Fulton County Schools 2013-2014 Comprehensive School Counseling Department Action Plan

School: Mimosa Elementary School Counseling Team: Flynn Hoag and Dana Fountain

Belief Statement:

- We believe in advocacy for our students and their needs.

- We believe in providing a respectful and responsible environment.

- We believe in adhering to the ASCA (American School Counselors Association) standards.

- We believe all students will learn to their full potential.

- We believe in analyzing data and translating it into achievable goals.

- We believe in applying ASCA standards to promote maximum development of every student.

Vision Statement:

To create and provide an environment where academic excellence is achieved through meeting students’ social, emotional and career exploration needs through implementing a successful ASCA (American School Counselors Association) based program.

Mission Statement:

The Mimosa Elementary School Counseling Department is a data driven program that empowers students to reach their full potential in academic and social/emotional development and career exploration, while instilling the values of high expectations, life-long learning, appreciation of diversity and responsible citizenship.

School Counseling Program Assessment completed (ASCA National Model p. 59). Yes

Program Goal 1 and type of data collected (Process, Perception, and/or Outcome):

-  All students in grades 1-5 will receive the required DOE Career lessons and all students in grade 5 will establish a career portfolio by April 2014

-  Process data: the number of career portfolios created by individual students

-  Perception data: at least 1 survey per semester completed by students in grades 2 and 5 to evaluate career knowledge gained from DOE career lessons and portfolios (grade 5 specific)

Program Goal 2 and type of data collected (Process, Perception, and/or Outcome):

-  Identify students with 0-1 absences in first 6 weeks of school (August 12-September 20) with help from data clerk and fewer than 2 tardies

-  Program goal: Establish Super Manatee Attendance Program rewarding students (certificates, recognition on Wall of fame bulletin boards near front office) for arriving continuously on time to school and being present at school between September-April and celebrate their attendance within 6-week periods

-  Data collected: process data including number of days students are absent/tardy in first 6 weeks of school and then continue that every 6 weeks of school; also number of student names celebrated on Wall of Fame

-  Perception data: evaluations completed by staff members about efficacy of program

Program Goal 3 and type of data collected (process, perception, and/or outcome):

-  Establish at least 2 small groups per grade level (kindergarten-5th grade) based on referrals for the school year

-  Small groups focus on student needs like emotional management, resilience, problem-solving, friendships, academic school skills, and more!

-  Process data: number of students participating, percentage of student population participating

-  Perception data: pre and post surveys from teachers of participating students

Grade / ASCA Domain
Academic Dev. = AD
Career Dev. = CD
Personal/Social Dev. = PSD / List activity/program and code as:
Guidance Curriculum: GC*
Responsive Services: RS*
Individual Student Planning: ISP*
System Support: SS* / Start and End Dates
(if applicable) / Students Targeted
(who and how many) / Location / Communication to Students
Required Monthly website posting of Department activities for the next month / Communication to Parents
Required Monthly e-mail blasts of Department activities for the next month / Evaluation and Assessment (how are you evaluating the effectiveness) / Counselor Responsible
K-5 / AD, PSD / Support and assist the RTI Chair with RTI and Informal Collaboration-SS
504 Chair (Hoag) / August 2013-May 2014 / Students who are performing below grade level or require services for disabilities / Conference Room/
Counselor’s Office / Student follow-up meeting depending on accommodations provided and their needs / Phone call, county letter mailed home, conference / Number of meetings attended during the year, percentage of time used in indirect services / Fountain
5 / AD
PSD / Transition plan
·  5th grade classroom guidance lesson to discuss middle school transition (GC)
·  Middle school tour, (SS)
·  Meetings with parents as requested to discuss transition, (RS)
·  MS peer leaders visit 5th grade classrooms, (SS)
·  Individual student counseling by referral (RS) / February-April 2014 / All 5th graders / Middle school / Teachers and counselors share information with students; verbal / School newsletter, transition flyer, parent permission form / Process data, student surveys before and after MS lessons and visits, teacher surveys / Hoag
K-5 / CD / College & Career Readiness (readiness for life), GC, ISP
·  Mimosa Mentors (teacher-student mentoring program), RS
·  Small group for academic success, school skills, and resilience, RS
·  Goal-setting lesson, GC
·  Testing Skills guidance lesson for grades 3 and 5, GC
·  Super Manatee Attendance program for tardy/attendance issues (get help from data clerk and social worker), SS
·  Mr. Manatee Goes to work program, RS, GC / September 2013-May 2014 / ALL / Classroom, computer lab, school-wide / Classroom guidance / School newsletter, State of School meeting after school, website, counselor bulletin board / number of classroom guidance lesson, creation of career portfolios, number of participants in attendance program and work program, surveys / Fountain
5 / CD, PSD / Interact Club- SS, RS
Service club to help our school and the surrounding community / Sept 2013-
May 2014
(biweekly Tuesday mornings) / 5th grade students that volunteer to participate / School, media center / Students meet at school biweekly to discuss ideas to help school and community / Parent Permission Forms and letters / Number of projects implemented throughout the year, process data (how many kids participated), perception data including surveys from teachers and students involved in projects / Hoag
2-5 / PSD, CD / Student Council / September 2013-May 2014 / 1 student rep per homeroom, about 50 students / School, media center / Bi-weekly meetings / Parent permission forms / Process data (how many students), perception data (what students thought about their experiences) / Fountain
PK-5 / PSD
CD / Bullying Prevention/Intervention (GC/RS)
• Classroom guidance grades K-5 on bullying prevention and friendship (GC)
• Small groups session in the fall and spring for “resilience” (target students with discipline and bully behaviors reported) and social skills (GC)
• School wide program, “No Place for Hate” initiative (Total of 3 anti-bullying initiatives and programs to celebrate diversity held throughout the year, sponsored by Anti-Defamation League) (SS)
• Individual counseling by referral for bullying related issues (RS) / August 2013-May 2014 / All students / School functions / Classroom guidance lessons, morning announcements, club meetings, ongoing presentations/activities/events during year / School newsletter, parent meeting after school (State of School), website / Perception and process data from teachers and students during projects/events held throughout the year / Hoag

Advisory Council Meetings:

Semester 1 date-Wednesday, December 4, 2013, from 3-3:45 in the media center

Semester 2 date- Wednesday, April 2, 2014, from 3-3:45 in the media center

Use of Time Assessment: 2012-2013 percentages unknown

2013 Semester Goal: Academic/Career Advisement & Curriculum percentage 20% Response Services percentage 60% System Support percentage 15% Other/Non Guidance 5%

2014 Semester 2 Goal: Academic/Career Advisement & Curriculum percentage 30% Response Services percentage 50% System Support percentage 15% Other/Non Guidance 5%

Please note: 80% of Professional School Counselor time should be spent in Direct/Indirect Student Services (GA state law, Title 20-2-182, Section 15).

*Guidance Curriculum = Provides developmental comprehensive guidance program content in an systematic way to all students *Responsive Services = Addresses the immediate concerns of students *Individual Student Planning = Assists students and parents in the development of academic and career plans * System Support = Includes programs, staff and school support activities/services

School Counselor(s) have presented the Comprehensive School Counseling Department Action Plan to the principal/counseling supervisor. Principal/Counseling Supervisor has reviewed the plan. Principal/Counseling Supervisor and school counselor(s) have discussed, revised (as needed), and agreed to the Comprehensive School Counseling Department Action Plan.

Annual Agreement: Counselor(s) Signature: Flynn Hoag and Dana Fountain

Principal Signature: Lynn Johnson

Program Goal 1 & Program Goal 2 results due to Professional School Counseling Department on Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Comprehensive School Counseling Department Program results due to Professional School Counseling Department and principal on Friday, May 23, 2014