Macbeth Word samples obtained using Cruncher

Selection drawn from the text collapsed into reverse alphabetical order (rhyme-sort)

Adverbs in Macbeth ending with the suffix -ly

nimbly humbly nobly doubly gladly amazedly kindly soundly hardly outwardly scarcely freely safely savagely strangely solely timely untimely sorely wisely minutely bravely briefly wooingly strongly wrongly highly holily happily heavily brainsickly quickly frankly especially continually usually foully cheaply deeply nearly angerly unmannerly poorly directly sweetly deftly nightly rightly gently presently jointly unruly truly newly

Abstract nouns ending in –y

prophecy constancy mercy malady remedy ecstasy safety society mortality infirmity dignity unity pity posterity verity integrity security sanctity captivity loyalty royalty cruelty plenty sovereignty bounty majesty destiny tyranny ceremony husbandry surgery treachery lechery mockery mansionry glory memory victory

Adjectives ending in –y

ruby saucy bloody hardy cloudy leafy foggy spongy stealthy filthy worthy rooky murky deadly kindly homely earthly sickly manly womanly heavenly only holy cheaply deeply apply nearly angerly unmannerly fenny skinny downy sleepy happy chappy weary aweary momentary sundry slumbery very every discovery fry angry gory sorry easy drowsy flighty twenty dainty empty hearty yesty dusty petty pretty heavy

Adjectives ending in -less

boundless confineless boneless careless measureless stanchless merciless reckless peerless fatherless thriftless sightless fruitless dauntless restless marrowless

Nouns ending in -ness

madness kindness unkindness goodness stableness nobleness direness highness readiness lowliness happiness business darkness illness fulness clearness voluptuousness greatness fitness rawness

Nouns ending –cion, -sion and -tion

suspicion occasion decision vision division mansion passion commission intermission confusion conclusion illusion probation perturbation equivocation creation navigation relation speculation nation assassination damnation preparation expectation agitation station salutation action detraction affection reflection direction benediction prediction interdiction affliction function destruction construction ambition addition expedition composition disposition repetition invention motion notion devotion proportion suggestion digestion question combustion caution execution resolution

Adjectives ending in -ful

dreadful needful woeful dareful direful hateful spiteful wasteful watchful wrathful faithful merciful pitiful sinful fearful powerful doubtful deceitful fitful joyful

Adjectives ending in -ish

dwarfish devilish foolish swinish lavish

Verbs ending in -ish

establish relish vanish flourish lavish wish

Participles ending in -ing

curbing rejoicing commencing producing reading bidding succeeding proceeding bleeding striding building tending contending attending finding according being hanging marching watching washing ravishing speaking shaking making a-making leave-taking smacking shipwrecking pricking sticking knocking reeking walking unshrinking masking healing stealing feeling seeling juggling smiling boiling travelling swelling filling killing willing summer-seeming blaspheming coming king-becoming unbecoming listening disdaining morning turning returning yawning doing going sleeping galloping skipping bearing hearing murdering suffering flattering towering spring stirring casing disguising confessing blessing missing using mousing carousing acting meeting greeting fighting soliciting vaulting enchanting painting nose-painting temple-haunting starting sting everlasting boasting letting setting leaving having more-having craving giving living moving viewing following growing laying saying dying surveying signifying flying multiplying destroying crying tarrying prophesying emptying

Past participles ending in -ed

cribbed faced cream-faced barefaced laced placed high-placed displaced graced chanced silenced pronounced forced bladed added undeeded needed provided even-handed commanded descended offended unattended brinded founded sounded unguarded recorded concluded succeed proceed deed indeed feed bleed need speed breed seed fed rump-fed stuffed roofed badged lodged digged rugged drugged tugged undivulged hanged charged overcharged purged breeched blanched drenched trenched wrenched quenched munched hatched dispatched watched wretched scotched touched vouched weighed shed dashed gashed furbished brandished banished vanished vanquished died studied unsanctified mortified satisfied supplied unaccompanied cried carried buried tied pitied naked hacked wrecked wicked plucked shrieked walked smoked looked marked asked rebuked hawked led resembled redoubled troubled fled trifled birth-strangled failed hailed all-hailed reconciled filed exiled compelled gospelled counselled ravelled yelled killed distilled knolled cooled untitled lion-mettled settled howled unseamed named accustomed armed charmed confirmed informed performed opened constrained curtained combined confined whined inclined ravined damned scanned unmanned cabinned poisoned learned suborned burned turned returned crowned scaped heaped steeped wiped unwiped lapped stepped slipped ripped stopped supped harped red over-red feared beggared prepared unprepared compared stared sacred considered rendered murdered affeered fathered withered smothered distempered slaughtered sweltered blood-boltered bloody-sceptered pestered registered cloistered battered unbattered lily-livered ditch-delivered silvered shag-haired hired admired desired implored referred abhorred laboured clamoured honoured poured measured diseased franchised promised surprised incensed closed ill-composed opposed horsed disbursed cursed accursed coursed passed compassed confessed blessed witnessed dressed addressed heat-oppressed crossed used confused seated lated mated separated acted distracted infected coveted grafted uplifted lighted baited surfeited limited strangely-visited requited bruited melted planted warranted contented painted sainted anointed confronted undaunted accounted rooted pale-hearted parted comforted reported transported blasted invested assisted trusted committed saluted trumpet-tongued valued believed received lived arrived resolved loved proved carved served observed deserved reserved mewed brewed owed bowed cowed showed borrowed bestowed fixed dismayed stayed amazed crazed authorized

Adjectives ending in -ous

hideous plenteous bounteous beauteous spacious gracious precious judicious malicious pernicious avaricious tedious sacrilegious rebellious pious serious industrious furious luxurious compunctious oblivious perilous miraculous over-credulous multitudinous treasonous ulcerous murderous dangerous treacherous prosperous slaughterous feverous clamorous vaporous monstrous virtuous

Selection drawn from the text collapsed into alphabetical order

Adjectives and verbs starting with prefix un-

unaccompanied unattended unbattered unbecoming unbend undaunted undeeded undivulged undone unfelt unfix unfold unfortunate unguarded unjust unkindness unknown unless unlineal unlock unmake unmanned unmannerly unnatural unprepared unprovokes unreal unrough unruly unsafe unsanctified unseamed unsex unshrinking unspeak unsure untie untimely untitled unusual unwelcome unwiped

Prefix over-

over-credulous over overbear over-fraught over-red overbold overcharged overcome overleap overleaps overtake overthrown overtook

Prefix dis-

disasters disbursed discharge discomfort discovery disdaining disease diseased disgrace disguising disheartens ddishonours disjoint disloyal dismal dismayed dismiss disorder dispatch dispatched displaced disposition dispute disseat distance distempered distilled distinguishes distracted distresses