KMU 402-21,22,23,24
2015-2016 Spring Semester
Experimental Design Project
As part of the experimental design part of the KMU 402 lab course, students are responsible for coming up with ideas to find solutions to the problems in the existing experimental setups, or to make improvements to the existing systems. Problems to be investigated are listed below for each experiment. Students are responsible for explaining the technical background for their idea, proposing a methodology, making experiments or developing a mathematical model as necessary, and conveying the results of their experiment or model by writing a technical memorandum and addressing it to the course instructors and the teaching assistant.
KMU 402 Lab groups are assigned the experiment that matches their group number. For example, Group 1 will beworking on Experiment 1.
EXPERIMENT 1: Flow In Circular Pipes
- Derive the momentum flux and velocity profile equations for a Newtonian fluid at points 3-4 on the experimental set-up.
2.Repeat the second part of the KMU 402 Flow in Circular Pipes experiment by using 50 %glycerol-water solution for the all pipes. Calculate the initial and final values of Reynolds numberNRe, kinetic energy of the fluid, potential energy of the fluid, viscous energy losses and efflux time. Discuss the results and compare them with your experimental results conducted with water.
EXPERIMENT 2: Gas Absorption
- A gas mixture at 0 oC and 1 atmosphere flowing at 1.20 m3/sec, and containing thirty-seven percent NH3, sixteen percent N2, and forty seven percent H2 is to be scrubbed with water containing a little sulfuric acid at 0oC. The exit gas should contain one percent NH3 and the exit liquid 23 mol% NH3. Design a packed tower to carry out this task. The tower should use 2 inch Berl saddles, which have a surface area per volume 105 m2/m3. It should operate at fifty percent of flooding. Pilot-plant data suggest that the overall gas-side mass transfer coefficient in this tower will be 0.032 meters per second; this value is larger than normal because of the chemical reaction of ammonia with water.In this design:
- What is the flowrate of pure water on the top of the tower?
- What tower diameter should be used?
- How tall should the tower be?
2.How would you increase the efficiency without changing system components? (e.g. tower height, tower diameter should be constant.)
EXPERIMENT 3: Distillation
- Design an experiment to determine the column efficiency in the fractional distillation column shown in Figure 1.
The experiment should include the following:
Aims (Explain why and when determining column efficiency is important)
Experimental procedure (Show methodology)
Measured data (Create tables)
Results and discussion
Figure 1. Distillation experiment system
EXPERIMENT 4: Process Control
- Draft the PI flow diagram for the specified process flow diagram shown in Figure 2.
- Control of temperature in container B1.
- Monitoring of filling level and temperature in container B1
- Verify the determined control parameter of a PI controller by carrying out a setpoint step-change from approximately 20% to 60% of the modulation range.
- What is the closed control loop behaviour if you increase (e.g. double) Tn?
Figure 2. Process control experiment system
EXPERIMENT 5: Chemical Reactors
- By considering the ethyl acetate and sodium hydroxide saponification reaction in a batch and continuous (semi-batch) reactor, discuss how you can increase the conversion of the reaction.
- Design an experiment set up (without using the KMU 402 Chemical Reactor Experiment Equipment) to calculate the reaction rate constant for the saponification reaction of ethyl acetate and sodium hydroxide that takes place in a batch reactor with the data given below.
250 mL 1.00 M ethyl acetate
250 mL 0.02 M sodium hydroxide
T= 298 K
EXPERIMENT 6: Catalytic Reactors
- Using the present experimental system, what can you suggest to increase the conversion?
- Design a fixed bed reactor for sucrose inversion by considering parameters such as catalyst amount, void fraction, and pressure drop. Show all calculations.
- Suggest a new reaction method for sucrose inversion. Develop a new technique for determination of glucose concentration. Use the new experimental set-up for calculations.
EXPERIMENT 7: Cooling Tower
- In a cement factory, waste water is producedat 43oC with a capacity of 3000 m3/h. The temperature of this waste water should be reduced to 33 oC to for reusing. Design a cooling tower for this purpose.
The relative humidity and the wet bulb temperature for the air that is used for cooling are 92% and 29°C, respectively. Tower height is limited to 10 m maximum.
EXPERIMENT 8: U-manometers
- Design an underdamped and an overdamped manometer with different fluids and physical characteristics.
- Fabricate these two manometers by using the design parameters and fix them properly to perform the experiment.
- Analyze the dynamic behavior of each manometer experimentally and compare with theoretical behaviors. Anything can be changed depending on your imagination.
In the experiment, wetted sand is being dried by using air at a definite temperature and velocity. After the experiment, we obtain a drying curve by using drying rate and time data.
- Is the drying curve that is obtained from the experiment valid for all wetted materials or changeable with the particle form and size? Prove your argument by designing a new part of experiment, prepare the new drying curve and explain the results on drying kinetic.
- Is the liquid that we use to wet the sand effective on the drying curve? Prove your argument by designing a new part of experiment, prepare the new drying curve and explain the results on drying kinetics.
EXPERIMENT 10: Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger and Boiling
1.Describe the heat transfer in a concentric tube heat exchanger mathematically in terms of momentum, heat and mass conservation and fluid properties assuming the fluid flow is in axial direction.
2.Design a 1-2 shell and tube heat exchanger to cool water from 70oC to 10oC. State the type and the inlet temperature of the heating fluid. Determine the allocations, flow directions, baffle type and flow rates of the fluids.
3.Suggest an alternative liquid instead of dichloromethane. Discuss the effects of the flow rate of the coolant fluid and the inlet temperature on the vapor pressure of the boiling liquid.
The technical memo written for KMU 402 Laboratory experimental design assignment must follow the guidelines listed below:
- The technical memo should be written for an audience, who is familiar with the experiment and who is primarily interested in the results and conclusions.
- The report must address the specific questions listed for the experiment in the assignment handout. If you have made additional observations that are relevant to the experiment, include them in your report.
- The technical memo must be concise and to the point. Only include information that adds to the readers understanding of the experiment and any findings. Do not add unnecessary information to stretch the length of the memo.
- All technical memos must be prepared and printed with a word processor. Use single spacing, 2 cm margins, and Times New Roman 11-point font.
- All technical memos should conform to the standard rules of the English language. Care should be taken to eliminate all grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Proofread the memo and use the spell check function.
- The memo should be a concise summary of the work performed. It should not exceed 2000 words.
- The body should include summary, introduction, experimental methods and analysis, results and discussion, conclusions and recommendations, and a brief bibliography. It should include a statement on the purpose of the experiment, a brief description of the procedure used, a description of results presented in accompanying tables and figures, and a list of conclusions drawn from the work.
- Sentences should be short, simple, and clear. Simple, clear statements have the greatest impact.
- All raw data and sample calculations should be included in the appendix of the report.
- Each figure and table in the memo must have a number and title, for example, Figure 7: Comparison of theoretical and experimental results. Each figure and table should be numbered sequentially and referenced by that number in the text. The number of figures and graphs referenced in the text should be kept to a minimum (3 or 4) and should be used to present significant results of the work. Other supplementary figures and tables may be included in the appendix.
To: KMU 402 Lab Instructors: Dr. Zümriye Aksu, Dr. Deniz Tanyolaç,
Dr. Hülya Yavuz, Dr. Selis Önel
Cc:KMU402 Lab assistant: .....
From:Ali Çokçalışkan, Zeynep Labsever, Mehmet Raporyazar, Ayşe Deneyyapar
Date:May 24, 2016
Re:(Subject) Writing a technical memorandum/Proposal for Improvement of Experiment #
Use of memorandums are common in the industry. A memorandum, or shortly a memo, would be only one page, but a technical memo can be longer and include several sections as well as tables, figures, and other illustrations. In this sense, a technical memorandum is basically a shorter and more focused version of a technical report.
The summary section is a brief recounting of the entire document including discussion/background, conclusions, and recommendation. It gives the reader an idea about what the rest of the document will include. The introduction should tell the reader what to expect, the main body of text should report the results, and the conclusions should reiterate the most important results of the study.
The main text part of the technical memo should not be more than four pages. It should not be overly wordy and there must be a balance of the use of tables, figures and pictures. The wording and sentences should be simple and clear, and the information must be to the point. Improper use of format or length may cause deduction of points. The memorandum in this course must be in single column format, with 2 cm margins at the top and bottom and 2 cm margins at the left and right. Text should be single-spaced with Times New Roman 11-point font size. Figures and tables must be captioned and titled with the same font size and any text on the figures or in the tables should not have font-size smaller than 10-points.
A technical memorandumshould be brief and is much shorter than a technical report. Your technical memo should start off with a brief introduction focusing on the objectives of your experiment and the basic procedures you employed. You do not need to provide general background.
Experimental Methods and Analysis
Experimental methods do not need to be detailed, but a brief overview of what equipment was used and the method should be summarized in a few sentences.
Results and Discussion
This is the section to present the results, which should be in the most clear and simple fashion possible using tables, graphs, charts, etc.:
-Figures and tables in the memo must be centered and labeled correctly.
-Figure labels must be placed under the figure and titles must be placed above the tables.
-Equations must also be centered and numbered near the right margin.
-Each figure, table and equation should be numbered sequentially and referenced by that number in the text.
-The number of figures and graphs referenced in the text should be kept to a minimum (3 or 4) and should be used to present only the most significant results of the work.
-Other supplementary figures and tables may be included in the appendix.
In a technical memo, it is effective todiscuss the implications of the results immediately after presenting them. You may discuss possible sources of error and compare the results to the literature or results published elsewhere.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The technical memo should end with conclusions drawn from the experiment and recommendations for future work. Remember that you are submitting the memo to your instructor (or your boss if you were working for a company), who knows the possible results of your work. Therefore, this part must clearly tell the reader the most important conclusions without any doubt and must explain whether additional work is necessary and what the scope of the proposed work would be. In the case of KMU 402 technical memos, your recommendations should focus on potential improvements to the experimental setup and measurements you made.
This section must include a list of valid resources of information in the API format and in the order as referred in the main text.
Wikipedia is not a valid resource of information for this course, but academic or industrial journals, textbooks, handbooks and professional encylopedias are.
If you would like to attach your calculations and reference data or charts, this is the place to present them. It may be useful for someone, who wants to reevaluate your data or check your analysis becausethe conclusions are controversial. Appendix does not provide main information, but provides only supportive information about the topic.
Each lab group should meet at least five times with the lab assistant during the completion of the experimental design assignment.
Meetings should progress as follows:
1. Meeting(?/?/2016):
Understanding the experimental details of the current system and the experimental design question. Students should start a thorough literature study using hardcopy and softcopy library resources.
2. Meeting(?/?/2016):
Discussion of the studies and ideas found after literature study. A thorough literature survey should include up-to-date journal articles related to equipment, measurement techniques, as well as material and system properties. Students should start working on their design after this meeting.
3. Meeting(?/?/2016):
Overview of the mathematical models and/or experimental methods, measurement techniques and tools students have developed or plan to use.
4. Meeting(?/?/2016):
Discussion of results. Students should start writing their technical memorandum.
5. Meeting(?/?/2016):
An overview of the technical memorandum and the presentation of results.
Technical Memorandums are due25/05/2016