Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex

Whole-of-Government Reference Group

Terms of Reference


Community Development Division

Department of Premier and Cabinet

Terms of Reference LGBTI Whole-of-Government Reference Group

LGBTI Whole-of-Government Reference Group

The Government has established a whole-of-government reference group to assist implementation of the Framework and improve partnerships and consultation with LGBTI communities.

Terms of Reference

The Director of the Community Development Division in the Department of Premier and Cabinet will convene and Chair the Government Reference Group (GRG). The GRG will provide advice and leadership to government agencies on:

  • whole-of-government planning and policy relating to how services should be provided to be inclusive of members of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) communities;
  • the outcomes and effectiveness of the Whole-of-Government Framework for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Tasmanians and policies that are implemented at agency level to improve service delivery outcomes for members of LGBTI communities; and
  • progress towards achieving Tasmania Together benchmarks relevant to LGBTI communities.

The GRG will not consider agency specific issues, which are more appropriately considered by the AgencyWorking Groups, or issues relating to specific individuals or LGBTI organisations.

The GRG will provide advice and information to the Minister for Community Development on the implementation of the Framework and the delivery of services to members of LGBTI communities. Where appropriate or requested, briefings will be provided to Cabinet.

In addition to the Department of Premier and Cabinet (Chair), the GRG membership will include:

  • representatives from the Departments of Justice, Education, Health and Human Services and Police and Emergency Management at a seniorlevel;
  • a senior representative from the Public Sector Management Office (to attend when employment related issues are to be considered);
  • other agencies as required (to attend when agency-relevant issues are placed to be considered); and
  • non-government participants nominated by LGBTI community organisations.

State Government agency representatives will be required to have an understanding of the range of services delivered by their agency, both services specifically targetingLGBTI communities and more broadly, and any specific initiatives that have or may be implemented to improve service delivery and outcomes for LGBTI Tasmanians.

Representatives nominated by LGBTI communityorganisations will:

  • offer expertise, advice and knowledge to the GRG about issues affecting LGBTI Tasmanians;
  • report on issues of relevance to their respective networks;
  • assist in monitoring the implementation of the Framework; and
  • identify issuesthat require a whole-of-government response, strategy, guidance or leadership, and contribute to solutions for consideration by the GRG, noting that issues relating to services provided by individual agencies are to be dealt with by agency working groups.

The GRG will meet up to three times per year.

Secretariat support will be provided by the Community Development Division of the Department of Premier and Cabinet.