Lynn and the Big Scare

When Lynn Johnson woke up the sun was shining in her room. It was Saturday and she was very excited. Today she was going shopping for trainers with her mother. She dressed quickly in her jeans and favourite green sweatshirt and went downstairs.

"Good-morning sleepy head,” said her mother.

"Are you ready?" asked Lynn excitedly. "Is it time to go?"

"Slow down!" laughed her mother."The shop isn't even open yet. First we'll have some breakfast. Then you can help me clean up. Then it will be time to go.”

On the way to the shop, Lynn's mum said, "Now remember when we get there, Lynn, to stay close to me. There will probably be lots of people shopping today and Idon't want you to get separated from me.”

"Don't worry, mum,” said Lynn, "I'm not in nursery anymore.”

Lynn's mother smiled at her. "Oh I see,” she said, "Now that you're a big Year Three pupil, you can take care of yourself, just remember,” said her mother, "sometimes even children in Year Three can find themselves in trouble. So, stay close to me and remember what to do if we do get separated. We've talked about it before.”

"I know, I know. Don't worry,” said Lynn.

There were lots of people in the shop, but Lynn didn't mind. The shop seemed like a bright and happy place with people smiling and talking. Lynn smiled happily and stayed close to her mother while she got some things she needed.

"Now can we get my trainers?" asked Lynn.

"Just a minute,” replied her mother. “There is one other thing I need to get first”.

When they walked down another aisle, they saw one of Lynn's mother's friends. Lynn's mother stopped to talk to her. While they were talking, Lynn looked around and that's when she saw them. Over in the next aisle were her trainers. They were exactly the ones she wanted! She tried to tell her mum, but her mum was still busy talking. Lynn walked a little closer to the trainers to see if they had her size. Then she walked a little further until she found them.

Lynn walked back to tell her mother about the trainers. When she got there she didn't see her mother. She looked up and down the aisles, but still she could not see her mother. Lynn peeked under the racks to see if she could see her mother's shoes. She still could not see her mother.

"Mum, mum!" she called out. A few women looked at her, but none of them was her mother. That's when Lynn realised that she was lost! Her heart started to beat faster. Her legs felt like they could not hold her anymore and she got a sick feeling in her stomach.

Lynn was scared. All of a sudden the shop seemed too big and bright and she seemed so small. There were so many loud people. They didn't seem happy and friendly any more. Lynn was really scared! She felt shaky and hot tears burned her eyes.

"Don't cry!" she said to herself. "Think!" Lynn took a long, deep breath to try to calm down. Then she thought about what she should do. She remembered her mother's voice telling her what to do if they ever became separated.

"Go to the front of the shop and tell the security guard, or go to a counter and tell the shop assistant. They will know what to do.” So Lynn took another deep breath and walked up to the woman behind the counter. She told the woman that she had lost her mother.

The shop assistant smiled at Lynn and said, "Don't worry. I know just what to do.” And she did. She took Lynn to the customer service area.

They made an announcement over the loudspeaker. "We have a lost mother in our shop. Would Mrs Johnson please come to the customer service counter. Your daughter is waiting for you there.”

In a minute, Lynn saw her mother rushing up to the service desk. Lynn jumped up to meet her. "Mum” she said, "I was so afraid when I lost you!"

"Lynn,” said her mum as she held out her arms. "I was scared too when I could not find you. I was upset that you wandered away! But I am happy that you remembered what to do.”

"Me too!" answered Lynn...And with a smile and a wink she added, "Now can we get my trainers?"