8 April 2015

Durban’s Head of the Bay Regatta Notice – 4 July 2015


Durban Rowing Club, Harbour, Durban.


Saturday the 4th July 2015 starting at 06:30. Coxes and Captain’s briefing is at 06:00 (All visiting crews and coxes are expected to attend this briefing).


The Regatta Courses are either the 8 or 12 kilometre routes within the harbour.


All entries should have been sent to

Entrants may only enter a maximum of 2 events each.

Submit age and sex of each crew member when registering your crews

Boat classes: Eights, Fours, Quads; Doubles; Pairs; Single sculls and Yulette Quads.

Stipulate which course you are entering

Limited boats will be provided by DRC on a loan basis if required. (first come first served basis)

Cost per entry: (R35.00) per seat (excluding coxes).

Ensure that your pay your entry fees prior to your event.

Direct deposits can be made in the account of Durban Rowing Club at First National Bank, Acc No 5085 151 6342, Branch No 221426 (please request an invoice from Mark if you require one)

Proof of payment to be e-mailed to



Food, snacks and cool drinks will be on sale during the regatta.

Regatta T-Shirts and caps will also be on sale.

Rules, Safety and Regulations:

•A compulsory traffic rules and safety briefing for all coaches (or delegated person), coxes and rowers will be held at 6:00

•Regatta starts at 6:30.

•Handicap rules apply to the boat class and the age of the crew.

•We require the ages of your crew members before you compete, otherwise we cannot calculate your handicap time. Please get these details to durban.rowing.club@gmailemail address.

•The older the crew the higher the handicap

•The smaller the boat class the higher the handicap

•The handicap calculations will be conducted by an independent person

•Each competing boat/crew will be issued with a bow number for record keeping and marshalling purposes

•The course is within the working harbour and you have to abide by the traffic rules

•You generally row within the channel with your bow side blade (left shoulder) closest to the shore, buoys, moored yachts and ships so that passing traffic passes your boat on your stroke side

•Avoid any water turbulence disturbed by ship propellers

•Stay clear of any vessels as they cannot stop quickly

•Row on the correct side of the channel to avoid collusion with other competing crews

•You must keep out the way of tugs, speed boats and ships, none of them can stop quickly

•Do not cross any channel in front of any approaching ships, tugs or speed boats

•Do not take short cuts or cut corners as you will be disqualified

•All boats are to be fitted with heel straps, bow balls and the allocated lane numbers, and failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification

•The two minute rule will be applied for the duration of the regatta. Get to the start on time

•All issues relating to the programme are to be addressed with the regatta organisers before the Thursday of the regatta

Course Map & Video

There is a Google map reflecting the routes for the 8 and 12 km courses

There is video footage of the course routes available in a Dropbox account. Contact Mark at durban.rowing.club@gmailto get access to them.

Friday Cox and Captain’s Harbour tour

On Friday afternoon 3 July ALL visiting crews MUST attend harbour tours for the coxes and captains so that the routes are clearer to them

Visiting Crew’s Trailers

Visiting crew’s trailers may be parked on the grass area next to the rowing club and near the slipway used to launch from Friday evening.

We will provide security to stay with the trailers from Friday evening to Sunday morning.

Sunrise and Tide:

Sunrise is at 06:52

High tide: 05:01

Low tide11:14

The tide will affect your boat speed, obviously your boat will be slower rowing against the outgoing tide and quicker rowing with the tide.

Prize Giving:

Prize giving will be held at 10:30

Adverse Weather Conditions:

The regatta organisers reserve the right to make changes to the racing programme to accommodate adverse weather that may create unrowable conditions.


“Should you participate in a rowing regatta arranged by Durban Rowing Club or on craft owned or used by Durban Rowing Club, you do so at your own free will and entirely at your own risk.

Neither Durban Rowing Club nor any of its committee or members shall be liable for any loss, damage or injuries sustained by you as a result of your participation in the regatta irrespective of howsoever any such claim might arise.”

Mark Burgess

Club Captain