West Towson Elementary PTA Meeting
February 24, 2015
WTES library

Attendance: Jorie Stryker, Hilary Roxe, Christie Moag, Melissa Johnson, Allison Gerbereux, Michelle Lansinger, Pam Chen, Margo Workman, Sue Hershfeld, Kathy Osborn, Samantha Apel, Theresa Bassett, Jacqueline Piercey, Holly Henson, Monica Leigh, Esther Winikoff, Aline Lin, Ryan Schwanke, Christopher Roxe (18)

President’s Report: Hilary Roxe

·  Minutes Approved

·  Parent Program, March 9th on Childhood Anxiety, please RSVP via email to Hilary

·  MailChimp in process and hoping to execute by spring, need experts to help launch, contact Hilary

·  PTA By-Laws are up for review next year, be in touch if you want to be part of this committee

·  Committee Chairs should be in touch with the board with your interest for volunteering for next years term

Treasurer’s Report: Christie Moag

·  Updated budget reviewed.

·  There has been much increase in various committee budgets

Secretary report: Jorie Stryker

·  Collecting survey questions from Committee Chairs, please email questions regarding your committee ASAP to participate in community PTA survey

Principal’s Report: Sue Hershfeld

·  Staffing report-numbers are down, next year predictions: 63 in K for 3 classes of 21, 1st-3 classes of an average of 25, with reading and math classes reduced to an average of 18, 2nd-3 classes of 23, 3rd-4 classes of 23, 4th-4 classes of an average of 27.5, with a request for .4 staffing which would reduce class sizes to an average of 22 in math and L.A , 5th-3 classes of 25

·  4th grade students will return to WTES classrooms, Total numbers at 482/31 students over, close to 100 less from start

·  March 20th Generations Day with Fundraiser that evening at Jason’s Deli

·  Westy Reading Race launch on March 11th with Barnes & Noble Night

·  PAARC will begin March 2 for 2 weeks, 3-4 days of testing in each subject depending on grade level, PAARC testing again in May

·  April 29th 4th Grade goes to BizTown

·  Playground construction will begin as soon as weather breaks with hopes of a ribbon cutting ceremony in the spring

·  2 Full days (now 3), of school closings due to weather, 24 hours of 2 hour delays, 7 days have been factored into the school calendar, this does not include delays. Teachers are shifting around subjects with delays to balance the academic day

Teachers Report: Mrs. Lansinger

·  8th Annual Maryland Parent Involvement Matters Award (PIMA) accepted nominations for 2014-15 Parent of the Year in January. Monica Leigh was our nominee from West Towson. If she is selected as the Baltimore County representative, she will go on to compete among 24 counties in Maryland.

·  Financial support from the PTA is requested for dance teacher, Mrs. Keebler in purchasing t-shirts of $150.00 for the Dance Festival on March 27th . This was approved by the Treasurer.

·  The Maryland State Department of Education, Director of Instructional Programs will recognize Principal, Sue Hershfeld at the Maryland

State Advisory Council's annual reception, "Celebrating Gifted and Talented Education," on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. at North County High School in Glen Burnie Maryland.

New Business:

·  Westy Wellness emails did not circulate to a majority of the parents via Room Parents as hoped, many requests were made to recruit volunteers, Mrs. Lansinger offered to email teachers to reach out to the parents as there is still a great need for participation

Box Tops:

·  $5,495 Box Tops were just collected for a total of $549.50, ordered more indoor recess equipment


·  April Assembly is planned

·  5th grade Green Team is going to share more progress on morning announcements

·  Cereal Bag s and Health & Beauty collections will begin for 4 weeks in March with bins for these recyclable items, students will earn extra recess when the

bins are full


·  MSA Snacks (now PAARC Snacks) for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will be given to Room Parents to coordinate between their own classes and the teacher, Mrs. Lansinger offered to communicate this to Kris Spaulding to communicate to the room parents

·  Pool Party for 5th grade will cost $10 a head, total of $18 however PTA budget will cover $8.00 of this, waivers will be provided, June 18th from 1:00-4:00

Patriots & Defenders:

·  Jason’s Deli Fundraiser from 5:00-10:00 on March 20th of Generations Day will go to support P&D, 15% will go back to WTES to support this event

·  Mrs. Wheelahan and Ritz are still very much involved in the planning

·  Sign-Up Genius is on the website and circulating for volunteers to be “listeners” during the preparation period

·  Papers will be distributed on the 16th

·  Save the date for Friday, the 22nd for Memorial Day Assembly

Cultural Arts:

·  Budget has a surplus of $800, teachers will be asked if they have any needs for this money in the area of cultural arts

·  Chinese Acrobats will be coming for the first time at the end of February

Book Fair:

·  Book Fair will be March 13-20th, setting up on the 12th, the last day aligning with Generations Day, stay tuned for sign-up genius

Generations Day:

·  March 20th, 9:30-10:00 will be welcome, refreshments, photography, 10:00-10:45 will be all school assembly organized by teachers, 10:45-11:30 will be classroom visits

·  Coffee and Pastries will be served

·  Teachers are in charge of communications and PTA will manage set-up, rsvp’s coming soon

·  If children do not have a grandparent available they may invite an extended family member, parent, elderly neighbor, etc.

Health and Wellness:

·  Taste Off, Wed. Feb. 25th

·  Wellness Night, Friday 27th, these events will not be planned the same week next year, 100 rsvp’s to date

School Spirit Wear:

·  $395 in sales of hats, sold out for the season

·  Sinch Saks are new for $5.00, car magnets for $1.00, hair bands for $2.00

·  Thinking about coffee mugs

·  No more new clothing inventory at this time, probably just t-shirts in the future, would like to solidify a regular “store” for purchasing clothing items in addition to a more simplified online ordering system, until then just accessories and left over clothing will be sold

·  Items will be available at Kindergarten Registration in the spring as well as all other Westy events

·  Suggested to have Westy bandanas for Westy Walk

·  Want more promotion for all school Spirit Days

School Store:

·  None


·  Movie Night was widely attended, some feedback was given that the children were very wild and loud and people couldn’t hear the movie, children were roaming the hallways and getting up and down throughout the movie

·  Ice-skating event has been cancelled due to logistical issues with venue

·  Jenn Lohse and Ryan Schwanke will be stepping down as Social Chairs after two years of service at the end of the school year


·  130 Yearbooks sold to date, another order form will be sent through gold folders again

·  Yearbook Club has been very successful

Meeting Adjourned. 8:35 p.m.

Jorie Stryker
