A.C.E.Membership Monthly Meeting
Date: Monday, January 12, 2015
Time:4:15 pm
Location: 715 Main Street
Present:April Waters,Rose Bird, Ko’ona Cochrane, Mary Van Eerd Cook, Renée McGurry, Ruth Graham, Renee McGurry, Vince Solomon, Deborah Clark
Regrets: Val Noseworthy, Dino Altieri
1)Call to Order:The Meeting was called to order at 4:38 pm byApril Waters
2)Adoption of Agenda:
Motion: To accept the Agenda as amended to include Poverty Reduction Support letter in New Business
Moved By: Renée McGurry
Seconded By:Mary Van Eerd Cook
3)Approval of Minutes:
Motion: To accept the Minutes as circulated
Moved By: Renée McGurry
Seconded By: Rose Bird
4)Sharing Circle: Thanks to everyone who was able to make it today.
5)Conference Committee Report/Business
a)Awards Banquet—Table reservations are very slow so far
b)Workshops-The Workshop information has been updated and added to the website. Deborah will be sending out social media tidbits to entice registrations.
c)Volunteers—We will be needing volunteers before, during and after the Conference.
i)Wrap Party, Wednesday, February 11, 2015. We will need to have all the Silent Auctions baskets wrapped. I’ll be at the Hotel by 4pm.
ii)Conference Registration— We will need at least two people on the registration desk.
iii)Pre-Banquet—We need at least two people before the Banquet. We need someone to manage the pre-banquet experience of the recipients, drummer and Mistress of Ceremonies.
iv)Post Conference—an additional person, with a truck/SUV will be needed to move the AV Screens back to the Office.
d)Silent Auction and 50/50 Draw—We will need responsible volunteers as we will have three 50/50 draws in addition to the Silent Auction ticket sales.
6)Executive Director’s Report
a)Conference exhibitors and registrations and coming in more quickly.
b)The “Circle of Learning” workshop is finalized. There has been requests/retreat for the Journeys program.
c)The New Year’s newsletter should be out by the 15th.
d)The Noel Event was a positive experience. We are talking about additional co-operative undertakings.
e)Attended the Community Schools Working Group. There will be a workshop for Principals and Connectors in March.
f)Attended the State of the Inner City report.
g)Attended the Manitoba Métis Federation Open House.
h)Began a conversation with Circle of Life Thunderbird House and the Aboriginal School of Dance.
Motion: To accept the Executive Director’s Report as presented.
Moved By: Deborah Clark
Seconded By:Rose Bird
7)Financial Report
Monthly Report—Profit and Loss statement was circulated.
Motion: To table the Treasurer’s Report.
Moved By: Mary Van Eerd Cook
Seconded By: Rose Bird
8)Business Arising
a)By-Law Update—The revised By-Laws Have been circulated to Board members
Motion: To accept the revisions of the Aboriginal Circle of Educators By-Laws.
Moved By: Rose Bird
Seconded By:Ko’ona Cochrane
b)Annual General Meeting
Motion: To hold the Annual General Meeting at the Annual A.C.E. Conference on Thursday, February 12, 2015.
Moved By: Ko’ona Cochrane
Seconded By: Rose Bird
c)Aboriginal School of Dance [ASD] event—The Aboriginal School of Dance would like to collaborate on a Louis Riel Event, Friday, February 13, 2015.
i)Circle of Learning Workshop—The workshop has been advertised and registrations have started coming in.
ii)Drum Making Workshops—We have booked the three Saturdays in March for the workshops. Deborah will start advertising and will have a registration sheet at the Conference.
e)Executive Director Position—Discussion about the Position, its job description and performance review, including the creation of an committee—Tabled until the March Meeting
9)New Business
a)Winter Dance Camp—The ASD would like to hold a Dance Camp on February 7&8. The ASD would like to invite A.C.E. Members.
b)Louis Riel Day Event—The ASD wants to hold performances on Friday, February 13, 2015 and asks A.C.E. to book the space for the events.
c)Aboriginal Day Event—We will partner with ASD and CoLTH to create a three-day event celebrating Aboriginal Day, with events for school children and individuals.
Motion: To research funding for Aboriginal Day, particularly Celebrate Canada grant.
Moved By: Ko’ona Cochrane
Seconded By: Rose Bird
d)Poverty Reduction Council—Renee circulated a request from Jim Silver asking A.C.E. to support the proposal. The Board determined that it should be reviewed before being voted on.
10)The Meeting was adjourned at 5:58 pm.