Significant variables regarding the level of effectiveness in upper secondary schools in a state of Mexico

Rubi SuremaPeniche

Laura Elena Padilla


Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México

INTRODUCTION. This preliminary report is based on a macro study entitled Longitudinal and contextualized study of the improvement of the school effectiveness in the high school of the state of Aguascalientes, Mexico, and aims to share some advances regarding the first stage of the work that aims to develop a study Longitudinal study contextualized through the analysis of secondary data obtained from the results in the EXANI II, allowing to identify the level of school effectiveness of the schools within the different subsystems of Higher Secondary Education in the state of Aguascalientes; for the purpose of this preliminary report and based on the level of school effectiveness of the high school institutes of Aguascalientes, the variables that were most significant regarding the performance results were identified.

METHOD. School effectiveness was previously established from the results of academic achievement in EXANI II obtained between 2012 and 2015, and contextualized according to the socio-economic level of the family. A secondary analysis of the database containing the EXANI II context questionnaire was carried out, which evaluates the learning outcomes achieved and is applied in a census manner to students enrolled in the last year of high school in the said state. 42 private and 77 public schools were considered, making a total of 119 upper secondary schools in their different subsystems, with an average of 11,100 students per school year.

RESULTS. In a preliminary way, the variables of high level of significance are: Socioeconomic and Cultural Index (ISEC), Sex, High school, Hours of work, Expectation of studies, Extra, you belong to Level 1; With respect to the level of efficiency according to the subsystems, data were obtained that are of great relevance and interest, some of the representative findings are: of the 15 tele-high schools located in State 6 were effective; Of the 27 private schools, only 3 were identified as effective.

DISCUSSION. This study is part of the need and gap that exists to develop studies on school effectiveness in upper secondary education, and more, using secondary data for analysis. Some preliminary results are: variables that may be significant to explain achievement, as well as some subsystems of EMS that are characterized as effective, regardless of context.