Annexure A
Summary District Court Fee Chart (effective 18November 2013)
Item / Description / (Personal Injury cases, Individuals, Small/Other Business) / (Corporate)1 / Filing Writ (On filing any originating process by which a cause, matter or other proceeding in the court is commenced, other than proceedings of the kind referred to in Item 2, 3 or 8) (to include $0.20 under Suitors Fund Act) (Also includes:
- Compromises
- Criminal Property Confiscation Act)
2a / On filing a Counterclaim / $629.00 / $1226.00
2b / On filing aThird Party Notice / $629.00 / $1226.00
2c(i) / application to extend a period of time fixed by law, including an application to extend time before proceedings are commenced; (includes 29(1) Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Act) / $237.00 / $407.00
2c(ii) / application to limit a period of time within which proceedings may be taken / $237.00 / $407.00
2c(iii) / an application for leave to serve a writ or notice of a writ out of jurisdiction / $237.00 / $407.00
2c(iv) / an application for leave to appeal / $237.00 / $407.00
2d / any other application for which no fee has been provided in this schedule. (this covers, for instance, Notice of Contribution) / $237.00 / $407.00
2A / On filing an application for an extraordinary licence under the Road Traffic Act 1974, section 76(1) / $158.50 / N/A
2B / On filing an application for an order made under the Spent Conviction Act 1988, section 6(1) / $91.50 / N/A
3 / Commencing an Appeal in the District Court (including Registrar's Appeals)
(a)Filing an Appeal (including half day hearing)
(b)Each additional half day allocated for hearing an Appeal / $356.00
$276.00 / $921.00
4 / Service & Execution of Process Act (SEPA) (applies to ARJ register) / See Civil Judgment Enforcement Act / See Civil Judgment Enforcement Act
5 / Entry for Hearing a cause or matter (Entry for Trial) or Notice of Appointment to Hear an Originating Summons. / $629.00 / $1226.00
6 / Allocation per day (Trial/Appeal) / $552.00 / $1436.00
7 / Daily hearing fee (Trial/Appeal) / $552.00 / $1436.00
8 / On filing an;
(i)Interlocutory application or summons or motion returnable;
(ii)Application for assessment of damages other than in an action for personal injuries;
(iii)Application for summary judgment, before a judge or registrar in chambers. / $157.50
$157.50 / $307.00
9 / AddChamber Day (each additional day) / $138.50 / $270.00
10a / Tax Costs Lodgement / $157.50 / $307.00
10b / Tax Costs % / 2.5% / 2.5%
11 / Search Fee / $31.90 / $31.90
11A(a) / Search - Electronic / $1.40 / $1.40
11A(b) / Search - Electronic - Annual Fee / $1445.00 / $1445.00
12a / Production / $46.90 / $46.90
12b / Attend per hour / $79.00 / $79.00
13a / Photo per page document / $1.50 / $1.50
13b / Photo Reasons for Judgment (≤10 pages) / $11.10 / $11.10
Add page (>10 pages) / $1.40 / $1.40
13c / Certification under Seal / $15.35 / $15.35
13d / Registrar Certificate / $33.10 / $33.10
14a / Copy of Transcript. Each page or part of a page / $6.20 / $6.20
14b / Copy of Transcript in Electronic format. If fee has been paid under item (a) for each day of transcript / $15.35 / $15.35
14c / Copy Transcript where fee under (a) paid by applicant for copy. Each page or part of a page / $1.50 / $1.50
Civil Judgment Enforcements Fees
1 / Where the amount of Judgment does not exceed $10,000.00 / $77.00 / $115.60Where the amount of Judgment exceeds $10,00.00 / $124.50 / $187.50
2 / Registration of Foreign Judgment (SEPA) / $83.50 / $110.50
3 / Fixed Costs in Liquidated Claimshere
* The additional 20 cents is a payment into the Suitors Fund required to be made on all writs. It is not required to be paid on Originating Summons/Motions. It is not part of the District Court fees.