Class- Ladybirds (Reception)
Teacher- Miss Taylor
Topic literacy-
- look at a range of different traditional tales
- write an invitation to Cinderella’s Ball
- orally dictate a Wanted Poster for the wolf
- put objects in size order in The Three Bears Cottage
- measure a beanstalk using non-standard measurement
- count magic beans using 1:1 correspondence
Drivers / Spirituality / Our place in the world / Learning to learn / Wow moments
In our spiritual development we will:
- work as part of a group
- demonstrate friendly behaviour
- have faith in our own ability
- make comments and ask questions
- look closely at similarities and differences
- try new activities
- begin to become a little bit more independent
- starting big school!
- sharing our Learning Journey with our families.
- taking part in Rugby World Cup activities
Prime Areas
Making Relationships / Self Confidence & Self Awareness / Managing Feelings & Behaviour
As members of Ladybird Class we are learning to:
- play in a group, sharing toys and ideas
- demonstrate friendly behaviour by initiating conversations and forming good relationships with other children and adults in the setting
- ask adults when we need help
- talk to others when we are playing
- be aware of our feelings and know that some words or actions can hurt other people
- share and take turns either by ourselves or with some support
Physical Development / Communication & Language
Moving & Handling / Health & Self Care / Listening & Attention / Understanding / Speaking
As active children we are learning to:
- gain control over our small and large scale movements
- learn our first dance routine for our daily ‘wake and shake’
- tell an adult how we are feeling at different times during the day
- change for PE independently or with a little bit of support
- listen to a range of different traditional tales
- respond to simple instructions
- use talk to express our feelings and connect ideas
Specific Areas
Understanding the World / Expressive Arts and Design
People & Communities / The World / Technology / Exploring & Using Media and Materials / Being Imaginative
As members of the world community we are learning to:
- spot similarities and differences between ourselves and different fairy tale characters
- show care and concern for others
- look after a beanstalk
- know how to use our classroom computers to complete simple activities
- use instruments to make different sounds, inspired by story characters
- represent different fairy tale characters using our bodies and voices