Submissions invited for sculpture and installations. They must be made primarily of recycled materials and they must reflect either conservation or sustainability issues (or both). See below for some suggestions. They must be suitable for outside exhibition.

The launch of the Show will be on May 29th simultaneously with the launch at the Zoo of London Sustainability Weeks an annual campaign to make London more sustainable. The Sculpture Show will benefit from the well oiled publicity machine of both London.London21. org the organisers of the Weeks and of London Zoo ( Last year the Zoo had 1,000,000 visitors. See The Show will remain in place until September 5th. There will be a printed catalogue and the catalogue will remain permanently on line connected to  The Zoo will provide each exhibitor with high resolution images of sculptures in site for use by artists for local publicity.

The organisers are looking for up to 20 sculptures/installations with verve and impact. Here are some suggestions for subjects. The Edge of Existence is a charity based at the Zoo fighting for the survival of particularly threatened species. One of those could be represented or the concept – or both together. See The Zoo is involved in the Year of the Frog.The curator Anthony Wilson has already made a frog for the Zoo to publicise this but there is scope for more on this. See another theme might be the interdependence of humans and the natural world. We would welcome graphic ways of representing the problems posed by global warming and pollution. You might illustrate species saved from the brink of extinction such as the European and American bison . You might show extinct species. There is scope for an installation in the roof space of the Bughouse either on the theme of bugs or biodiversity. (images of Bughouse available from Anthony Wilson)

The final date for consideration of pieces is March 30th and we will leave some spaces until then. However, because of the tight time frame we will give the goahead to as many as possible sooner than that.

You may contact the curator by email of phone to discuss ideas - if phone any day of the week or weekend between 9a.m and 9 p.m . By email you can submit images of either completed works or ideas with images of past work, website details to Anthony Wilson , curator, at 01985 840223 Don’t’ send enormous images by email but cut down to 500 pixels across.

The artist will keep 75% of any sales. Al entrants, on acceptance, will be asked to make a brief statement as to the stability of the piece, that is has no sharp or dangerous surfaces and no noxious substances in it. The Zoo will reserve the right at any stage to remove a sculpture.