Hourly Employee Time Entry Process

Log into Banner Self-Service and navigate to the ‘Employee’ tab. Then select the ‘Time Sheet’ hyperlink.

Select the appropriate radio button for the action you want to complete, then hit ‘Select’

Select the position you want to enter time for, as well as the pay period, and hit ‘Time Sheet’

To begin entering time, select a hyperlink under the correct date and earn code. You can select further dates within the pay period by selecting ‘Next’

Enter hours worked in intervals of 15 minutes. Please be sure to mark your lunch period appropriately. Please note: the date and earnings code that you chose on the previous screen is displayed below. Overtime will NOT be automatically calculated by Banner. University policy states that overtime hours are calculated after an employee works 40 hours in a week.

Hit ‘Save’ to record time.

After all hours are entered for the 2 week pay period, please double check that all hours are entered under the appropriate earn code and the totals are accurate, and select ‘Submit for Approval’.


To enter a comment for a specific pay period, select ‘Comments’ button. The below screen will appear for you to enter your comment. Please remember that any comments entered here become part of your permanent HR/Payroll record. Select ‘Save’.

Amending your Timesheet

As long as the time has not been approved by your supervisor, you can recall your time sheet by hitting ‘Return Time’. Make any necessary corrections and then re-submit to your supervisor.

Supervisor Approval Process

Select the ‘Approve or Acknowledge Time’ you want to approve time for and choose ‘Select’.

The first section is for ‘Time Sheet’, where you will select the appropriate pay period to approve Non-Exempt time.

The second section is for ‘Leave Request’, where you will select the appropriate pay period to approve Exempt and Non-Exempt leave request(s).

Note: Exempt leave will automatically deduct from the employee’s leave accrual when that Payroll period is run. Non-exempt leave requests are for informational purposes only; leave time must be entered on the time sheet. If an exempt leave request is approved, and not taken, it must be reversed by Payroll, otherwise the hours will be deducted from your leave bank.

You can also choose your sort order for how you want them to appear on the next screen.

Hit ‘Select’.

To review and approve time, click on the blue name.

The employee’s detailed timesheet will show. At this point, the supervisor can make changes to the timesheet, make comments, or return the time sheet for corrections. If the timesheet is correct, click ‘Approve’. The timesheet is now complete and no further changes can be made by either the employee or the supervisor.

NOTE: We encourage supervisors to return time sheets for correction, rather than correct them. There may be instances where time does not allow for the sheet to be returned and submitted, and the supervisor has to make changes. Be sure to enter a comment so the employee knows the change was made.

Once the time sheet has been approved, the employee will see this message:

Designating a Proxy

Select Proxy Set Up from the lower right-hand corner

Select Proxy from the drop-down menu

Proxy approved usage

Leave Requests

Select the ‘Access my Leave Request’ radio button

Choose the period from the drop down menu. REMEMBER: Exempt staff are now on a semi-monthly schedule. The drop down will be semi-monthly. You may have to use two pay periods to request a week off. Click on the blue ‘Enter Hours’ for the day you are requesting. Type the number of hours in the Hours box. Click ‘Submit for Approval’.

Once the request has been submitted, you will see the approver status.