Kim Raby

GEOG 3511 – Introduction to Hydrology

Final Project

December 16, 2002

Logging and Water Yield


Alexander, RR, CA Troendle, MR Kaufmann, WD Shepperd, GL Crouch, RK Watkins, LD Love. 1985. The Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado: Research Program and Published Research 1937-1985. RMRS-GTR-118. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experimental Station. Fort Collins, Colorado.

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Keppeler, ET and RR Ziemer. 1990. Logging effects on streamflow: water yield and low summer flows at CasparCreek in Northwestern California. Water Resources Research, July 1990. Volume 26: Number 7, 1669-1679.

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Swanson, RH. 1988. The effect of in situ evaporation on perceived snow distribution in partially clearcut forests. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Western Snow Conference, Kalispell, Montana, 87-92.

Troendle, CA. 1987. Effect of clearcutting on streamflow generating processes from a subalpine forest slope. In Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management. IAHS Publication Number 167, 545-552.

Troendle, CA and RM King. 1987. The effect of partial and clearcutting on streamflow at Deadhorse Creek, Colorado. Journal of Hydrology. 90:145-147.

Troendle, CA and RM King. 1985. The effect of timber harvest on the Fool Creek Watershed, 30 years later. Water Resources Research. December. 21(12):1915-1922.

Troendle, CA and JR Meiman. 1984. Options for harvesting timber to control snowpack. In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Western Snow Conference, Sun Valley, Idaho, 86-98.

Troendle, CA and WK Olsen. 1994. Potential effects of timber harvest and water management on streamflow dynamics and sediment transport. In Sustainable Ecological Systems Proceedings.General Technical Report RM-247. USDAForest Service, Rocky MountainForest and Range Experimental Station. Fort Collins, Colorado. 34-41.

Troendle, CA, RA Schmidt, MH Martinez. 1988. Snow deposition processes in a forest stand with a clearing. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Western Snow Conference, Kalispell, Montana, 78-88.

Troendle, CA and JD Stednick. 1999. Discussion: Effects of basin scale timber harvest on water yield and peak streamflow, by TA Burton. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, February 1999. Discussion Number 95146D. Volume 35: Number 1, 177-181.

Troendle, CA, MS Wilcox, GS Bevenger, LS Porth. 2001. The Coon Creek water yield augmentation project: implementation of timber harvesting technology to increase streamflow. Forest Ecology and Management 143 (2001) 179-187.

Ziemer, RR, J Lewis, ET Keppeler. 2002. Hydrologic consequences of logging second-growth redwood watersheds. USDAForest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. Accessed online at