Madison County SWCD
April 8, 2014 Minutes
The Madison County SWCD Board of Supervisors held a meeting on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at the USDA Service Center in Anderson, Indiana. Vaughn Bracken, Gene Best, Rick Autrey, Mike Lawyer and Chad Bouslog were the supervisors who attended. Garland Antrim (Associate Supervisor) & Steve Schmidt (SWCD) attended the meeting.
Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m.
Rick made a motion to approve the minutes from the March meeting. Mike seconded. Motion carries.
Treasurer’s Report:
Checking Account Balance as of April 7, 2014: $704.66
Money Market Account Balance as of April 7, 2014: $132,979.95
Total of all Funds: $133,684.61
Voucher Approvals:
1) MS4 Annual Conference-$65.00
2) INAFSM Dues & Annual Conference-$210.00
3) Earth/Arbor Day Booth-$50.00
4) Chanda Hiatt (Batteries)-$17.33
5) Business Cards for Steve
6) 4H Fair Booth-$260.00
7) Postage Stamps
8) Tree Sale Brochure-$1926.80
Rick made a motion to accept the Treasurers’ Report and pay the Vouchers. Chad seconded. Motion carries.
SWCD Business
The Board discussed the Fall Creek Watershed Partnership. The Board has a favorable position on the partnership, although some of the results are lacking and caused our office problems. Vaughn noticed the Mallard Lake HOA on Leslie White’s progress report. Steve verified it was Mallard Lake HOA in Indianapolis.
Steve submitted the Cover Crops application to the UWRWA that we received last year. We applied for $30,000.00 again this year.
The Board discussed the 319 Grant applications and was in favor of skipping the application this year.
There was discussion following our Annual Meeting and everyone’s thoughts. We received excellent feedback from attendees. As always, they loved our caterer, but many followed up with praise on our speaker. We continue to be reaching a new audience, who is interested in learning all the services we can provide. Jonathan Ferris was able to touch on a wide variety of topics in his program. Attendees seemed to be very interested in his timber management, which would lead to a speaker for the 2015 Annual Meeting. Once again, our numbers were very good compared to other SWCD’s Annual Meetings. Chanda will send out “Thank You” cards to all of our sponsors.
Nan Hammel, ISDA CREP Coordinator, mentioned they are looking for projects on the White River to aid in water conservation. The ideas don’t necessarily need to be farm related, but anything that can help the water quality might be considered.
Steve mentioned getting a booth at the Earth/Arbor Day festival in Anderson. Steve mentioned he would be out of town for the festival, and Chanda wasn’t sure about her schedule. The Board thought we could pay our $50.00 entry fee and go if possible, but to go ahead and pay to help maintain our relationship with the Parks & Recreation Office, as well as the City of Anderson.
Mike was sworn in with his “Oath of Office.”
Vaughn signed the CWI Financial Reporting Contract for 2014. By agreeing to the contract, our office receives $10,000.00 for administrative costs throughout the year.
There was discussion on the 4H Fair Booth. Steve and Chanda have really liked getting one and a half booths with the MS4 Partnership. It really allows for the kids to have space on the water table. Steve told the Board that Chanda said we’re out of inventory on our pens and pencils. Rick made a motion to purchase pens/pencils, not to exceed $400.00. Chad seconded. Motion carries.
Steve gave Chanda’s report on the Tree Sale. She’s finishing up the order form and has partnered up with Candace in Delaware County to cut down costs for both counties’ shipping costs. Chanda had mentioned she is just doing the pine trees in the bare root selection this year. Too much time was spent with the deciduous bare root trees and not much gained. She added that we have to buy the bare root trees in allotments of ten and we were getting stuck with the remainder. Chanda is planning on a Fall Pruning workshop with Kathleen Sprouse (PU Extension).
Well testing kits need to be turned in on April 29th. Chanda mentioned we’re seeing an increase in people ordering soil tests through our program.
The Board discussed the month of May. Everyone will be in the fields by the time our next scheduled Board meeting. Vaughn suggested we do a “rainy day” meeting if needed. Steve thought we’d be able to hold off until June.
Vaughn called for election of officers. Vaughn nominated Mike as Chairman. Rick seconded. Vaughn nominated Rick as Vice Chairman. Gene seconded. Mike nominated Chad as Secretary/Treasurer. Gene seconded. All nominations carried.
Other Agency Updates
Lisa Thompson (FSA)-Livestock Disaster Program about to start up (LDP).
Tod Herrli (NRCS)-
Meeting adjourned at 8:21 a.m. Next meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2014.
SWCD Board of Supervisor’s Approval: