Cell Reproduction

Section 1

A.Cell division—increases the number of cells and causes many-celled
organisms to grow

1.Cells have periods of formation, growth and development, and death called life cycles.

2.Interphase—most of the life of any eukaryotic cell, or cell with a nucleus, is spent in a period of growth and development.

a.Chromosome—structure in the nucleus that contains hereditary material

b.During interphase, a cell duplicates its chromosomes and prepares for cell division.

c.After interphase, the nucleus divides, and then the cytoplasm separates to form two new cells.

B.Mitosis—process in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei


a.Nucleolus and nuclear membrane disintegrate.

b.Centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell.

c.Spindle fibers begin to stretch across the cell.

2.Metaphase—pairs of chromatids line up across the center of the cell.


a.Each centromere divides.

b.Each pair of chromatids separates and moves to opposite ends of the cell.

4.Telophase—spindle fibers disappear and a new nucleus forms.

C.Results of mitosis

1.Each cell in your body, except sex cells, has the same number of 46 chromosomes.

2.Allows growth and replaces worn out or damaged cells

D.Asexualreproduction—anew organism is produced from one parent organism.

1.An organism with no nucleus divides into two identical organisms by fission.

2.Budding—a small, exact copy of the adult grows from the body of the parent.



3.In regeneration, a whole new organism grows from each piece of the parent.


Section 2Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis

A.Sexual reproduction—two sex cells, usually an egg and a sperm, come together.

1.Fertilization—the joining of an egg and a sperm, generally from two different organisms of the same species

a.Sperm are formed in the male reproductive organs.

b.Eggs are formed in the female reproductive organs.

c.A cell that forms from fertilization is a zygote.

2.Following fertilization, mitosis begins and a new organism develops.

B.Division of sex cells

1.Body cells are diploid, because they have 23 pairs of similar chromosomes.

2.Sex cells are haploid, because they have 23 single chromosomes.

3.Meiosis—a process that produces haploid sex cells

a.In meiosis I, the nucleus divides and produces two new cells with one chromosome each.

b.In meiosis II, the nuclei divide and the chromatids separate, producing four cells with half the number of chromosomes of the original nucleus.

Section 3DNA

A.DNA—a chemical that contains information that an organism needs to grow and function

1.Watson and Crick made an accurate model of DNA in 1953.

2.The structure of DNA is similar to a twisted ladder.

a.The sides of the ladder are made up of sugar-phosphate molecules.

b.The rungs of the ladder are made up of nitrogen bases.

3.Before a cell divides, its DNA duplicates itself by unwinding and separating its sides, then forming new sides.

B. Genes—sections of DNA on a chromosome

1.Contain instructions for making specific proteins

2. RNA carries the codes for making proteins from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

a.Messenger RNA carries the code that directs the order in which the amino acids bond.

b.Ribosomal RNA makes up ribosomes, where proteins are built.

c.Transfer RNA brings amino acids to the ribosomes to build the protein.

3. Cells use only the genes that direct the making of proteins needed by that cell.

C.Mutations—any permanent change in the DNA sequence of a cell’s gene or chromosome

1. Can be caused by outside factors like X rays, sunlight, and some chemicals

2. A change in a gene or chromosome can change the traits of an organism.