Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The meeting at the Blennerhassett Hotel was called to order by Chairman Doug Hess at noon. Also attending were: Blaine Auville, Susi Gilmore, Jim Rose, Randy Lowe, H.E. Shaver, Eric Chichester, Carl Sizemore, Mike Barrick, Kenny Harris, Dot Harris, Tim Pingley, Earl Totten, Tom Joyce, John Rockhold, K.D Roberts, John Young, Dave White, Eric Bucklin, Christina Smith, Wendy Tuck, Roberta Cox, Patrick B., Arnie Green, Ashley Jackson, Steve Johnk, and Kevin Campbell.

Tom made a motion to accept the minutes as e-mailed. John seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Grant Committee

Decisions must be made regarding the SERC & HMEP Grant applications which are due soon. The Committee will have recommendations at the next meeting

Using a Power Point presentation, Arnie discussed the Strategic Plan for the LEPC which he and his committee have been working on since November. The process determined the current and future needs of the Committee. He explained the history of the LEPC since the Clean Air Act of 1996 and how it has evolved and grown. The complete presentation which contains all results and conclusions of the Strategic Planning Sub Committee of the Citizens Corps Grant is attached to these minutes.

Two Committees are needed to push the Path Forward as determined. Committee 1 will develop a list and legitimize the collaborative offerings of the membership. Steve Johnk will head this committee. Other members are Tom Joyce, Jim Rose, Christina Smith and John Rockhold. Committee 2 will proceed with the future direction of the Committee. Doug Hess will head this committee. Other members are Eric Chichester, Mike Barrick, Carl Sizemore, Arnie Green and Eric Bucklin. Doug invited all members to attend either committee meeting.

The Full Scale Exerc ise will be held the evenings of May 18 & 20

New Business

Doug nominated Bob Hess of Verizon for membership. Keith Roberts said that he would like Lt. John Young to replace him as a representative of Parkersburg Police Department. John Rockhold made a motion to nominate those individuals as stated. Eric seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Jim discussed liability for CERT trained individuals. Since the Health Department already has volunteers under their liability coverage it was recommended that the CERT program continue under their direction. The Health Department can provide continued training and already has methods of volunteer deployment. Mike made a motion to place the CERT program with the Health Department. John seconded the motion which passed unopposed.

Doug said that, as a precaution, he would like to have permission to spend a small amount of money in case the charges from the hotel were for more than the 80 lunches allowed by the grant. John made a motion to allow Doug to spend extra money if needed. Jim seconded the motion which passed.

Other Business

Large Animal Rescue Training will be held May 29 & 30 at the Wood County Fair Grounds in Mineral Wells.

Christina has received a Citizens Corps grant for a train the trainer program for Individuals with Disabilities and Special Populations.

The next meeting will be held at 11:30 AM, Wednesday, June 16, 2010Please RSVP to or 304-420-0911.