archives,
9) option to download documents on request,
10) conduct of cyber audit from time to time and ensure security from hacking etc.,
11) submission of monthly reports on no. of hits, popular sections of website, average time spent on website and visits from search engines,
12) ensuring confidentiality and
13) any other connected works.
Submission of Bid Document
The bid documents shall be submitted in the prescribed format, which is downloadable from the website of Vyttila Mobility Hub Society cost of Tender form is Rs. 500/- + VAT @ 5%, which shall be remitted along with the Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 5,000/-(Total amount Rs.5,525/-) in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of the ”Managing Director, Vyttila Mobility Hub Society”.The monthly service charge for the entire scope of work shall be quoted in figures and words excluding applicable taxes.
Bid documents shall be supported by:
- Attested copies of Certificates,issued by the employers of important websites developed and maintained by the agency, evincing experience of at least 3 years in design, development and maintenance of website and at least 1 work of Central/State Governments/ Public Sector undertakings.
- Audited balance sheet for last three years certified by Chartered Accountant.
- Affidavit affirming that the firm is not blacklisted by Central/State Governments.
- List of personnel engaged by the firm with details of qualification.
Ownership of source code
The entire website, along with programs, contents mentioned in the scope of work and further communications will be the Intellectual property of Vyttila Mobility Hub Society and no content of the same shall be used by the contractor for purpose other than website of Vyttila Mobility Hub Society. Contents of the same which can be transferred shall be handed over to VMHS as hard/soft copy up on termination of the contract. The expense towards domain registration will be borne by VMHS.
The contractor shall maintain confidentiality of information shared with respect to the website of VMHS, during and after the contract period.
Opening and Evaluation of bids
Managing Director, VMHS reserves the right to reject the tender from any agency without assigning any reason.VMHS reserves the right to short list the agencies satisfying the qualification criteria for doing the above work depending on their resources, experience and past records of successful operation.Tenders without the EMD and price of bid document will be summarily rejected.
Award of work
Bidders satisfying prequalification criteria and quoting the lowest rate(excluding all applicable Taxes)shall be selected and upon receipt of selection notice, shall remit the Security deposit of Rs. 10,000/-, inclusive of EMD,and enter into an agreement with VMHS in the prescribed format for the work of maintenance of website. The selected agency shall execute the agreement within 14 days from the date of receipt of selection notice/work order.
Period of contract- After contract period
Period of contract will be 12 months and the Managing Director, VMHS, if being satisfied with the performance of the Agency, shall have discretion to renew/extent the contract up on completion of the contract period.
Managing Director
Name & Address of the agencyCopy of PAN card,
Copy of Service Tax Registration,
Copy of Balance sheet of last three years attested by Chartered Accountant. / To be attached separately
List of important websites maintained by the agency for the last 3 years ( Certificate from employer(s) to be attached) Attach separate list if required.
Details of websites maintained for Central/State Government Departments/ Public Sector undertakings
Monthly service charge quoted(Exclusive of Taxes) / Rs…………………….( in figures)
( in words)
Details of EMD& cost of Bid document remitted / DD no:……………………. Date:………………….
Amount: Rs.5,525/-
SealName & Designation:
Signature of the tenderer with seal