To: Jade Practitioners (issued under private, expressive association…)\...

We invite you to incorporate traditional homeopathy into your practice, low cost down with monthly installments including unlimited use of the THERAPEUSIS database for your patrons and family.

This incredible offer compares to no other system of database gadgets and gizmos, oft sold on the order of ten thousand dollars or more. No gizmo "handshake" between the computer and the patient, the Therapeusis database is based on real signs and symptoms.Therapeusis is a database to allow its users to find the most appropriate natural and alternative medical/hoslitic remedies available suited to the input user friendly responses. It is the largest such database in the world.

There are so many features and functions of Therapeusis, we simply cannot tell you all in one sitting but we will be inviting you to our upcoming seminars where we will show and assist you to explore all the therapeutic possibilities. But suffice it to say, we feel the best start for you is to incorporate constitutional homeopathy into your practice, because it is so easy… And, you can earn while you learn… Let me explain…

It is long recognized in Homeopathy that certain people fit into a specific body/mind type. This is referred to in homeopathy as “constitutional type” or ‘graphic drug-picture.” Each remedy addresses a set of special features. Just like in psychology where they have “personality disorders,” like obsessive-compulsive or mood disorder, we too in homeopathy have our own constitutional types, like Ignatia’s and Sulphur’s. A special detailed picture is taken of the person’s facial features (wrinkles, expressions), likes and dislikes, emotional feelings, nutritional features like food preferences, the condition of skin/hair/nails, and other health history factors. The constitutional remedy is a comprehensive composite of these systems,mind-body-spirit,and from this, one specific choice of remedy can be found.This becomes your ‘type’ and your ‘tonic,’ yes, whether in health or in sickness, a short dose (3-5 days) of one's constitutional remedy will act as a tonic, strengthen the overall body and immunity, and improve other treatments.

Now all of this, the burden does not lie on you, actually, your patron does it for you! Yes, with your unlimited account, you can offer free (or for fee!) computerized health evaluation, which they complete at home, online, and when completed, the computerized report is sent exclusively to you by email. What could be more ideal? This takes up no time in your office or waiting room, they arrive with you having already received the report, and the remedy they need in hand, as well as their nutritional deficiencies and a host of other therapeutic selective data.

Now, here is where it gets even better. The remedy they need is produced and transferred into an ordinary bottle or reverse osmosis (or distilled) water. That becomes part of their health package. The Hydroscillator unit is a multifunctional device that can produce structured water either from homeopathic samples, or from sound files off your computer. Yes, Therapeusis has a huge library of structure water sound files, and yes, these too are database determined for optimum applications.


As a practicing homeopath of more than thirty years, we learned long ago we could ‘graft’ remedies ad infinitum. Yes, if you had a 30c solution of a remedy with only a few drops left in the bottom, no problema, just add some distilled water and shake. All full again.

/ Then, in the early 1980’s, a gal in Texas brought over from England and Rae Potency Simulator. A device in a wood box that could graft one remedy to a blank of water, using a magnetic circuit. Too good to be true? We thought but proved otherwise. Good experiences created such a stir in the inner circles, it was even converting the most skeptic, classical homeopath die hards.
I have built more than a dozen different models of these down through the years and have used them clinically on thousands of patients. We all know and admit, yes, they work, and work well.

We feel very confident once you start using therapeutic waters, it will make a great adjunct to your practice. If you subscribe to the Gallavardin (spiritual) school, you need not even inform the recipient, just give them a bottle to go!

We are also going to introduce you also, to what we consider one of the most potent of all forms of homeopathy: the bowel nosodes. We all know the help we receive from probiotics, none can disclaim. But so often we see a return of symptoms, either on or off a probiotic supplement. The most over looked focal infection in the body is intestinal sepsis and it is here where bowel nosodes come to the rescue.

One more vital role as part of this educational program, is the uses of the remedies according to Dr. Gallavardin. According to Dr. Gallavardin: One can by the help of homeopathy, remedy the defective psychic/spiritual development quantitatively or qualitatively as much as or rather more than the defects of different organs and the muscular system of the human body by the help of exercise, by appropriate food and by light and air. One will see that each remedy checks or develops, in a different way, the development of moral dispositions or intellectual dispositions of man and woman. By using each remedy according to the law of similars you can modify the defective disposition of character and intelligence according to the aims to arrive at a better person. The remedy does not create mental or intellectual disposition, but develops it when it exists in a latent stage in the subject to be treated. A doctor here fulfills the role of a gardener who by nuturing and watering the ground, makes to germinate the seeds if they are there. Thus you will be able to help the troubled housewife or mother, the child having difficulty in school, the displaced husband causing disturbance in the household or workplace, etc. A genuinely fascinating study and humanitarian endeavor.

The Therapeusis database also includes a highly function Organ/Gland Assessment, used in the past but long forgotten. Based on the well accepted free-radical theory of ageing, Therapeusis will generate a list of the top 3 organ systems that should be put under damage control in order for you to regain your health! You have full access and unlimited use to then print out the instruction sheets for your patrons to assist them in righteous and good life style changes.

The Therapeusis database also generates the most indicated herbs for their condition, as well as pointing out the leading vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Again, this is based on hard data, signs and symptoms of their condition, that they have entered for you, online. You simply can’t go wrong.

So on the next page, we outline the private offering\...

Therapeusis + Hydroscillator - ORDER FORM – Limited offer ends Sept. 1, 2010

__ Hydroscillator Unit($3500)$2500US

includes Homeopathic Remedies (Polycrests) Graft set 100 vials

Basic online Homeopathic Certificate Course (10 lesson primer)

Homeopathic Bowel Nosodes Graft Set (45 vials) + Nosode Readers

Set of Bach Flower Graft set (39 vials) + Heavy metal Detox Graft Set (21 vials)

McWizard’s Homeopathic Materia Medica (5,000 pages on pdf)

3 months subscription to Therapeusis, unlimited use, Free shipping

__ Finance Plan$1000 down

* payments $100/month, 20 months (credit card orders only)

Upon approved transaction, you will receive:

includes Homeopathic Remedies (Polycrests) Graft set 100 vials

Basic online Homeopathic Certificate Course (10 lesson primer)

On the fifth payment, you will receive:

Homeopathic Bowel Nosodes Graft Set (45 vials) + Nosode Readers

McWizard’s Homeopathic Materia Medica (5,000 pages on pdf)

On the tenth payment, you will receive

Set of Bach Flower Graft set

On the fifteenth payment, you will receive:

Heavy metal Detox Graft Set (21 vials)

contnusous subscription to Therapeusis, unlimited use through the duration of payments, Free shipping


Email: ______

Note: Hydroscillator is provide solely as a spritual/religious device for personal edification. No therapeutic claims are made.