Lunchtime and Break-time Supervision
Basically there are no supervisor ratio's for break-times (unlike offsite activities), Dfes, KCC or otherwise. The number of supervisors is a matter for internal management to determine based on risk assessment.
Below are some suggestions of things that you may need to consider when carrying out your risk assessment such as:
- What are the pupils like?
what age are they?
do they have behaviour problems?
do any have disabilities?
are there any parental access issues with any particular children?
- How is the playground laid out?
are there blind spots?
are there any areas where security could be an issue?
are there split play areas?
- Activities
Is there any play equipment?
Are there other games played that could affect the supervision required?
- For playground activities:
The Invicta Manual of School Management, Section 10.27:
‘During the school day the children are supervised at all times. Duty teachers and learning support assistants supervise them during playtimes, and mid-day supervisors care for them during the lunch break with duty teachers as support.’
- For Technology:
One teacher for every 20 or 21 pupils.
- ForScience:
One teacher for every 20 or 21 pupils.
- ForEarly Years and Nurseries,the ratios are:-
The only statutory safety requirements concerns the ratio of staff members to children, ie
One adult worker for every 8 children aged 3 – 5 years;
One adult worker for every 4 children aged 2 – 3 years;
One adult worker for every 3 children aged under 2 years.
There are no minimum or maximum sizes of playgroups.
(taken from Croner’s H&S Briefing, page 2 of Issue 264, dated 8 September 2003).
- For H&S of Educational Visits (1998), (and visits abroad), please refer to the DfES Good Practice Guide of the same name:
Paragraph 70, on page 13 states:
‘One adult for every 6 pupils in school years 1 to 3
(under 5's reception classes should have a higher ratio);
One adult for every 10 - 15 pupils in school years 4 - 6; and
One adult for every 15 - 20 pupils in school year 7 onwards.’
For a free copy call DfES free on 0808 100 50 60 (or local rate 0845 60 222 60 or fax 0845 60 333 60 or helpline 0845 60 999 60 and quote ref HSPV2.
- For trips abroad:
One adult for every 12 pupils.
As advised from Richard Hayden (Outdoor Education Unit).
- For breakfast clubs:
One adult for every 8 pupils.
As advised by Kent Healthy Schools.