No-Fault Library Card for Foster Children

The County of Los Angeles Public Library reaches out to children in at-risk populations.While some foster children in Los AngelesCounty have caregivers who take on the financial responsibility necessary in securing a library card for their foster children, many of them are reluctant to take on that responsibility. In the event of a change in placement, the child may use the card irresponsibly andthe original caregiver may be responsible for subsequent library fines or charges for lost library materials.

Since October 2002, the Public Library and the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) have worked together to provide a “no-fault” library card for foster children. DCFS is responsible for any fines or overdue materials and fees for lost materials checked out by foster children enrolled in the program. Currently, more than 1300children have received library cards through this program.

In 2007, the Library engaged in outreach activities to promote the no-fault library card. Outreach included booths at DCFS Christmas events and fund-raisers. Library staff provided informationat several DCFS conferences, education meetings and foster parent events. DCFS promoted the library card and the Library’s on-line tutoring program to the children and families through their website. There were 212 children who received the no-fault library card in Fiscal Year (FY) 2007-08.

Library Cards for Probation Youth

During FY 2007-08 the Public Library continued its partnership with the Probation Department.Each youth received a library card after incarceration at a Juvenile Hall or probation camp. During FY 2007-08, more than 5,000 library cards were issued. More than 100 probation officers have participated in library orientations. Many school based probation officers are regularly bringing their clients to CountyLibraries to learn about and use library books and resources. The Library and Probation Department are exploring on how to expand their partnership.

Live Homework Help

The County of Los Angeles Public Library offers a free on-line Live Homework Help program. The website is It is available in English and Spanish from 1:00 pm – midnight every day. Free tutoring sessions with a qualified tutor are available on-line in English, Math, Science and Social Studies.All that a student needs is access to the Internet and a County of Los Angeles Public Library card. In FY 07–08, more than 55,000 students used the service .

Early Childhood Programs

Family Place

Family Place is designed to assist families to strengthen their knowledge about and support for their children’s early childhood development and learning. The Public Library provides appealing spaces for parents and children to learn together. The Librariesprovide parent/child workshops where parents are introduced to community resources that can assist them to answer questions and deal with issues of child rearing. In 2007 - 2008, the CountyLibrary expanded the program from 19 sites to 25. Almost 11,000 children and caregivers were reached through the library programs and parent training.

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