Country / Kazakhstan
1/ Background Statistics
Human development index rank / 661
GNI per capita (PPP in US$) / 10,2341
Life expectancy at birth (years) / 65.41
Mean years of schooling (years) / 10.31
Expected years of schooling (years) / 15.1 1
Total population / 16,026,0002
2/ Disability Statistics
Population of persons with disabilities / 405,0003, a 475,0004
Proportion of persons with disabilities to total population / 2.7 per cent3, a 3 per cent4
Employment rate of persons with disabilities / About 4,000 people with disabilities have a job4
Access to education / ..
Definition of disability / ..
Definition of persons with disabilities / TheLaw on Social Protection of Invalids in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005)defines as “invalid” “a person incapacitated by chronic illness or injuries which results in limitations and need for livelihood and social protection.”3
Categories of impairment / The Rules Governing the Conduct of the Medical-Social Expertise Commissions (2000) assessment procedure is based on the following:
  • Self-care ability
  • Ability for mobility
  • Orientation Ability
  • Communication ability
  • Ability for self-control behaviour
  • Work ability
  • Learning ability3

4/ Commitment to International Instruments on Disability
Ratification or signatory of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and its Optional Protocol / Signed Convention on 11 December 2008; Signed Optional Protocol on 11 December 20085
Ratification of ILO Convention 159 / No6
Ratification or signatory of the Convention on Cluster Munitions / No7
Ratification or signatory of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction / No8
5/Legal Framework
Constitutional provisions / Constitution of Kazakhstan (1990, sect. II, art. 27, para. 3; sect. II, art. 28, para.1)
Disability-specific laws
Comprehensive / Law on Social Protection of Disabled Persons (2006)
Sectoral / Cover: early detection, intervention and education; access to built environment; poverty alleviation and social security
Disability-inclusive laws / ..
6/Policy Framework
Disability-specific policies
Comprehensive / Programme on the Rehabilitation of Disabled People for 2006-2008b
Sectoral / State Programme on Providing Equal Opportunities for Disabled People (1999)
Disability-inclusive / ..
7/Institutional Framework
The national coordination mechanism or disability focal point / Union of Voluntary Societies of Disabled People in Kazakhstan


  1. United Nations Development Programme (2010).Human Development Report 2010(New York, UNDP).
  2. United Nations (2011).World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, accessed from on 26 July 2011.
  3. Seitenova, Ai-Gul S. and Charles M. Becker (2008). “Disability in Kazakhstan: An Evaluation of Official Data”, SP Discussion Paper No. 0802 (World Bank), accessed from 26 July 2011.
  4. UNDP (2009). “Persons with Disabilities in Kazakhstan: Employment Issues”, October 9, accessed from 26 July 2011.
  5. United Nations (2011). “Convention and Optional Protocol Signatures and Ratifications”, on the United Nations Enable website, accessed from 17 October 2011.
  6. International Labour Organization (2011). “Convention No. C 159”, accessed from 17 October 2011.
  7. Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) (2008). “Ratifications and Signatures”, accessed from 17 October 2011.
  8. Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction (1997). “State Parties and Signatories”, accessed from on 17 October 2011.


  1. This represents the persons who are receiving State social disability allowances (Seitenova 2008).
  2. As of March 2009, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection has developed a new document on rehabilitation of persons with disabilities for 2009-2011; the document is currently under consideration by the Government.



a) Disability


b) Persons with disabilities

TheLaw on Social Protection of Invalids in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005)defines as “invalid” “a person incapacitated by chronic illness or injuries which results in limitations and need for livelihood and social protection.” (Kazakhstan 2005)

c) Categories of impairment

The Rules Governing the Conduct of the Medical-Social Expertise Commissions (2000) assessment procedure is based on the following (Seitenova 2008):

  • Self-care ability
  • Ability for mobility
  • Orientation Ability
  • Communication ability
  • Ability for self-control behaviour
  • Work ability
  • Learning ability

2.Legal framework

a) Constitutional provisions

  • Constitution of Kazakhstan, 1995 (last amended in 2007)
    [English] – [Kazakh]

Section II on the Individual and Citizen

  • Article 27 (3) “Able-bodied children of age must take care of their disabled parents.” (Kazakhstan 1990, sect. II, art. 27, para. 3);
  • Article 28(1) “A citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be guaranteed a minimum wage and pension, and guaranteed social security in old age, in case of disease, disability or loss of a breadwinner and other legal grounds.” (Kazakhstan 1990, sect. II, art. 28, para.1)

b) Disability-specific laws and regulations

i. Comprehensive disability-specific laws and regulations

  • Law on Social Protection of Disabled Persons, 2005
    [English] – [Kazakh]

The Law on Social Protection of Disabled Persons (Kazakhstan 2005) regulates the social protection measures for persons with disabilities in Kazakhstan and determines the economic and institutional conditions to ensure their social protection and create equal opportunities for livelihood and integration into the society.
Chapter 1 on “General Provisions” defines the scope of the law and provides necessary definitions used throughout the law such as persons with disabilities, disability, social protection and rehabilitation, among others.
Chapter 2 provides for the “State Policy on Social Protection of Invalids”, thus:

1.Prevention of Disability;

2.Social Protection, including Rehabilitation of Invalids;

3.Integration of Invalids into Society.

The State Policy sets out several principles which include respect for human rights and the rule of law, social security protection, equal access to services and freedom to choose activities, collaboration among stakeholders in dealing with disability issues and the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability. The law also defines the responsibilities of the Government including Ministries and local governments.
Provisions of the law include the following:

4.Regulation of medical and social assessment of persons with disabilities where they undergo an integrated analysis of their medical, functional, social, occupational and psychological conditions. This serves as a basis for the provision of various services including individual rehabilitation plans.

5.Regulations governing social assistance in the form of Government benefits, compensation and other payments. This includes pension payments for those in need of guardianship living in public health and social institutions.

6.Regulations on rehabilitation including medical, social, vocational rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring or compensating for damaged or lost body functions. Medical rehabilitation includes provisions for replacement therapy, reconstructive surgery, and assistance in acquiring orthopedic prosthesis, among others. Social rehabilitation measures include, training on social skills, personal hygiene, mobility and communication provision of support for mobility, communication and care, legal assistance, and other services appropriate to the individual programme of rehabilitation.

7.Regulations on technical support for mobility including prosthesic and orthopaedic care and assistive devices for mobility.

8.Regulations on the social care at home or in social service centres for persons and children with disabilities who are in need of care and assistance as a result of partial or total loss of capacity to meet their basic needs, loss of mobility and others.

9.Regulations on social services provided in health and social institutions related to persons with psycho-neurological illness, children with disabilities and elderly.

10.The law provides for accessibility in the built environment specifically residential developments, public and industrial buildings, installations and premises. Moreover, it provides for special traffic lights and additional measures for persons with disabilities in crowded places or locations of institutions that provide services to them. Provisions have also been set for the providing them with easy access to public transport as well as freedom of orientation and movement in airports, railway stations, and in bus, sea and river ports.

11.Local executive bodies are mandated by the law to register and accommodate persons with disabilities who need housing. They are also tasked to equip housing for persons with disabilities or families with a person with disability with tools and accessories.

12.The law provides for ensuring that persons with disabilities are able to participate in cultural and sports activities by providing access to these places.

13.Access to information is provided by the law which includes production of materials for persons with disabilities and provision of sign language interpretation on television.

14.The law guarantees that children with disabilities with free primary, basic secondary and general secondary education. An education quota has been set by the Government.

15.Vocational rehabilitation services including vocational guidance, training, employment.

16.Employment provisions include an employment quota scheme of 3 per cent, creation of additional jobs through individual entrepreneurship, small and medium businesses, and creation of special jobs.

ii. Sectoral disability-specific laws and regulations

Sectoral disability-specific laws and regulations are included below (Table 1):

Table 1: Sectoral disability-specific laws and regulations in Kazakhstan

Regulations / Content
Self-Help Organizations of Persons with Disabilities
Women with Disabilities
Early Detection, Intervention and Education
Government Decree No. 754 of 20 July 2005 on several matters relating to rehabilitation of the disabled (Text No. 392), 1 / Provides for the rules for granting prosthesis and technical equipment to persons with disabilities, the rules for granting special equipment for moving persons with disabilities, and rules for granting sanatorium treatment to persons and children with disabilities.
Government Decree No. 803 of 11 June 2001 on the creation of the Council for the disabled (Text No. 273), 1 / Gives the composition of the council and provides for its main tasks and organization of its activities.
Government Decree No. 1298 of 24 August 2000 to approve the Regulations in medico-social expert commissions (Text No. 440), 1 / Provides for creation and activity of expert commissions for disability evaluation, their rights and obligations, evaluation procedure, and determination of the disability group and of the disability of children under 16.
Regulations No. 893 of 11 July 1996 on measures to improve the grant to invalids of specialized equipment
(Text No. 277), 1 / Presents a plan of general measures concerning, inter alia, control of equipment quality, educational needs, and creation of a technical service.
Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan on No. 306 - S "Model Rules of social services in public health and social institutions and non-medical and social organizations for children with disabilities locomotive", 2005, 2
Resolution No. 754 "Rules of spa treatment and children with disabilities", 2005 (Annex), 2
Rules Governing the Conduct of the Medical-Social Expertise Commissions, 20 July 2005, 1
Training and Employment
Access to Built Environment and Public Transportation
Resolution No. 754 "Rules provide special means of movement of persons with disabilities", 2005, 2
Resolution No. 754 "list of technical support (compensation) funds and special vehicles, provided the disabled", 2005, 2
Resolution No. 754 "Rules of ensuring the disabled prosthetic and orthopaedic assistance and technical support (compensation) funds", 2005, 2
Access to Information and Communication
Poverty Alleviation through Capacity-building,
Social Security and Sustainable Livelihood Programmes
Government Decree No. 17 of 6 January 2006 to approve the Programme of rehabilitation of the disabled for 2006-2008 (Text No. 13), 1 / Deals, inter alia, with development of the system of social security for persons with disabilities and improvement of social assistance, medical, social and vocational rehabilitation, and development of employment promotion.
Government Decree No. 17 of 6 January 2006 to approve the Programme of rehabilitation of the disabled for 2006-2008
(Text No. 13), 1 / Deals, inter alia, with development of the system of social security for persons with disabilities and improvement of social assistance, medical, social and vocational rehabilitation, and development of employment promotion.
Plan of measures of 6 January 2006 for the realization of the Programme of rehabilitation of the persons with disabilities for the years 2006-2008, 2 / Deals, inter alia, with improvement of the system of disability prevention, development of the system of social protection of the persons with disabilities and increase of their social assistance, improvement of the system of rehabilitation of the persons with disabilities (medical, social and vocational), and development of forms of active promotion of employment of the persons with disabilities.
Government Decree No. 1266 of 21 December 2005 on the creation of a Coordination Council in the field of social protection of the disabled
(Text No. 626), 1 / Provides that the Council is mainly in charge of preparing propositions and recommendations for the social protection of the persons with disabilities.
Act No. 74, On the use of targeted current transfers envisaged in the republican budget for 2007, to provide needy persons with disabilities mandatory hygienic facilities and the provision of sign language specialists, personal assistants in accordance with individual programme, 2007, 2
Resolution N 819 "On approval of the Rules of appointment and payment of public implementation of basic social disability benefits, loss of breadwinner and age, pension payments from the State Centre for pensions, basic state pension payments, state special benefits", 2006, 2
Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 157 "On making amendments and additions to the order, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 7, 2004 No. 286 - u" On approval of the Rules of individual development programme Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons, 2006, 2
Annex 1 to Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan "3" No. 157 - S Annex 1 to the Rules of development of individual rehabilitation programmes for disabled, 2006, 2


1.International Labour Organization (ILO) (no date). “Kazakhstan:Employment policy, promotion of employment and employment services”, NATLEX, accessed from 26July 2011.

2. Kazakhstan (2008). Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, electronic communication with ESCAP.

c) Disability-inclusive laws and regulations


3.Policies and plans

a) Disability-specific policies and plans

i. Comprehensive disability-specific policies and plans

  • National Complex Programme of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons for 2006-2008
    [English] – [Kazakh]
  • State Programme on Providing Equal Opportunities for Disabled People (1999)
    [English] – [Kazakh]

ii. Sectoral disability-specific policies and plans


b) Disability-inclusive policies and plans


4.Institutional framework and Government focal point

  • Ministry of Labour and Social Protection

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection is the focal ministry for disability issues in Kazakhstan.

The Ministry can be contacted at the following:

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.
8 Orynbor str., House of the Ministries,
010000, Astana, Kazakhstan,
Tel: +7 (7172) 743604
Fax: +7 (7172) 743608

  • Union of Voluntary Societies of Disabled People

The Union of Voluntary Societies of Disabled People in Kazakhstan is the national coordination body on disability in Kazakhstan. Established in 1998, the Union includes 18 local community organizations (including those focused on sports, children and women) (ESCAP 2004c, Q 1-b).

5. Useful links

Electronic Government of the Government of Kazakhstan

Invalid.kz is a comprehensive site providing a wide array of information on disability in Kazakhstan (Russian Language)

6. References

Kazakhstan (1990). Constitution of Kazakhstan, 25 October, accessed from 26July 2011.
______(2003). “Kazakhstan Country Paper”, paper presented byZhanat Zakiyevaat theUN ESCAP/CDPF Regional Meeting on an International Convention on Disability,Beijing, China, 4-7 November 2003, accessed from 6 October 2010.
Seitenova, Ai-Gul S. and Charles M. Becker (2008). “Disability in Kazakhstan: An Evaluation of Official Data”, Discussion Paper No. 0802 (World Bank), accessed from 26July2011.

Last updated: 17October2011.