Annex 2: Terre des Hommes Netherlands

Grant Application Proposal Format

1. General Information
Project title
Project locations
(specify country and area(s) that will benefit from the project)
Name of organisation
Registration number, date and place of registration
Name of representative and position
Office address
Telephone number
Email address
Bank name
Bank branch
Bank account name
Bank account number
Signatories to the account
(please include names and positions)
Currency of the account
Swift code
Total amount requested for the project
(in local currency)
(For consortium bids - please add rows if needed for more applicants, providing the same information for each (co-)applicant)
Name of organisation
Registration number, date and place of registration
Name of representative and position
Office address
Telephone number
Email address
Bank name
Bank branch
Bank account name
Bank account number
Signatories to the account
(please include names and positions)
Currency of the account
Swift code
Name of organisation
Registration number, date and place of registration
Name of representative and position
Office address
Telephone number
Email address
Bank name
Bank branch
Bank account name
Bank account number
Signatories to the account
(please include names and positions)
Currency of the account
Swift code
2. Context Analysis
Situational analysis, evolution of the problem and current conditions, factors in the context, political and institutional landscape and opportunities for change.
3. Beneficiaries
Focus on who is intended to benefit from the changes in the context that the project aims to support, and how they will benefit. Quantify the number of beneficiaries as much as possible.
4. The project and its desired change(s)
4.1 List the specific objectives of the project.
4.2 Outputs and activities
Complete Annex 3 - TdH NL EA Outputs and Activities Sheet, at output and activity level.
4.3 Research
If research is planned as part of the project, describe the intended research here. Also describe how learning of the research will be disseminated.
5. Stakeholder analysis
Present an analysis of the actors as presented in TdH-NL’s Theory of Change and networks that influence change in the setting and their power relationships.
6. Assumptions
Describe the assumptions on basis of which change might happen relevant to the context.
7. Sphere of influence
Provide an analysis at actor level of the project’s ability to reach and influence change, directly through its interventions or indirectly through collaboration and interaction.
8. Added value (for consortium bids only)
Describe the added value each applicant brings to the project.
9. Child Safeguarding
How do you safeguard children from being mistreated / abused by your own staff or relations? Note for consortium bids: please answer this questions for the lead applicant as well as all co-applicants.
10. Track record
Please complete the track record in the table(s) below.
(Lead) applicant: [mention name here]
Donor / Project detail
(max. 4 lines; include name, theme, target group, etc.) / Contribution in EURO / Project duration (start - end date)

(If applicable:) Co-applicant 1: [mention name here]
Donor / Project detail
(max. 4 lines; include name, theme, target group, etc.) / Contribution in EURO / Project duration (start - end date)
(If applicable:) Co-applicant 2: [mention name here]
Donor / Project detail
(max. 4 lines; include name, theme, target group, etc.) / Contribution in EURO / Project duration (start - end date)
Add more tables in case of more co-applicants.
11. Sustainability
11.1 Sustainability at beneficiary level
Effects for the beneficiaries: to what extent are the outcomes sustainable for the beneficiaries?
11.2 Sustainability at project level
To what extent are the outcomes sustainable in terms of ownership, handing over to e.g. government? To what extent will activities continue when the project period ends in December 2018?
11.3 Describe your project exit strategy
12. Visibility of Terre des Hommes Netherlands
Describe how the project will ensure the visibility of Terre des Hommes Netherlands
13. Project management
13.1 Describe the project management structure, decision making process(es), and supervision. Define the role of Terre des Hommes Netherlands in the project.
For consortium bids: describe this for the lead as well as all other applicants. In addition, describe the project management structure, decision making process(es), and supervision in relation to each other.
13.2 Monitoring and Evaluation
Describe the M&E plan for the project. Explain also how you will disseminate project results and lessons learned to relevant stakeholders as well as to a wider public.
14. Budget
Complete Annex 4 - TdH NL EA Project Budget Format
