PPE (Point, Proof, Explanation) Paragraphs

Topic Sentence

– include title of work, author and a three-prong thesis


In the Brothers Grimm’s fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Snow White is presented as a beautiful, kind and naïve character.

PPE x 3

– provide a point, proof and explanation for each of your three thesis prongs

– use a linking word for each point

– cite quotations properly

– make sure explanations EXPLAIN and do not just repeat your point


Firstly, throughout the fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Snow White is shown as a beautiful girl. In particular, this is shown when the evil queen’s mirror states that, “Snow White is the fairest of them all” (Brothers Grimm 2). This example proves that Snow White is ranked the most beautiful in all the kingdom, as it is by a mirror that sees all.

Snow White is also proven to be a kind person throughout her story. She is shown as kind when she helps the dwarfs with their cooking and cleaning (Brothers Grimm 3). Snow White does this helping out of the goodness of her heart and unselfishly, proving her true kindness.

Lastly, Snow White’s actions show her naivety. For example, Snow White proves her naïve nature when she takes an apple from a strange old woman (Brother Grimm 5). Without even thinking Snow White accepts an apple from a stranger, who turns out to be the evil queen, showing her overly trusting nature.


- restate three prongs


In conclusion, throughout their fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Brothers Grimm portray Snow White as a beautiful, kind and naïve character, through her actions and others’ reactions to her.