Lyle’s Local Fund

Grant Funding for 2018

Application Form
  • The application form must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 12 October 2018
  • Late forms will not be considered
  • Please complete in black ink or type and return to
  • or
  • LBN Community Grants Team, Sports & Leisure, Community & Environment,

Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road

London E16 2QU

Lyle’s Local Fund

Grant Programme Funding 2018 / Office Use Only
Ref No:

Section A: About your project

1. Project Details

Name of your organisation
Name of project (if different)
Telephone no.
Fax no.
Website address
Contact person
Position in organisation
Address (if different from the above)
Direct telephone no./mobile no.
E-mail address
2. How much grant are you applying for?

3. Project Application Details:

Please refer to the guidelines before answering these questions.

(a) What are the objectives of your project, and how does your project meet the grant programme’s objective to create local communities in Newham that are safe, prosperous and healthy?
(b) What are the specific activities this project will deliver and how will it benefit Newham residents?

(c) How many people will benefit from this project?
(d) How many people benefiting from the project are Newham residents?

Section B - Project Finances

4. Details of planned expenditure. In this section we are asking you to tell us about the total costs for the project or service you are applying for from Lyle’s Local Fund

Item: / Details: / Cost:
Total / £
5. Project income Please give details of other sources of income that will be used for this project. Include details of other funding that you have applied for and indicate whether this has been secured.
Source / Amount / Funding secured?
If no when are you likely to find out?
SECTION C – Monitoring your project
6. How will you monitor your project’s activities and outcomes, including quality and user feedback?

Equalities & Inclusion

7. How will this you ensure this project is open to all?

SECTION D - About your organisation

8. Profile of your organisation
When was your organisation set up?
Please give the date of your last Annual General Meeting
9. Which of these best describes your organisation?

A company limited by guarantee?
What is the registration number?
A registered charity?
What is the registration number?
An unregistered voluntary organisation?
Affiliated to a regional or national organisation
Other - what type of organisation is it?

Finishing the application

This application must be approved by your Trustees or Management Committee
The information set out above is correct to the best of my knowledge. We confirm that if the Tate and Lyle Sugars Company gives a grant, the organisation will use it only for the purposes specified. We also confirm that the organisation will comply with the Conditions of Grant Aid if a grant is approved.


Position: Date:

Important Checklist

Have you: Please tick

Completed every question?

Kept a copy?

Double-checked your figures?

Have you provided the LBN Grants Team with a copy of:

Your organisation's constitution or other rules

Your organisation’s latest Annual Accounts

Your organisation's equal opportunities policy or statement?

Your current list of Management Committee Members

Your organisation's bank details

NOTE: If any of the above documents have not been provided please submit them to: but do NOT delay returning this form before the closing date, 5pm on Friday 12 October 2018.

This grant programme is administered on behalf of Tate and Lyle Sugars by the London Borough of Newham, at the following address:

LBN Community Grants Team, Sports & Leisure, Community and Environment,

Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road

London E16 2QU

Please return your completed application by e-mail if possible to

Enquiries to 020 3373 6019

or e-mail