Lyon Park Primary School
Job Title: Head Teacher
Responsible to: The Governing Body of Lyon Park Primary and Nursery School
Salary: Leadership Spine L25 – L31
Job Purpose including main duties and responsibilities
To undertake the duties and responsibilities laid down in the most recent School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document and in accordance with the standards set out for Head Teachers. In particular to:
- Provide strategic leadership and hold overall accountability for direction, standardsachieved and quality of education;
- Working with Governors, provide theleadership and management which
enables the school to give everypupil high quality education, andwhichpromotes the highest possiblestandards of achievement;
- Secure the long-term success of theschool bymaximising potential through the skillsand resources held within the school;
- Build leadership capacity throughout the school ;
- Lead the school within the context ofEvery Child Mattersincluding providinga full, integrated range of extended services.
Creating the future of the school
- Working with Governors to create thestrategic vision for the school andpromote the vision, values and ethos topupils, staff, Governors, parents and thewider community;
- Motivate others to create a shared learningculture and positive climate throughdistribution of leadership through teamsand individuals acrossthe school;
- Translate the vision into agreed objectives and operational plans for the school;
- Work with the Governing Bodies andother key stakeholders to maintain a
shared vision and future strategic planswhich will inspire and motivate pupils,staff, parents and the wider communityfor the school.
Leading teaching and learning/working through other leaders to:
- Ensure a continuous and consistent school-wide focus on pupils’
achievement, using data andbenchmarks to monitor progress;
- Establish creative, responsive andeffective approaches to learning and
- Set high expectations and challengingtargets for each school community;
- Monitor, evaluate and review classroom practice and promoteimprovement strategies;
- Ensure a culture that supports and facilitates pupil engagement in, and ownership of their own learning;
- Determine, organise and implement a diverse, flexible curriculum and implement an effective assessment strategy;
- Tackle under-performance at all levels;
- Provide inspiration and strong strategicleadership to the teaching team to ensurethat the schools continue to deliver thehighest standards of learning across theboard;
- Create a culture and ethos ofchallenge and support where allpupils can achieve success andbecome engaged in their own learning.
Developing self and leading and managing staff
- Develop a collaborative learning culture across the school for both staff and pupils;
- Ensure the development of, andmaintain effective strategies and
procedures for, staff induction,professional development andperformance review;
- Promote and maintain a culture of highexpectations for self and others;
- Ensure effective planning, allocation, support and evaluation of work of teamsand individuals;
- Ensure clear delegation of tasks and devolution of responsibilities;
- Develop a positive ethos and foster a culture of continuous improvement, acknowledging responsibilities and celebrating the achievement of teams;
- Regularly review own practice, setpersonal targets and take responsibility
for own development, seeking advice andsupport from other agencies (such as theLocal Authority and Governing Body);
- Manage own workload and that of others to allow an appropriate work-life balance;
Managing the organisation
- Ensure the ongoing development of anorganisational structure which reflects the school’s values, andenables the management of systems, structures and processes to work effectively in line with legal requirements;
- Ensure evidence-based improvementplans and policies promote continuousschool improvement linked to the SEF;
- Manage the schoolstrategically within the available
human, financial and physical resources;
- Recruit, retain and deploy staffappropriately;
- Develop effective relationships andcommunications which underpin aprofessional learning community thatenables everyone in the school to achieve;
- Create an inspiring, professional workenvironment consistent with the school’s values and aspirations;
- Put in place effective team communicationmechanisms to ensure that all staff areinvolved in the school’sdevelopment plan and are kept informed of key priorities and developments;
- Work with Governors to recruit and retaina high-quality leadership and teachingteam and deploy staff effectively in orderto improve the quality of education;
- Provide effective organisation andmanagement and seek
ways of improving organisationalstructures and functions based on rigorousself-evaluation;
- Manage the schools’ financial and humanresources effectively and efficiently toachieve the schools’ educational goals andpriorities, and ensure systems are in placefor the effective administration and controlof school budgets;
- Use and integrate a range of technologieseffectively and efficiently to manage theschool;
- Manage and organise accommodationefficiently and effectively to ensure thatall school buildings meet the needs ofthe curriculum and health and safetyregulations.
Securing accountability
- Develop an ethos whichenables everyone to work collaboratively;
- Ensure individual staff accountabilities are clearly defined, understood and agreed;
- Develop an effective working relationship and work with the Governing Board toenable them to meet their statutory and contractual responsibilities;
- Develop and present a coherent, understandable and accurate account of the schools performance to a range of audiences including, staff, parents and governors.
- Ensure every child has access to highquality teaching and learning.
Strengthening community
- Create and promote positive strategies forchallenging racial and other prejudice;
- Ensure a range of community-basedlearning experiences
- Collaborate with other agencies t in providing for the academic, spiritual, social, moral, emotional and cultural well-being of pupils and their families needs;
- Use the school to promote communitycohesion and the topromote extended services and work withother partners;
- Ensure that strategic planning takesaccount of the diversity, values and
experience of the school and localcommunity;
- Create and maintain effective partnership with parents, Governors and the Local Authority to supportand improve pupils’ achievements andpersonal development;
- Develop effective links with thecommunity to extend the curriculum,
enhance teaching and broaden learningopportunities;
- Build a school culture that takes accountof the richness and diversity within eachschool ‘s community;
- Actively promote the schools as centresof excellence for education and familiesin the local community.
- Create and develop an organisation inwhich all staff recognise that they are
accountable for the success of the school;
- Ensure that parents and pupils are wellinformed about the school’s direction,priorities, curriculum and pupils’attainment and progress;
- Combine the outcomes of regular schoolself-evaluation with external evaluationsin order to develop the school.
The school buildings and site
- Ensure effective supervision and securityof the schools’ environments and ensuregood maintenance through appropriateagencies;
- Maximise the potential of the sites toprovide stimulating learning environmentsand community facilities;
- Work with Governors and others toimprove the outside areas of the schools,maximising their potential for play, sportand learning opportunities;
- Develop a vision to improve the schools’premises through consultation with thewhole schools and local community.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils
- Ensure a safe and supportive school culture;
- Ensure the welfare of pupils is safeguarded and promoted in line with current best practice, national legislation and local authority advice;
- To have responsibility for ensuring that the safeguarding policy and procedures adopted by the schools are effective;
- Cooperate and work with relevant agencies to protect children.
Other duties
- To undertake any other reasonable duties that may be required from time to time commensurate with the post of Headteacher.