LOCATION & TIME: Church leadership training will be held at First United Methodist Church in Dexter. First UMC is located at 501 S Walnut St. Sign in at the registration table beginning at 9:00 am, grab a beverage/snack, and be ready for the opening session beginning promptly at 9:15 am

PURPOSE: This event, for clergy and laity leaders, will be the first part of a new three year curriculum being designed to orient new leaders, provide practical and focused training in key responsibilities, and enable sharing of resources and best practices.

TRAINING SHEDULE AND CONTENT:After a brief opening session, four breakout sessions will be offered.

“Just Say Yes,”based on Bishop Schnase’s new book, invites us to take a good, long, deep look at ourselves and particularly examine how what we do and how we do it “is or isn’t” opening hearts, minds, and doors to the life and power of the Spirit.This mini retreat is for anyone interested in learning how to “just say yes” and to unleash people for ministry. It is specifically recommended for the following leaders of the church: pastor, lay leader, church council chair, and the lay member to Annual Conference.

“Trustees,” “Pastor Parish Relations Committee,” and “Finance” sessions will provide training for the Chair and members of these committees. Anyone who just wants to know more about the “ins” and “outs” of these important committees is welcome to attend, as well.You can expect to learn or get a refresher/new perspective of the basic job responsibilities, then dig deeper into the “why” and “how” to be effective in your ministry and the work of your committee. There will also be time for Q&A and sharing of some best practices.

Following the breakout sessions, there will be a brief closing. We expect the event to conclude about noon.

So whether you are taking on a new leadership role in 2016, continuing in your current role, or just want to learn more about the work of these four areas, this training is for you.


“Just Say Yes” - Rev. David Israel and Mike & Todd Rushing, New McKendree United Methodist Church

“Trustees” - Rev. Nate Berneking, Director of Financial and Administrative Ministries - Missouri Conference

“Pastor Parish Relations Committee” - Rev. Fred Leist, District Superintendent

“Finance” - Susan Jespersen,District Administrative Staff

Registration Fee: $5 per person or $20 per church (5 or more)till January 27. $7 per person or $30 per church after January 27.

REGISTRATION FORM-“Just Say Yes”2/6/16 @ First UMC (Dexter)(use additional forms as needed)

Please detach and mail along with check to: Southeast District UMC, 6 North Clark, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

Check which Class(es) / Indicate Participant Name (s)
(use additional form or reverse if needed) / Provide Email or phone #
Just Say Yes
Pastor Parish
Church Name

 Office Use Only 

PaymentRequired ResourcesRegistration Information

 Cash  Check # Picked UpMailedNone Drop Off Email Snail Phone

Collect$@ Event$ Date received  MC