1 School Lane



Tel. 01234 567890

e-mail –

[Insert Date}


Name of School Governing Body

May I first of all introduce myself as the Clerk to the governing body and welcome you as a (category) governor following your recent election/appointment.

The purpose of this letter is to provide you with some basic information in connection with your role as a governor and to enable me to undertake one or two essential tasks in connection with your recent election/appointment.

Chair/Vice Chair of Governors & Headteacher

The governing body elects a Chair and Vice Chair from one of their number, with the exception of governors who are paid to work at the school. Their term of office can be between 1 & 4 years depending on what has been decided by the governing body. The current Chair is (insert name & contact details), the current Vice Chair is (insert name & contact details).

The Headteacher of the school is (insert name & contact details)


The governing body has an induction programme for new governors and (insert name of governor) is the governor appointed to undertake this role. I have spoken to (insert name) and I should be grateful if you would contact him/her direct (insert tel no.) so that arrangements can be made to commence the induction process.

Term of Office

Your term of office commenced (insert date) and will expire on (insert date).

DBS check

All governors have to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service check (formally known as CRB). This process is now on line and all applicants should go to www.northyorks.gov.uk/dbs where full guidance is given.

Please make arrangements with the Head teacher and school administrator (insert name and contact details) to complete the process and have your documents verified.

This is an essential requirement for the safeguarding procedures in all schools and the information will be kept in the school’s Single Central Register. Please see the Head teacher for any further information.

Self-Declaration form

I enclose a copy of the self-declaration form which sets out the criteria which would prohibit you from being a governor. I should be grateful if you would read the criteria carefully and, if none of them apply to you, you should sign and date the form and return it to me. If any do apply you must inform me immediately. You should also note that if, during your term of office, your circumstances change you are required to notify me immediately.

Register of Business Interests*

The governing body is required to maintain a register that lists for each governor and the headteacher, any business interests that they or any member of their immediate family have. The register must include all business interests such as directorships, share holdings and other appointments of influence within business or organisations that may have dealings with the school. The register is available for inspection (on request) by governors, parents, staff and the LA. The prime purpose of the register is to ensure probity within the governing body and that interests are declared as appropriate in meetings.

I enclose a pro-forma for the register and I should be grateful if you would complete the form and return it to me.

Register of Hospitality*

The governing body is required to maintain a register of hospitality the purpose of which is to ensure that if a governor receives a gift or accepts hospitality in connection with their duties as a governor then the gift or hospitality is recorded. In the event of you being offered any gifts or any hospitality in connection with your role as a governor then you should seek advice as to whether the gift or hospitality may be accepted and recorded in the register. In such cases you should contact me and I will be pleased to obtain any further guidance that you might need.

The Governance Handbook (Department for Education (DfE))

The DfE has published a guide to the law for school governors which is available on their website https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/governance-handbook; If you do not have access to the internet please let me know and I will obtain a copy for you. The DfE website is a useful starting point for all information regarding governance. Please note that the Governance Handbook is regularly updated by the DfE so do ensure you have the latest advice.

Meetings of the governing body and committees

I enclose a schedule of Governing Body (and Committee meetings) for the current school year. You will note that all meetings are held on (insert day of the week, if appropriate) and commence at (insert normal start time). If you are unable to attend a meeting of the governing body (or any committees to which you may be appointed) then you should let me know in advance of the meeting so that your apologies can be recorded in the minutes. This is particularly important for governing body meetings because failure to attend such meetings for 6 months without apologies being submitted to and consented to by the governing body will mean automatic disqualification as a governor.

Allowances (if appropriate)*

The governing body has adopted a scheme for the payment of allowances to governors and a copy of the scheme is enclosed.

I very much hope that the information given above and the enclosures are helpful to you. As Clerk to the governing body I am available to offer assistance and guidance wherever possible and please do not hesitate to contact me. In the meantime I look forward to meeting you personally at the next meeting of the governing body.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Other

Clerk to the Governing Body

*Available in the Handbook for Clerks to the Governing Bodies.

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Updated RM May 2016 (Author MB May 2013)