Ms. Barbara Evoy

September 23, 2002

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/ Department of
Environmental Management

Environmental Health Services Dennis Kalson, REHS

(707) 421-6765 FAX (707) 421-4805 Program Manager

September 23, 2002

Ms. Barbara Evoy, Division Chief

Division of Clean Water Programs

State Water Resources Control Board

P.O. Box 100

Sacramento, CA 95812-0100

Dear Ms. Evoy:

Subject:Application for Cleanup and Abatement Account Funds to Conduct a Water Supply Vulnerability Analysis to Facilitate Remediation of Actual or Potential Public Health Threats

The Solano County Department of Environmental Management (SCDEM) is pleased to present this application for your consideration. We propose to initiate a county-wide notification and tracking mechanism for impacted areas and water supply wells to minimize water quality impacts, prevent threats to public health, and accelerate clean up and response time of contaminated sites. This work would be coordinated with the staff at the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (Bay Area RWQCB), Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, and SCDEM.

This grant will be utilized to initiatea County-wide inter-agency tracking and notification system for existing contaminant plumes and water supply wells. This system will enact more effective communication between oversight agencies and a tracking system for non-regulated wells to ensure that impacted sites near water supply wells are properly prioritized for accelerated cleanup.

The project will have direct benefits for groundwater protection efforts throughout the area by better enabling dischargers and their consultants, SWRCB and RWQCB staff, local oversight agencies, and permitting agencies to track non-regulated wells and ensure that impacted sites near water supply wells are properly prioritized for accelerated cleanup.

SCDEM will work closely with SWRCB andRWQCB staff prior to and during the study. Progress reports will be submitted on a quarterly basis with the final report to be distributed to the SWRCB, RWQCBs, and other interested parties upon completion of the project.

The project team for this study will consist of SCDEM professional and support staff, and a consultant under SCDEM direction. The proposal with an estimated budget for this project is attached. Per the attached project proposal, we request the sum of $99,800 from the Cleanup and Abatement Account fund to complete the work, and anticipate the work will be performed within one year of obtaining funds. This proposal has been reviewed and approved by RWQCB staff. Resolution supporting this application from the RWQCB is attached.

If you have questions regarding this proposal, please contact Misty Kaltreider of my staff at (707) 421-6765. Thank you for considering this application.


Dennis Kalson, REHS

Program Manager

cc:Mike Harper, Assistant Chief, Division of Clean Water Programs, SWRCB

Stephen Hill, Chief, Toxics Cleanup Program, San Francisco Bay RWQCB

Attachments:Cleanup and Abatement Account Fund Application Summary

Proposal for Water Supply Well Vulnerability Analysis

Resolution of Support – RWQCB